Dan Andrews tells Jeff Kennett to GAGF

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Hrmmmm kiss Andrews on the dick for $15 million?

No thanks.

I wonder what Costa gives Dan for the $250m worth of stadium upgrades.

Jeff is within his rights to say whatever he likes about Andrews in a personal capacity.

He has no right to use the HFC as a background to his criticisms. To say that the HFC missed out on funding because of his vocal position on Andrews is just nonsense.
You wouldn’t kiss someone on the dick for $15 mill?

I’d give a blowie and a cup of tea in bed in the morning for that sort of cashola.

All Jeffery had to do was not be a campaigner, but that’s just not what he’s about.

If it was for me, sure. If it was for Hawthorn, no thanks.

Kennett may be an arse but he is one of the few willing to stand up against the garbage Gil and Hocking keep churning out.

If he goes then who is going to stop them ruining the game?
If it was for me, sure. If it was for Hawthorn, no thanks.

Kennett may be an arse but he is one of the few willing to stand up against the garbage Gil and Hocking keep churning out.

If he goes then who is going to stop them ruining the game?

They've already ruined the game.

Name one thing Jeff has done that has caused a change of approach at AFL level. He was a great President first time round but is just an old man yelling at clouds these days.

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If it was for me, sure. If it was for Hawthorn, no thanks.

Kennett may be an arse but he is one of the few willing to stand up against the garbage Gil and Hocking keep churning out.

If he goes then who is going to stop them ruining the game?
Yeah, his old man yells at cloud routine is really hitting the mark at AFL house.
To say that the HFC missed out on funding because of his vocal position on Andrews is just nonsense.

If he actually believes it he must stand aside immediately as he has admitted he has compromised the position of the Hawthorn Presidency by his public position to the gross detriment of the club.

He either goes or he shuts his trap on non football matters because this Bruce Ruxton persona he has adopted is an absolute laughing stock.
Maybe, just maybe it was decided that it is not appropriate to publicly fund a project of this nature considering the ex-president of Beyond Blue had stated categorically that the Hawfies like lining their pockets with Pokie Money....

To the tune of over 2 million in net profit a year... Considering the societal issues these things cause I'm unsure why he doesn't get pulled up on this further.

North and the Bullies have stated they are getting out of that game. They deserve the $$$, especially when you look into the additional community work they do.

With that type of net profit on pokies revenue alone, they can debt finance an additional 15m at current low interest rates themselves....

Lie down with dogs Hawfies.... You know the rest.
They've already ruined the game.

Name one thing Jeff has done that has caused a change of approach at AFL level. He was a great President first time round but is just an old man yelling at clouds these days.
I think Kennett has contributed to a better approach to player's mental health. For that he should be applauded: he's shown (quite unbelievable) levels of ability, caring and understanding on a difficult subject, and I think he's given enough publicity to the subject that's the scum at AFL HQ can't ignore/cover up/scapegoat their way out the serious issue of player and employee mental health.

As you not though that was more of a first-stint achievement: maybe this time around is a vanity lap of honour? Otherwise Kennett can burn to death slowly for all I care, horrible front bottom. Abused Cyril's Mrs in front of plenty of people at a club function, still some festering racism and misogyny in the bastard that wont go away.
They should consider scrapping the whole Dingley disaster, but in these COVID-affected times, who in the right mind is looking to purchase an overpriced rubbish tip? What a shocker.

Scott Morrison likes this. He knows a thing or two about overpaying for land.
You wouldn’t kiss someone on the dick for $15 mill?

I’d give a blowie and a cup of tea in bed in the morning for that sort of cashola.
But would you swallow, because I reckon I might be able to scratch together 15 mill on short notice? 🤔
If he goes then who is going to stop them ruining the game?
Hrmmmm kiss Andrews on the dick for $15 million?

No thanks.

I wonder what Costa gives Dan for the $250m worth of stadium upgrades.


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All these ''Communist Dictator Dan'' nuffies realise that communisms won right? China/Russia alliance at the top, England, Australia and that downward spiralling America are stuck on the ''White people sticking together'' bandwagon. Crony Capitalism proven to be equally or more corrupt than communist countries like China who arrest/imprison their dangers to the future of their country, while we give ours mega bonuses.

Victoria is the envy of every other place around the world with huge death tolls. Go ask some of the relatives of victims in Europe or America if they would do a hundred days lockdown to get their loved ones back.

Stop reading the Herald Sun. Stop listening to 3 AW talk back. Stop re-spewing every bit of garbage propaganda you hear and see from the ultra right wing Murdoch media empire.

It's all to the benefit of millionaires and billionaires ffs. If you have millions of dollars, sure, vote to keep a ''concentration of wealth and power''.
If you are on an average income, don't own a thriving business, don't have a large investment portfolio and your children will go to public schools, use public health care and likely end up middle to lower income earners themselves...WAKE THE F UP AND VOTE FOR WHAT BENEFITS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. Not a millionaires.

Jeff Kennett shut down hundreds of hospitals, mental health facilities, universities, tafes ect ect ect. A typical rich prick who sold out and privatised everything that wasn't nailed down in Victoria so that his budgets looked fat in the short term while the public pays in the long. It's all there in history, go read about it.

So, those massive energy bills we all love? Thank the people who privatised major utilities. Those companies have investors to answer too, so we will be forever paying for their higher returns. Gas, Water, Electricity networks are licenses to print money, Victoria sold ours off. Now we pay more and more for a poorer quality service than we would get under a government run network.

But lets not focus on fact or history here. Let's keep focused on what millionaires like Allan Jones keep whispering in our ears, after all, guys like that have the commoners best interests at heart right? :rolleyes:
All these ''Communist Dictator Dan'' nuffies realise that communisms won right? China/Russia alliance at the top, England, Australia and that downward spiralling America are stuck on the ''White people sticking together'' bandwagon. Crony Capitalism proven to be equally or more corrupt than communist countries like China who arrest/imprison their dangers to the future of their country, while we give ours mega bonuses.

Victoria is the envy of every other place around the world with huge death tolls. Go ask some of the relatives of victims in Europe or America if they would do a hundred days lockdown to get their loved ones back.

Stop reading the Herald Sun. Stop listening to 3 AW talk back. Stop re-spewing every bit of garbage propaganda you hear and see from the ultra right wing Murdoch media empire.

It's all to the benefit of millionaires and billionaires ffs. If you have millions of dollars, sure, vote to keep a ''concentration of wealth and power''.
If you are on an average income, don't own a thriving business, don't have a large investment portfolio and your children will go to public schools, use public health care and likely end up middle to lower income earners themselves...WAKE THE F UP AND VOTE FOR WHAT BENEFITS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. Not a millionaires.

Jeff Kennett shut down hundreds of hospitals, mental health facilities, universities, tafes ect ect ect. A typical rich prick who sold out and privatised everything that wasn't nailed down in Victoria so that his budgets looked fat in the short term while the public pays in the long. It's all there in history, go read about it.

So, those massive energy bills we all love? Thank the people who privatised major utilities. Those companies have investors to answer too, so we will be forever paying for their higher returns. Gas, Water, Electricity networks are licenses to print money, Victoria sold ours off. Now we pay more and more for a poorer quality service than we would get under a government run network.

But lets not focus on fact or history here. Let's keep focused on what millionaires like Allan Jones keep whispering in our ears, after all, guys like that have the commoners best interests at heart right? :rolleyes:

All these ''Communist Dictator Dan'' nuffies realise that communisms won right? China/Russia alliance at the top, England, Australia and that downward spiralling America are stuck on the ''White people sticking together'' bandwagon. Crony Capitalism proven to be equally or more corrupt than communist countries like China who arrest/imprison their dangers to the future of their country, while we give ours mega bonuses.

Victoria is the envy of every other place around the world with huge death tolls. Go ask some of the relatives of victims in Europe or America if they would do a hundred days lockdown to get their loved ones back.

Stop reading the Herald Sun. Stop listening to 3 AW talk back. Stop re-spewing every bit of garbage propaganda you hear and see from the ultra right wing Murdoch media empire.

It's all to the benefit of millionaires and billionaires ffs. If you have millions of dollars, sure, vote to keep a ''concentration of wealth and power''.
If you are on an average income, don't own a thriving business, don't have a large investment portfolio and your children will go to public schools, use public health care and likely end up middle to lower income earners themselves...WAKE THE F UP AND VOTE FOR WHAT BENEFITS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. Not a millionaires.

Jeff Kennett shut down hundreds of hospitals, mental health facilities, universities, tafes ect ect ect. A typical rich prick who sold out and privatised everything that wasn't nailed down in Victoria so that his budgets looked fat in the short term while the public pays in the long. It's all there in history, go read about it.

So, those massive energy bills we all love? Thank the people who privatised major utilities. Those companies have investors to answer too, so we will be forever paying for their higher returns. Gas, Water, Electricity networks are licenses to print money, Victoria sold ours off. Now we pay more and more for a poorer quality service than we would get under a government run network.

But lets not focus on fact or history here. Let's keep focused on what millionaires like Allan Jones keep whispering in our ears, after all, guys like that have the commoners best interests at heart right? :rolleyes:
Stop reading the Herald Sun. Stop listening to 3 AW talk back. Stop re-spewing every bit of garbage propaganda you hear and see from the ultra right wing Murdoch media empire.
Think as I think, do as I do... there will be no resistance!

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Dan Andrews tells Jeff Kennett to GAGF

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