Crisis Meeting - TRANSCRIPT

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What bet?


If Moran remains in the SANFL for the remainder of the season, I'll never say anything bad about Neil Craig again.

Are we going to attach any riders to this? Moran is still only 1-2 injuries away from being back in the team. I can't see the selectors playing him again voluntarily, but sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures.

We'll only consider it a bet 'win' for me if Moran plays for the AFC and one or more of Walker, Maric, Jacobs, McKernan or Talia play SANFL that week. In other words, they choose to play Moran over someone else.
There we go.

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Neil: Howdy fellas, beautiful day for it.

Bicks: Neil its pissing rain and about 5 degrees.

Neil: Oh, I thought they were spitting on me from the grandstand

Bicks: Put something warm on for god sake would ya

Neil: No no the cold keeps me alert, so that I can stay right on top of whats going on out on the ground.
Ok. Who are we playing?
:D Keep going please!

Carl, if you lose the bet with Vader do the transcripts stop as well?

Because I'm worried about it!
I had my fingers crossed

What bet?
Can't quite remember how it transpired but I suggested that we were picking teams on a weekly form basis with no plan and the McKernan-Moran shuffle over the last fortnight has been a waste of time.

Vader said that Moran's cards were now marked and he was gone for good, I suggested he was one good SANFL game away from getting a reprieve.

So... I basically bet him that Moran would get another chance.

If he doesn't and Neil comes to his senses and plays him in the SANFL for the remainder of the year like he should, I promised not to say anything negative about Neil again.

In hindsight, for a bet this is convoluted, complicated and quite boring. Not to mention difficult to explain. And also it assumes that Neil will keep the job for the rest of the season too.
You won't know the outcome of the bet until after the last game. So if Neil isn't there next year, you're home free. It might be a few days maximum that you need to hold out.

Can you do that?
Be more along the lines of:

Neil: Campo, what's our midfield set-up?

Campo: Silence.

20 minutes elapse..

Crowd Member: Put Danger in the middle you idiots!

Neil: Good idea, Campo. But I don't appreciate being called an idiot.
If they shoehorn him into another role I'm considering the bet as off!
I can't wait for:

"Inside the Equipment Shed - TRANSCRIPT"

First pre-season training of the summer. Stephen Trigg wanders over after training to have a chat to Neil Craig as he packs away the balls, bibs and cones.

Trigg: Neil, how's it going? Did you enjoy your break?

Craig: ...

Trigg: Come on Neil, no hard feelings mate.

Craig: ...

Mark Bickley, wearing a badge that reads "Deputy Equipment Manager" jogs over.

I have this image of him in a janitors closet/control center keeping an eye on proceedings, a bit like Willy in the Simpsons...

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Ha Ha that was gold ...

Neil Craig seems to be the Sepp Blatter of the AFL, however the feeling over here in Vic is that he'll be gone sooner than you guys think.

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