Dangerfiel AFLPA view is games are too long!

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The entire covid set up was uninspiring.

Playing in Qld with greasy slippery conditions because of humidity and evening dew took much of the specticle away.

And we all could see many teams and players were not interested and just going through the motions
Yeah true, but for me personally, I felt like I wanted to see a longer game. I spoke about the length of the game with my brother back then, and when it all reverted back, I felt like footy became somewhat entertaining again.

That’s why I don’t agree with Dangerfield here. I’d like the game to remain the length it is now
The OP clearly has his ears painted on, the thread title is wrong, Dangerfield clearly said this was his opinion and NOT the view of the AFLPA

Lol. Maybe your eyes are painted on buddy.

May 2024 AFLPA reportedly started campaigning for reduced game times.

Search AFLPA on game length and several articles discuss it.

22 May 2024 Foxsports

"AFL Players Union proposes bold changes."

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Demand is independent of supply. Decreasing supply does not increase demand. Decreasing supply without changing demand just means increased prices.
I actually think the way to judge this is supply is neither increased nor decreased.
Fans pay memberships for access to AFL matches, not for access to minutes. And the same amount of AFL matches still exist.

His example is essentially the equivalent to supplying the nation with 500m mars bars a year. Except they've gone from being 10g each to 9g each.
A supply and demand argument could be made IF the QUALITY of the product remains constant. Reducing qtr length DECREASES the quality of the product, so demand would decrease too. iirc the opinion of the shorter games during COVID was mostly negative ................
Lol. Maybe your eyes are painted on buddy.

May 2024 AFLPA reportedly started campaigning for reduced game times.

Search AFLPA on game length and several articles discuss it.

22 May 2024 Foxsports

"AFL Players Union proposes bold changes."
No, Dangerfield was asked "Is this the view of AFLPA or your view?" and he said definitely my view, but sure whatever suits your agenda, I assume you didnt even listen to the entire interview or you would already know this
The 'short attention span' argument is so funny, because people will now happily sit inside for an entire weekend and binge watch television shows with no commercial breaks on streaming services.

Popular shows such as Stranger Things are pumping out 90 minute movie-length episodes and everybody loves it.
Marvel movies essentially changed cinema going habits and many were 3 hours long.

In very recent history we've seen a 5 day test match go down to the wire on the final day and it was the most attended match in yonks.

Sure, there is a Tik Tok problem, but it doesn't mean it automatically transfers over to classic mediums and sport.

The game is the perfect length.
Patrick Dangerfield is an absolute idiot who posted something dripping in arrogance while forgetting that he holds position of president of the AFLPA. It's a horrible look to post an opinion the way he did.
Cynical view ahead…

You can be certain that game lengths won’t necessarily change with shorter quarters. The AFL will just see to it that quarter breaks are longer and squeeze in more advertising. The AFL would adopt NFL style game breaks in a heart-beat if they could fool the fans into accepting it.

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A Geelong supporter would say that.

We're not talking about a battle-hardened team against a bunch of kids eg. the expansion teams in their first few years, but rather an aging list against a normal one.

The less we hear from Dangerflog the better.
To be fair, a Geelong supporter would have some idea of what an older list can do against a younger one ;)

Look, I think it's a bad idea that won't get up. But I don't think it's about team self-interest, I think it's about the AFLPA wanting to make the players' lives easier, but not to the betterment of the product.
Classic Geelong aging players want shorter matches so they can match it with younger teams. They've already campaigned and got their way on other rule changes via sHocking so no doubt this one will go through too.

Hocking' s rule changes were arguably the best thing the AFL have done in the past 10 years. It is so much better of a spectacle now than it was pre the changes, when the ball use to get stuck in the defensive 50 for an eternity and 36 players were in one small corner of the field.
jog off Dangerfield...
man thinks his opinion's and words holds merit
the game is fine as it is.. stop messing with it
Hocking' s rule changes were arguably the best thing the AFL have done in the past 10 years. It is so much better of a spectacle now than it was pre the changes, when the ball use to get stuck in the defensive 50 for an eternity and 36 players were in one small corner of the field.
Ah yes, that's why average scores have decreased since those rules came in, even with the increase in goals from farcical 50m penalties from guys moving a toenail on the mark. The only metric the AFL gave for those rule changes was that they wanted scores to increase (in all likelihood to generate more ads/revenue). Hocking failed and yet the rules remain. If you weren't aware, congestion still exists, it just got shifted further down the field as a player kicking out can run a bit further.

I really can't understand how anyone thinks that ruck nominations, 666 zones, protected area infringements, and the cherry on top of the shit pie: the goddamn STAND rule, have improved the game.

If it were me, I'd reverse all of the above as well as the extended kick out, remove the interchange cap, but crack down on holding the ball and unnecessary stoppages (eg. throw the ball up/in immediately to get the game moving).
Ah yes, that's why average scores have decreased since those rules came in, even with the increase in goals from farcical 50m penalties from guys moving a toenail on the mark. The only metric the AFL gave for those rule changes was that they wanted scores to increase (in all likelihood to generate more ads/revenue). Hocking failed and yet the rules remain. If you weren't aware, congestion still exists, it just got shifted further down the field as a player kicking out can run a bit further.

I really can't understand how anyone thinks that ruck nominations, 666 zones, protected area infringements, and the cherry on top of the shit pie: the goddamn STAND rule, have improved the game.

If it were me, I'd reverse all of the above as well as the extended kick out, remove the interchange cap, but crack down on holding the ball and unnecessary stoppages (eg. throw the ball up/in immediately to get the game moving).

I know all tiger fans are against it, a bloke at work has the same conspiracy theory. I do agree hocking going to Geelong straight after wasn't a great look, but the ball moves so much more freely now and the game is 10x more exciting for a nuetral, than in those stuck in the back pocket years.
I know all tiger fans are against it, a bloke at work has the same conspiracy theory. I do agree hocking going to Geelong straight after wasn't a great look, but the ball moves so much more freely now and the game is 10x more exciting for a nuetral, than in those stuck in the back pocket years.
Because it's a garbage look for the game. Hearing STAND 100+ time a match is not only annoying, but it completely removes a skill in how to man the mark. I watch a lot of footy, and feel myself drifting out of neutral games mainly because of rule changes. That's obviously anecdotal evidence, however there's polls where people are pretty much unanimously against the STAND rule so stating that things are better for the neutral isn't accurate imo.

I'm not going into the whole Hocking thing. At best it's smelly, at worst it's corruption in him taking intel to his new club where he financially benefits if things go well. It'd be like a politician making a pro-oil policy, then joining the board of Shell 6 months later.
Look, I think it's a bad idea that won't get up. But I don't think it's about team self-interest, I think it's about the AFLPA wanting to make the players' lives easier, but not to the betterment of the product.
Danger is about to turn 35 years old in 60ish days from now. There's no way it hasn't entered his mind that shortening quarters could potentially extend his career. He can see the cliff just around the corner and would definitely have thought of ways to reroute/detour.

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Dangerfiel AFLPA view is games are too long!

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