D2 for 2011

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Thanks Freak, we might not be able to play footy at the moment but we never knock back a frothy:D Well played by your lads, you'll give it a shake this year

Guru out!
Just to declare my interest: I'm speaking about Aquinas, but not on behalf of.

Phantom, I don't think anyone at the club would suggest that the playing surface is ideal. It's far from it and that's fairly obvious. I don't see how that relates to whether the club respects its players? The club is its players. We're all just trying to make the best of the situation. Whatever issues you had with Aquinas in the past, maybe it's time to let it go? Glen Eira looks like it will have bigger things to worry about this year.

port-man_fc - Having zero players turn up for a beer after the game isn't a good look. In our defence, we're a very young side. These guys are still learning what senior footy is about. In the past, the club always prided itself on sticking around in numbers, so I would expect that to improve. Hopefully when you guys come to Ringwood we can have a few extra to make up for it.

Hopefully we can get back to talking footy now.

Good on you... Young blood and marcou!
Talk about kicking a bloke when he's down.The Aquinas boys are obviously struggling with personnel and having a tough time of it this year...and losing the main oval cetainly just makes life just a bit more difficult when they need all the help they can get.
And the wet greasy conditions on Saturday certainly magnified any shortcomings the "alternative oval" may have started with.
To say it was water logged probably doesn't do justice to the 3 or 4 cars who were bogged or damn near bogged at the lower gate (and that was on higher ground than the oval itself)
But the fact is both sides played on it and it was a good tuff physical hit out...not dirty but no place for the faint hearted. Head over the ball was the call from both coaches.
FWIW I thought The Bloods had a real crack ...particularly in the 2nd quarter their system and run was 1st class.
Weight of numbers told in the end for GE as the Bloods were a very young and undersized crew... but the Aquinas endeavour and attitude was genuine.
I'm sure they will trouble a few teams if they play like that week in week out. (Pity you had to stoop to wishing ill will on GE Marcou, as it negated some of your other good points)

It's true there was a bit of 'banter' from the respective supporter groups around the ground but I must admit I thought it was all in good fun (and some of it was great humor..from both sides)
The canteen prices were a bit steep, but you gotta say who else in the Ammos serves their tea and coffee in china mugs?

Last but not least...a post match drink with good turn out from both clubs is one of my favorite things about the Ammo comp.

Irrespective of your club's standing on the ladder, the representation of players, coaches and supporters after a match says a lot more about a club's internal fabric than any other external sign.

It's a great way to display club unity, sportsmanship and camaraderie and should be encouraged by all clubs as a reciprocal right!
The extra revenue for each club is one aspect but it simply adds to the atmosphere for both clubs when the rooms are full (and it's always good form to acknowledge the oppos best players and your own club's helpers in doing your club awards as well.
For example the GE invitational boat race beer skull and reward after each home gamecontinues a 50+ year old tradition... )
Good on you... Young blood and marcou!
Talk about kicking a bloke when he's down.The Aquinas boys are obviously struggling with personnel and having a tough time of it this year...and losing the main oval cetainly just makes life just a bit more difficult when they need all the help they can get.
And the wet greasy conditions on Saturday certainly magnified any shortcomings the "alternative oval" may have started with.
To say it was water logged probably doesn't do justice to the 3 or 4 cars who were bogged or damn near bogged at the lower gate (and that was on higher ground than the oval itself)
But the fact is both sides played on it and it was a good tuff physical hit out...not dirty but no place for the faint hearted. Head over the ball was the call from both coaches.
FWIW I thought The Bloods had a real crack ...particularly in the 2nd quarter their system and run was 1st class.
Weight of numbers told in the end for GE as the Bloods were a very young and undersized crew... but the Aquinas endeavour and attitude was genuine.
I'm sure they will trouble a few teams if they play like that week in week out. (Pity you had to stoop to wishing ill will on GE Marcou, as it negated some of your other good points)

It's true there was a bit of 'banter' from the respective supporter groups around the ground but I must admit I thought it was all in good fun (and some of it was great humor..from both sides)
The canteen prices were a bit steep, but you gotta say who else in the Ammos serves their tea and coffee in china mugs?

Last but not least...a post match drink with good turn out from both clubs is one of my favorite things about the Ammo comp.

Irrespective of your club's standing on the ladder, the representation of players, coaches and supporters after a match says a lot more about a club's internal fabric than any other external sign.

It's a great way to display club unity, sportsmanship and camaraderie and should be encouraged by all clubs as a reciprocal right!
The extra revenue for each club is one aspect but it simply adds to the atmosphere for both clubs when the rooms are full (and it's always good form to acknowledge the oppos best players and your own club's helpers in doing your club awards as well.
For example the GE invitational boat race beer skull and reward after each home gamecontinues a 50+ year old tradition... )
Well spoken sayna,your right I shouldn't of wished ill will on GE,I apologise.Its just ticks me off when opposition clubs(supporters) don't show respect for their opposition,yes support but don't just bad mouth the opposition right beside their coaches box.And have a go at a young player who got cleaned up putting his body on the line walking around the boundary in obvious pain.

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Can everyone please have one of these on standby for Glen Eira, just so they feel a little more welcome? Thanks

Fish I think your missing D2 footy a little too much! Most of your posts recently have been here and not where you belong! Or are they not biting for you over there?
Fish I think your missing D2 footy a little too much! Most of your posts recently have been here and not where you belong! Or are they not biting for you over there?

Hey game on. It saddens me to see fish having to stick his nose into ammo stuff. They probably can't read in the SFL D2 site. He is becoming a bore who is a mere D2 reserves player frustrated with his lack of ability. Yawn!!!!!
Hey game on. It saddens me to see fish having to stick his nose into ammo stuff. They probably can't read in the SFL D2 site. He is becoming a bore who is a mere D2 reserves player frustrated with his lack of ability. Yawn!!!!!

Premiership Captain of the Reserves!!! I think Fish is happy with where he is at!!!
Just to declare my interest: I'm speaking about Aquinas, but not on behalf of.

Phantom, I don't think anyone at the club would suggest that the playing surface is ideal. It's far from it and that's fairly obvious. I don't see how that relates to whether the club respects its players? The club is its players. We're all just trying to make the best of the situation.

Youngblood can you tell me why 47 players were cleared from your club this year. Or will you blame the EFL offering money.
Youngblood can you tell me why 47 players were cleared from your club this year. Or will you blame the EFL offering money.

Yes, 47 (or however many) players were cleared from the club. I wasn't one of them and I don't think I can speak on their behalf. As has been previously stated by other Aquinas people, it was caused by a large combination of factors. The club fielded under 18 and under 19 teams last year - neither of those went ahead this year. Many of those players left and they make up the majority of our outgoing clearances. The ones that did stick around will be crucial to the club's future. The senior side has been more depleted by players going overseas and some key retirements.

Again, your emphasis on the club respecting its players is misguided and, quite frankly, you come across as someone with a petty grudge against our football club. Let it go mate.
Aquanis vs eltham @ eltham - 0 Aquinas players turned up for a beer post match! Therry had 40+ players and supporters until after the annoucements and all enjoyed a couple of beers!

This issue has been raised at the club. With almost 15 debutants this year all new to senior football and plenty more in the reserves, it was inevitable that these issues would arise, with most of the boys new to the scene. Now we can expect plenty of the boys to stick around for some drinks with the opposition after the game, it showed against Old Westbourne when we played them away 2 Week ago.

Nothing good is coming from this discussion, so let's get back to talking footy!
Yes, 47 (or however many) players were cleared from the club. I wasn't one of them and I don't think I can speak on their behalf. As has been previously stated by other Aquinas people, it was caused by a large combination of factors. The club fielded under 18 and under 19 teams last year - neither of those went ahead this year. Many of those players left and they make up the majority of our outgoing clearances. The ones that did stick around will be crucial to the club's future. The senior side has been more depleted by players going overseas and some key retirements.

Again, your emphasis on the club respecting its players is misguided and, quite frankly, you come across as someone with a petty grudge against our football club. Let it go mate.
Looks like Aquinas aren't ticking too many boxes this year, what with 3rd rate playing facilities on and off the ground, depleted personnel and a social spirit apparently lacking. At least there is no chance of losing those bogged GE 4wd's in the "car park".

The Jocks are certainly ticking a few boxes, Aquina's ain't. Gathering momentum, pressed black uniforms and a social room thats better than how it looks from the outside. Only issue is parking.. If you ain't in the car park, not sure the street is a place for the wheels with no insurance. Commodore or Falcon may be safe, but anything imported, say good bye to it. If you happen to be a w***er with custom plates, well they would be gone quicker than an Alan Harper left hook.

The ladder is set, top 4 won't change, next 3 may dream but can't get in, and the bottom 3 will fight to see who is below the yellow line, and face elimination.

SMS/Aquina's the game of the round. The loser can start planning for D3.

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Looks like Aquinas aren't ticking too many boxes this year, what with 3rd rate playing facilities on and off the ground, depleted personnel and a social spirit apparently lacking. At least there is no chance of losing those bogged GE 4wd's in the "car park".

The Jocks are certainly ticking a few boxes, Aquina's ain't. Gathering momentum, pressed black uniforms and a social room thats better than how it looks from the outside. Only issue is parking.. If you ain't in the car park, not sure the street is a place for the wheels with no insurance. Commodore or Falcon may be safe, but anything imported, say good bye to it. If you happen to be a w***er with custom plates, well they would be gone quicker than an Alan Harper left hook.

The ladder is set, top 4 won't change, next 3 may dream but can't get in, and the bottom 3 will fight to see who is below the yellow line, and face elimination.

SMS/Aquina's the game of the round. The loser can start planning for D3.

Dr Truth - you'll regret this post come Rd 18

The top 4 will change - just make sure your boys dont miss out, then the rest of your posting may be relevant
The ladder is set, top 4 won't change, next 3 may dream but can't get in, and the bottom 3 will fight to see who is below the yellow line, and face elimination.

SMS/Aquina's the game of the round. The loser can start planning for D3.

Dr what do your boys at SMS have to do to stay up? Or do they want to go back down and rebuild, like they should have this year.
Dr what do your boys at SMS have to do to stay up? Or do they want to go back down and rebuild, like they should have this year.
Maybe some ideas from a succesful club like Banyule could help. A few extra $ wouldn't go astray.

There is the prayer option of course, praying that the SFL scoop up the Jocks or Glen Eira. Not sure they would want to come up against SFL powerhouses such as Caulfield Bears, Ashwood or Bentleigh though.
thats a big statment that the top 4 on the ladder wont change have a look at the ladder from the weekend latrobe lost one game and dropped from 2nd to 4th and they have a couple of tough games to come Sth melb who will belive they can win and the jocs who will throw everything at Latrobe even the kitchen sink to avenge the grany defeat of last year if the uni boys drop a couple they will be back in the pack also rumour has it they have a few key injuries from the tussel in the mud at St Leo's on the weekend
Maybe some ideas from a succesful club like Banyule could help. A few extra $ wouldn't go astray.

There is the prayer option of course, praying that the SFL scoop up the Jocks or Glen Eira. Not sure they would want to come up against SFL powerhouses such as Caulfield Bears, Ashwood or Bentleigh though.

I reckon Glen Eira & SMS would be perfect candicates for the SFL, if they're being chased by Holdsworth & his merry men, then they should consider it.

You don't have to throw around big cash to compete in SFL Div 2, we are proof of that
Maybe some ideas from a succesful club like Banyule could help. A few extra $ wouldn't go astray.

There is the prayer option of course, praying that the SFL scoop up the Jocks or Glen Eira. Not sure they would want to come up against SFL powerhouses such as Caulfield Bears, Ashwood or Bentleigh though.

I think you could be right there Doctor, match of the round at the postage stamp on Saturday, stuff this top four business the relagation battle is on! The winner can breath a sigh of relief while the loser can please themselves. While there form dont suggest it, i'm tipping SMS to get over the line in a tight one

Guru Out!

Oh and drinking frothies on the sidelines as you watch the ones can make losing alittle more bareable, so Fish the SFL sounds alright to me

Guru Out! Again
I have very recently started following D2 footy and have been impressed with the standard.

Glen Eira are obviously the stand out...

However, in talking to a mate at work he reckons Glen Eira club is about 4 clubs rolled into one? He said they have changed their name and merged more times than most people have had hot breakfasts?

If this is the case you expect they would be playing a lot higher than D2 wouldn't you?
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