Crown Casino, Melbourne - Part 2

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Played two nights in a row earlier this week.

First night have to admit i ran pretty well, played $2/3 from 4:30pm until i had to meet a mate for dinner at 7:30, up $400.

No real hands of note, ideal table full of pre flop limp ==> loose callers.

Took down a pot with QQ's in the CO after having raised pre to $25, 4 callers (3 limp/calls), junk flop no draws, loose player out of the BB tried to take it for $45, i made it $90 and took it down, he showed TPTK, surprised he made the laydown. The min raise is underrated live I think.

Few other $30-60 hands i can't remember.

Went out had dinner, then came and played for another couple of hours, managed to get my KK all in pre for $180ish against A:diamond:K:diamond:, held up.

Then played a big pot with 88 one of my favorite hands, couple of limpers, in LP i make it $20, get a call from the button and one the limpers.

Flop comes 4:heart: 8:heart: black 10, and EP makes it $35, i make it $95 and this gets smooth called by the button.

EP folds and the out comes the A:spade:. I think for ages and make it $170, and he moves in on me, enough to put me all in. River is the A:heart:.
He turns over 44 which is unlucky and i take it down.
According to him, EP layed down A10. :cool:

Play for a while and win and lose another couple small-medium pots. Walk away 1:30ish up about $950-1k for the day.

The next day finish work and decide to head in, buy in for $200.

First half hour, dealt KK in MP, first hand aside from I think a checked BB.
UTG+1, a player I have played with before and respect makes it $20, i make it $60 and its folded back around. He makes it $100, and i put the rest of my chips in.

I've been dealt Kings v Aces, part of me suspected it but I can't fold Kings there with a third of my stack already in. Sucks but what can you do. Back in to the pocket and out comes another $200.

20 Mins later, Kings again out of the small or big blind i forget. Raised to $25ish by a loose player with a deep stack in MP. 2 or 3 calls.
F**k it i think I'm not playing KK OOP when there is already $75 in the pot, so I dump it in pre for $200 again. In hindsight just made me look like I was tilting.

Loose Player Snap Calls, rest folds. He turns over 99 and says "SHIT!!" when he sees the Kings. 9 in the window. Go to a 4 flush on the turn to tear my heartstrings a little more but miss. FML.
He then tells me he put me on "AQ or AJ or something":confused:.
Hand back in pocket, digging deeper into last nights winnings.

Then the worst one is this 1-2hrs later, Dealt AKo UTG and make it $20. 2 Calls.
Flop is K:spade: J:diamond: 5:diamond:.
I make it $50 looking to take it down quickly. One of the callers is a youngish player who is semi-pissed and has been warned for acting out of turn at least once before (having little influence over the pot), he's won a couple lucky pots and is sitting on $250ish.

Anyway, another regular with some game is next to act, sitting with $170 ish. He's about to throw in his cards when drunk young guy calls eagerly out out of turn. Tight reg thinks, then decides to move in for $170, dyg calls, I call and we see a turn. Bang 3:diamond:. At this point I'm steaming cos i know the regular has a flush that he would never of chased with out dyg's oot call. Dealer could care less.

I then bet $75 into a side pot and he open folds QJ.
The reg turns over 8:diamond:7:diamond:. He's a nice bloke and genuinely says bad luck and explains that he would never of moved in there without the out of turn call, buys me a drink. I can't blame him, but I am fuming & 600 Down inside 2.5hrs.

Switch tables and buy in once more and after continually having to fold crappy middle pairs and SC's that i never should of called with, i find myself all in for $120 with Jacks against AQo pre. Q on the turn and I am done for the evening $800 down.

Still $100 up for the 2 day period and still >$500 up for the week, so I'm not as angry as I otherwise would be.
Probably should have gone in the vent thread.

Any comments on the hands are welcome, but all in all I don't think I did too much wrong.

I forget who said it, perhaps Ashley12 or Cartman but a sporty drive home (read road tilt) really soothes the soul after a big losing session.
Played on the tables for the first time last Thursday. Playing 1/2's. Was running smoothly, up around 300 after a few hours, playing solid.

I left after this hand however, was on tilt, and didn't want to lose more.

UTG I get Q :spade: 10 :spade:, make it 10 to go.

4 callers, see a flop.

K :diamond:, J :heart:, 9 :club:.

SB checks, BB raises to 20, I raise to 50, LP folds, SB folds, BB raises to 100, I push all in.

Roughly around 150 to call, we were the two big stacks.

Thinks for a while, then calls.

I show down the absolute nuts, he shows K :heart: 5 :heart:.

Turn 4 :heart:, River 10 :heart:.

What can you do? He apologised, I just laughed. Walked away around 100 up so pleased with that, will definitely be back next week. I think I can win a bit there. I thought I played the hand perfectly, so I'm not fussed. That's poker I guess!

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I know I shouldn't play it, but I do anyway...

ie. I know it's bad, but I don't care.

Although I think if you're a good enough player post-flop (getting away from top pair etc.) then you can mix it up with those types of hands. I don't like the raise at the casino as you rarely get credit for ever having a hand/everyone plays far too loose. But as I said if you're good enough post-flop I think it can be +EV online - as raises from UTG are given alot more credit...
Having the outset "I never play a certain hand UTG is kind of wrong" Espcially IMO a hand as strong, yes, strong, as QTs.

The key to playing the hand is to keep the hands you flop top pair small, and the hands that you flop big, you are on a table where people will stack off light. Knowing your customer is very important when playing poker.

As long as the table was one of the loose, passive tables preflop then I definately limp this UTG as well as other positions, raising from late over some weakish limpers...

For those who fold QTs UTG, do you call with QJs, KJs, QKo etc... if so, why?
A lot of these things, including how often it gets raised, and more importantly how much too, comes down to table dynamics. Some tables are tight and aggressive, some are loose and passive, and most are a mix of the two...

QTs is rated by Tommy Angelo as the hand which in HoldEm, has the biggest range in terms of profitability depending on who is playing it, on how skilled that person is, though I think he was just referencing limit Hold Em. Its not a hand that is easy to play, but if I am 70% sure I see a flop maybe 5 or 6 ways I definately play it UTG. If there is a raise after me and a few callers, I call the raise to provided effective stacks are deep.

Thats the biggest issue here IMO. Big difference playing a hand like this with effective stacks around 30BB compared to 150BB... which a lot of 2/3 games can turn to at 2am in the morning...

There are many tables I snap fold this UTG, but at the standard Burswood table, where I am usually either the best or the second best player at the table, the table is predominately weak passive, and the field likely to stack off with TPTK vs my straight or flush, then yes, I fling three white chips, same as Ax's, 22-77, 65s-JTs etc...
QTs is rated by Tommy Angelo as the hand which in HoldEm, has the biggest range in terms of profitability depending on who is playing it, on how skilled that person is, though I think he was just referencing limit Hold Em. Its not a hand that is easy to play, but if I am 70% sure I see a flop maybe 5 or 6 ways I definately play it UTG. If there is a raise after me and a few callers, I call the raise to provided effective stacks are deep.

This! Playing 1/2 at Crown it is very playable.
Don't mean to sound up myself or anything, but I considered myself the best player at the table by a fair bit. I was only playing 1/2's, and was winning most hands I saw a flop with.

I like to raise from UTG as I'll be given credit for my hand. Q10 seemed like a good spot.

Of course you don't expect to get called by K 5 too often 5x the BB.
The folks advocating a fold are either misreading the HH or playing waaay too tight.

If we're 30-50BB deep, then sure, fold. Given it was 150BB+ deep, it's criminal to fold QTs against the Crown monkeys.

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Don't mean to sound up myself or anything, but I considered myself the best player at the table by a fair bit. I was only playing 1/2's, and was winning most hands I saw a flop with.

I like to raise from UTG as I'll be given credit for my hand. Q10 seemed like a good spot.

Of course you don't expect to get called by K 5 too often 5x the BB.

The last two paragraphs completely contradict each other.

The thing is, your only going to be given credit for a hand by those smart enough to pay attention to the game and who are reasonably good. And that in itself will be shot when you start scooping raised pots with the likes of 77, QTs and Ax's that you raised UTG. It only takes a few hands for me to completely change my perceptions of a persons playing abilities. Heck, a friend of mine lost respect in my eyes by raising to 23 first in with ATo in MP, calling my 75 additional raise, and shoving for 300ish on the 677 flop because "He thought I had AK" It can take a lot of work to build a good solid and tight image, but two hands can ruin it...

The fact is, its low limit live poker, filled with fish and donkey's and raked relatively hard. Your going to get called by K5o by a lot of the table, and its a good thing because sometimes the flop will come Kxx and you will have AK UTG...
The last two paragraphs completely contradict each other.

The thing is, your only going to be given credit for a hand by those smart enough to pay attention to the game and who are reasonably good. And that in itself will be shot when you start scooping raised pots with the likes of 77, QTs and Ax's that you raised UTG. It only takes a few hands for me to completely change my perceptions of a persons playing abilities. Heck, a friend of mine lost respect in my eyes by raising to 23 first in with ATo in MP, calling my 75 additional raise, and shoving for 300ish on the 677 flop because "He thought I had AK" It can take a lot of work to build a good solid and tight image, but two hands can ruin it...

The fact is, its low limit live poker, filled with fish and donkey's and raked relatively hard. Your going to get called by K5o by a lot of the table, and its a good thing because sometimes the flop will come Kxx and you will have AK UTG...

Don't disagree there. I played the hand the best I could've, 99/100 times I'd win it. Just ones of those unlucky scenarios.
Went down to the cas today. No 1/2s being playing until Feb. Disappointing. Wasn't brave enough to play 2/3's, I'm good enough, just don't have the bankroll at the moment.

So I played pokerpro for about 5 hours and finished 300 up. Was a good day.
Went down to the cas today. No 1/2s being playing until Feb. Disappointing. Wasn't brave enough to play 2/3's, I'm good enough, just don't have the bankroll at the moment.

So I played pokerpro for about 5 hours and finished 300 up. Was a good day.
Once again, the last two paragraphs contradict each other. $300 not good enough for 2/3. Thats nuts, and not the good kind.
Once again, the last two paragraphs contradict each other. $300 not good enough for 2/3. Thats nuts, and not the good kind.

All he said was that he thinks he can beat 2/3, but cant afford to. The $300 was just the profit from PokerPro...

My personal bankroll has taken a swing, but I wouldnt consider any poker money a "bankroll" without at least 15 full BI's...
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