Customer Complaint

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you can't really blame them, they're ****ing idiots for the most part. that's why they are working there.
not all! some maybe don't know how to pack but we are not all idiots ! and we are human not robots too ! it does help if the customer takes their stuff out of the baskets so you can scan their products , or if they have their cards [ fly buys etc etc ] out prior to the end of the order stuff like that area great help .
I work at safeway and i had one old bag complain because the ticket on the shelf said that the yogurt was light yougurt but it was only 98% fat free and 98% fat free isnt light 99% fat free is light
here is a funny one for you , i scanned a ladies ice cream one day and she said it was the wrong price , no prob's i will check it for you , thinking she thought it was meant to be cheaper then what it scanned , when actually she thought it was meant to be dearer .
when the dairy guy came back and said that it was what it scanned it was just the old price was still on it and that it is a special this week ,she was wanting to pay the dearer price , she insisted on trying to make me over charge her , i would not and did not over charge her , prior to that had never had some one try and make me charge them more then what the product was meant to be , i have had it happen one other time after that , quite funny ! :p:D
not all! some maybe don't know how to pack but we are not all idiots ! and we are human not robots too ! it does help if the customer takes their stuff out of the baskets so you can scan their products , or if they have their cards [ fly buys etc etc ] out prior to the end of the order stuff like that area great help .

lack of understanding of grammar + working as a check out chick = you fall squarely into my category :D;)

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here is a funny one for you , i scanned a ladies ice cream one day and she said it was the wrong price , no prob's i will check it for you , thinking she thought it was meant to be cheaper then what it scanned , when actually she thought it was meant to be dearer .
when the dairy guy came back and said that it was what it scanned it was just the old price was still on it and that it is a special this week ,she was wanting to pay the dearer price , she insisted on trying to make me over charge her , i would not and did not over charge her , prior to that had never had some one try and make me charge them more then what the product was meant to be , i have had it happen one other time after that , quite funny ! :p:D

You're easily amused.
Worked at K-Mart waaaay back in my younger days. One of the things we had to do when scanning items is check the inside of boxes to make sure the right item is in there, or to check if the customer didn't hide something inside, etc.
We're meant to make it look like we're checking if the item isn't damaged...for the clients benefit of course.

One day a customer comes up with an Esky he wants to buy. Plonks it on the counter with a loud thud. I scan it, then proceed to open it to make sure that the esky isn't damaged inside, you know, for the customers benefit. As I'm opening it he gets this oh shitlook on his face and snatches it away from me. Opens it up and starts unpacking a whole bunch of stuff from inside it and says "I also want to buy these". Haha, smooth cover up there.

Also worked in lay-by, and what they do there is wrap items in black plastic bags to protect them from damage, dust, etc. The amount of times I had people complain to me that there was dust on their black plastic bag is mind boggling.

Had one lady lay-by this kids couch. You know those small ones, with like a Winnie the Pooh or Cinderella picture on it? Anyway, she comes to pick it up, and when I bring it out for her she complains that its covered in dust. Ok, that's a fair enough complaint, who wants to give their kid a dusty little couch thingy (too big to be wrapped in plastic bag)?

Me: Ok, hang on, let me go find a new one for you
Customer: That's not good enough, I bought this one and that's the one I want
Me: Don't worry, we have new ones in stock, same design & all. They're identical.
Customer: But this one is dusty
Me: I know, I'll go grab a new one for you right now
Customer: But I want this one

So in this really condescending way I pretend to wipe the dust off it and hand the little couch to her.

Customer: i want to speak to your manager
Me: I'm going to lunch now, see ya.

And I went to lunch :D
She complained to management, and a whole bunch of people that were standing in line apparently backed her up. It was like some sort of class-action complaint or something.
I got told off on the next shift by the store manager, but wasn't given an official warning or anything.
Not really a customer complaint but a funny customer story nonetheless...

A few years back I used to work at a petrol station and often we have people coming in who dont have money to pay for petrol and temporarily leave something of value until they return.

One time this guy left his mobile phone (for $30 of petrol) and came back in the afternoon to pay for it. He pulls out a cheque (which we dont accept cheques full stop!) and hands it to me. I looked at the cheque and instead of $30 it had $330. I told him (prior to saying we dont accept cheques) that he put the incorrect amount.

He then says to me "Ah the $330 is total, $30 for the petrol and $300 for cash out" ... So he wanted to pay his petrol and 300 bucks cash out...:eek:

I actually laughed out loud as he was serious n proceded to tell him sorry we dont take cheques full stop, and he paid for the owing petrol with his own cash money he had and I returned the phone to him.

He left the cheque lying on the table once he left... obviously his bank account being empty!
I was in Torquay Safeway just before New Years and they did the exact right thing.

I had a woman behind me with a trolley full of Cruisers and Breezers and one of the young counter staff said to her "I can't sell those to you because you were with the two girls that couldn't provide ID earlier."

She said "But I'm buying them for myself"
Staff: "I'm very sorry but I don't believe that and I can't sell them to you"
Woman: "OK they are for the girls but they are overage and their IDs are at the caravan park"
Staff: "Well they can go and get them and come back"
Woman: "It's too far to go and get them"
(Caravan Park is all of a K and a half away)
Staff: "Well unless I see some ID from them I can't sell these to you, it's a $6000 fine otherwise"
Woman: "I want to see the manager"

Manager comes out and says the exact same thing as his staff member, woman leaves PO'd and probably buys her deliquent alcos booze somewhere else.


Holy shit, that exact same thing happened to me at the exact same supermarket. We were in Torquay for schoolies last year, and went to that safeway to buy grog. Three of us went in, but only 2 of us were buying grog (the other one was underage) and he waited outside. We went to the counter to pay, and she asked us both for ID, then said we need to get our other mate to show ID as well!? We're both like, WTF, this is our grog, and the other dude didnt even enter the bottle-o. So we just left, very pissed off
Holy shit, that exact same thing happened to me at the exact same supermarket. We were in Torquay for schoolies last year, and went to that safeway to buy grog. Three of us went in, but only 2 of us were buying grog (the other one was underage) and he waited outside. We went to the counter to pay, and she asked us both for ID, then said we need to get our other mate to show ID as well!? We're both like, WTF, this is our grog, and the other dude didnt even enter the bottle-o. So we just left, very pissed off
same most places that are full of schoolies.

they dont ant them there and especially not drunk so they make it extra difficult for you
Worked at K-Mart waaaay back in my younger days. One of the things we had to do when scanning items is check the inside of boxes to make sure the right item is in there, or to check if the customer didn't hide something inside, etc.
We're meant to make it look like we're checking if the item isn't damaged...for the clients benefit of course.

One day a customer comes up with an Esky he wants to buy. Plonks it on the counter with a loud thud. I scan it, then proceed to open it to make sure that the esky isn't damaged inside, you know, for the customers benefit. As I'm opening it he gets this oh shitlook on his face and snatches it away from me. Opens it up and starts unpacking a whole bunch of stuff from inside it and says "I also want to buy these". Haha, smooth cover up there.

love that , i heard a story one day that happened at kmart some one had taken out a bike out of its box , they had also gotten one of those huge flat tv screens that you can place on the wall and took that out of its box , and put it in the bike box , they must have bought the bike [ tv] and got away with it cause the workers found it's box with the bike next to it .
Holy shit, that exact same thing happened to me at the exact same supermarket. We were in Torquay for schoolies last year, and went to that safeway to buy grog. Three of us went in, but only 2 of us were buying grog (the other one was underage) and he waited outside. We went to the counter to pay, and she asked us both for ID, then said we need to get our other mate to show ID as well!? We're both like, WTF, this is our grog, and the other dude didnt even enter the bottle-o. So we just left, very pissed off
they have to do that i was chatting to the liquor land guy at my work about that sort of stuff , said that you may be buying it but if you have friends with you they can ask for id and if any under age can refuse to sell as it is their license that is at risk and hefty fines for both store and the guy serving you

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they have to do that i was chatting to the liquor land guy at my work about that sort of stuff , said that you may be buying it but if you have friends with you they can ask for id and if any under age can refuse to sell as it is their license that is at risk and hefty fines for both store and the guy serving you
what about child with parent :confused:
is it sort of a rule with no real guidlines???
what about child with parent :confused:
is it sort of a rule with no real guidlines???
i think a child with a parent would probably be ok but you get a bunch of what looks to be teenagers and yes 2 of them maybe over 18 they have to check even if they are all over 18 . i have to ask for id even if i think there is a chance they maybe under 18 but might be 25 , i can not afford a $5,000 fine , i don't even have that in the bank at the moment
what about child with parent :confused:
is it sort of a rule with no real guidlines???

I was bored at work one day in a bottle-o and the law stated on those little signs that as long as no money was visibly exchanged the alcohol could be even carried out by an under age person. Sounded a little behind the times to me but that is exactly what it said.
i think a child with a parent would probably be ok but you get a bunch of what looks to be teenagers and yes 2 of them maybe over 18 they have to check even if they are all over 18 . i have to ask for id even if i think there is a chance they maybe under 18 but might be 25 , i can not afford a $5,000 fine , i don't even have that in the bank at the moment

:eek::eek:Wow!! You serious? Do you live in a commission home or something??:p
i work in a supermarket that has to deal with this stuff idiot what does where i don't live got anything to do with what i was talking about !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! moron

Haha mate settle down, i was having a laugh. Bit of sarcasm on my behalf, I don't have $5k in the bank, but yeah just a shit gag by me
what about child with parent :confused:
is it sort of a rule with no real guidlines???

I haven't worked selling liquor but have sold tobacco products and I would presume the laws are pretty similar.

With tobacco if we had a suspicion that the products were intended to be used by a person under the age of 18 then we were not to sell them.

This applied to a group, if I thought they were buying a packet ot all go and smoke I'd ID them all. If I carded someone and they walk out to a car and immediately another comes in from the car and asks for the same thing I'd refuse as I know who it's for.

I even had a parent turn around and ask a kid in their early teens "Which ones do you want?" not surprisingly when the parent ordered it I asked for the kid's ID to which the parent responded "They're for me". yeah, nah.

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Customer Complaint

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