D-Day for Didaka

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Norm Smith Medallist
Veteran RIP Collingwood Magpies - Alan Didak 2010 Player Sponsor
Jan 2, 2007
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London Silly Nannies
Well my friends Monday the 16th of June is the most important day of my short life thus far.

After having my appendix out and collapsing of the bowel I was still having problems which led to a colonoscopy.

Unfortunately a tumor was found during this procedure.

Today is the day where I find out if it is benign or I'm set the battle bowel cancer at 24.

Whether the news is good or bad I will be admitted into surgery in the coming weeks/month to have part of my bowel cut out to ensure I have the biggest chance possible of escaping any life threatening battles.

Wish me luck because I need all I can get. :thumbsu:
Best of luck, didaka. If you receive good news, it would be great to hear from you because I'm sure there'll be a lot of posters here that are concerned for your welfare. If not, it's of course up to you, but the above will still be true. :(

Today's my birthday, so if I'm allowed a birthday wish it will be for the biopsy to come back "benign", and for your longlasting health. :thumbsu:
Good luck bud. I'm having surgery in a few weeks and am nervous about it but can't imagine going through that.

A mate of mine needed a biopsy on his testes a few weeks ago, thought there might be cancer there, but he was clear and I'm sure you will be too.

Good luck to you.

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good luck didaka!

know that if you ever need any support im sure ur return to bigfooty will see u smoothered with it
Well my friends Monday the 16th of June is the most important day of my short life thus far.

After having my appendix out and collapsing of the bowel I was still having problems which led to a colonoscopy.

Unfortunately a tumor was found during this procedure.

Today is the day where I find out if it is benign or I'm set the battle bowel cancer at 24.

Whether the news is good or bad I will be admitted into surgery in the coming weeks/month to have part of my bowel cut out to ensure I have the biggest chance possible of escaping any life threatening battles.

Wish me luck because I need all I can get. :thumbsu:

I may not know you or have responded to your posts, but I have had a young daughter battle her way through childhood leukemia, and I know what an impact this type of thing can have on you and your family, and I feel for your situation. Best of luck, let's hope it's benign. Stay positive and be courageous - your family and friends are all behind you. Please keep us all informed.

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Bowel cancer.

Time to start the fight, and I will beat this mutha ____a.
Bowel cancer.

Time to start the fight, and I will beat this mutha ____a.



You're young man and strong so if anyone can beat it you can. :thumbsu:

Have no doubt you will, let us know if anything we can do.

Thoughts are with you, times like this I realise I complain too much.

All the best. You will come through as long as you believe it. It's only when people give up they go so be strong!
Bowel cancer.

Time to start the fight, and I will beat this mutha ____a.

good to see ur positive about it
stay positive...its half the battle

if u ever need some re-assuring words the entire collingwood BF community are here for u

everyone i know who has beaten cancer are one of those really strong minded sort of ppl that always get their way and they remained 100% confident and positive through the entire ordeal

make sure you become one of these ppl
best of luck and keep in touch
Bowel cancer.

Time to start the fight, and I will beat this mutha ____a.
Bloody oath you will mate.

You will fight and beat it and we'll all be there to support you throught out.

Good luck mate, we will all be thinking of of ya
I applaud your attitude, didaka. :thumbsu:

You're a brave bastard. I'm hoping that the fact you seem to have caught it early gives you an excellent chance of beating the living snot out of it. If there's anything we can do to support you, we're here.
Didaka, this is the story of my mother's encounter with cancer. She was as tough as Chris Bryan, Rocca and Nick Maxwell all rolled into one - and she was 5' nothing.:p

Many years ago, when I was a child, and medicine wasn’t so well advanced, my mother,Tess, was diagnosed with breast cancer. She'd never heard of it before. She was forty-two years old, married, with four children, the youngest of whom was still a toddler. So Tess wasn't a bit pleased; she couldn't afford to have cancer.
'I've too much to do,' she told the doctor, 'I have to raise those children.'
She had her operation that same week. The doctors removed left breast and the lymph nodes, leaving a cavernous hollow on her chest and underarm. The nursing sister twisted her head around to make her look at the scar, so that she could 'adjust' quickly. Tess told me how she lay dazed and devastated, feeling that they'd taken away her feminity, as well as the hateful lump. But that was a private matter, and she sat up to welcome her visitors;
'I have to have the radium,' she told them.
'Your teeth will probably fall out,' said the doctor.
'You'll lose all your hair,' warned the nurse.
'The hair will never grow again under your arm,' predicted another.
She had the treatment, every day for months. It was horrific, inducing nausea and depression on a daily basis. She didn't want to eat. She couldn't get out of bed. Her throat burned constantly. My father coaxed her with icecream, and we sat at the end of the bed and told her about school. She was still a tyrant about homework, although she couldn't raise her head off the pillow. It was the radium.
But not a single tooth as much as loosened in her head and her wiry, auburn hair stayed thick and recalcitrant. Of the five other women in her ward, all with breast cancer, all five died within ten years. But not Tess. Tess survived. She was a thirty-eight-year survivor, and she lived a very full life. She started a peace movement in Northern Ireland before it was fashionable to do so – and reaped the consequences. And she went on to spend over twenty years raising money for charity, including for orphanages in Romania and Africa.
When she finally died of a stroke, she still had all her teeth, and she was still active. And she never got the Big C again. She couldn't fit it in with her busy schedule.:)
Snag, that brought a tear to my eye...

Didaka, well I'm not really sure what to say, most of what I was thinking while reading this has already been said.
I like everyone on here wishes you all the very best.
I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy, let alone a fellow Collingwood supporter.

All the best mate, keep fighting & NEVER ever give up.

In my thoughts and prayers buddy.
Oh Didaka...you're so brave....and as a Collingwood supporter, knowing it's in our blood to never ever give up, I know you will fight this and beat it.

My prayers and thoughts are with you....we're all here for you always.

Thanks for the concern and best wishes.

I will attack this the only way I know how, and the same way I went about playing football. Head down and bum up all the way winning the hard ball all day long.

There's more to life than health, and that happens to be football :D, and I ain't goin nowhere until I see another premiership cup held up by a bloke wearing black and white on the last weekend in September, and judging on yesterdays performance that may be 50 years, so get used to me, I ain't going anywhere.

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