Dan Andrews tells Jeff Kennett to GAGF

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All these ''Communist Dictator Dan'' nuffies realise that communisms won right? China/Russia alliance at the top, England, Australia and that downward spiralling America are stuck on the ''White people sticking together'' bandwagon. Crony Capitalism proven to be equally or more corrupt than communist countries like China who arrest/imprison their dangers to the future of their country, while we give ours mega bonuses.

Victoria is the envy of every other place around the world with huge death tolls. Go ask some of the relatives of victims in Europe or America if they would do a hundred days lockdown to get their loved ones back.

Stop reading the Herald Sun. Stop listening to 3 AW talk back. Stop re-spewing every bit of garbage propaganda you hear and see from the ultra right wing Murdoch media empire.

It's all to the benefit of millionaires and billionaires ffs. If you have millions of dollars, sure, vote to keep a ''concentration of wealth and power''.
If you are on an average income, don't own a thriving business, don't have a large investment portfolio and your children will go to public schools, use public health care and likely end up middle to lower income earners themselves...WAKE THE F UP AND VOTE FOR WHAT BENEFITS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. Not a millionaires.

Jeff Kennett shut down hundreds of hospitals, mental health facilities, universities, tafes ect ect ect. A typical rich prick who sold out and privatised everything that wasn't nailed down in Victoria so that his budgets looked fat in the short term while the public pays in the long. It's all there in history, go read about it.

So, those massive energy bills we all love? Thank the people who privatised major utilities. Those companies have investors to answer too, so we will be forever paying for their higher returns. Gas, Water, Electricity networks are licenses to print money, Victoria sold ours off. Now we pay more and more for a poorer quality service than we would get under a government run network.

But lets not focus on fact or history here. Let's keep focused on what millionaires like Allan Jones keep whispering in our ears, after all, guys like that have the commoners best interests at heart right? :rolleyes:
Nice post, spot on. By any chance do you watch a Youtuber by the name of friendlyjordies? He says basically the same things. I hope you signed big Kev Rudd's petition for a royal commission into Murdoch's media monopoly as well.
Nice post, spot on. By any chance do you watch a Youtuber by the name of friendlyjordies? He says basically the same things. I hope you signed big Kev Rudd's petition for a royal commission into Murdoch's media monopoly as well.

I don't really trust royal commission's, the results for money spent often don't equal great value for outcome imo. But I support anything that shines a light on wealthy influencers and their use of media to impact on election outcomes and political policy making. Let's hope Rudd has more friends than Murdoch for a positive outcome (seems unlikely).

I don't know of the Youttuber you speak of but Joseph Stiglitz's The Price of Inequality is a good watch, he was on Meet the Press on the ABC a few years ago, and also Noam Chomsky's doco, Requiem for an American Dream (On Netflix I believe), contains many relevant insights into the dangers of Crony Capitalism, concentration of wealth and where that inequality inevitably leads.

There are too many extreme right wingers with huge platforms from which to reach people, due to wealthy people owning the vast majority of media and influential popular social sites like Facebook ect, there is a massive over representation of their beliefs and interests compared to any ground roots left wing organisations that represent the interests of the superior majority of people which belong to the middle class and below. They are slowly eroding away at the ABC too.

This is a HUGE reason why action on things like climate change and other serious global issues have been impeded. Business just has far too many ways of influencing popular opinion and blocking/smearing ideas it opposes. To have any chance to rebalancing we MUST change the laws to limit the influence of moguls like Murdoch. They are impeding democracy as it should be.

We desperately need more independent media organisations with a much boarder spread of analysis and criticisms of government and business.
I personally believe Australians need to separate political parties from private donations as a first step to a more transparent system that puts the major political parties on a more equal footing funding wise. Need to eliminate back scratching and I.O.U's between the parties and the donors imho.
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I don't really trust royal commission's, the results for money spent often don't equal great value for outcome imo. But I support anything that shines a light on wealthy influencers and their use of media to impact on election outcomes and political policy making. Let's hope Rudd has more friends than Murdoch for a positive outcome (seems unlikely).

I don't know of the Youttuber you speak of but Joseph Stiglitz's The Price of Inequality is a good watch, he was on Meet the Press on the ABC a few years ago, and also Noam Chomsky's doco, Requiem for an American Dream (On Netflix I believe), contains many relevant insights into the dangers of Crony Capitalism, concentration of wealth and where that inequality inevitably leads.

There are too many extreme right wingers with huge platforms from which to reach people, due to wealthy people owning the vast majority of media and influential popular social sites like Facebook ect, there is a massive over representation of their beliefs and interests compared to any ground roots left wing organisations that represent the interests of the superior majority of people which belong to the middle class and below. They are slowly eroding away at the ABC too.

This is a HUGE reason why action on things like climate change and other serious global issues have been impeded. Business just has far too many ways of influencing popular opinion and blocking/smearing ideas it opposes. To have any chance to rebalancing we MUST change the laws to limit the influence of moguls like Murdoch. They are impeding democracy as it should be.

We desperately need more independent media organisations with a much boarder spread of analysis and criticisms of government and business.
I personally believe Australians need to separate political parties from private donations as a first step to a more transparent system that puts the major political parties on a more equal footing.
I'm not normally a big fan on royal commissions either but this one has to happen. If done properly, it would create an independent media with differing views as you said. You can't create a commission into Murdoch's propaganda, but you can on his monopoly. The longer he has this monopoly, the greater a risk we are of becoming America and then going down alongside them. It's incredible how biased our media outlets are, the NSW government has implemented land clearing laws that have seen the rate of trees being cut down to levels worse than the Congo (don't know what it's called but Kinshasa not Brazzaville as capital), which is run by a dictator. You don't hear that on the news, nor do you hear the incredible work the Andrews government has done in renewable energy and climate change, same with Queensland and I can't spell her name. On the ABC, it is impossible for them to be unbiased as their funding has continually been cut by the liberal government and now they have to suck scomo off just so they can get some money. Very worrying but it seems that people are starting to wake up to it, the petition for the royal commission got 550,000 signatures, so that's a start.
Maybe, just maybe it was decided that it is not appropriate to publicly fund a project of this nature considering the ex-president of Beyond Blue had stated categorically that the Hawfies like lining their pockets with Pokie Money....

To the tune of over 2 million in net profit a year... Considering the societal issues these things cause I'm unsure why he doesn't get pulled up on this further.

North and the Bullies have stated they are getting out of that game. They deserve the $$$, especially when you look into the additional community work they do.

With that type of net profit on pokies revenue alone, they can debt finance an additional 15m at current low interest rates themselves....

Lie down with dogs Hawfies.... You know the rest.
The Cats pokie free now as well. :)
The Cats pokie free now as well. :)
Yeah those pokies are just criminal. Might as well supply drugs over the counter by some bloke named ‘Butch’ who also has an ear on some crew who needs a wheelman for a big score in the same bars those things are housed in.

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Dan Andrews tells Jeff Kennett to GAGF

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