Nice to see this is still going on.
I find it interesting that none of you have made the argument - for or against - whether he wanted to headbutt Kelly or not?
If he flattens him but they never clash heads, it's play on...right? So given some of the arguments on here, the thing you take issue with is the head clash? If that's the case, as Sloane points out, do you really think he meant to intentionally headbutt Kelly?
Whatever your position on this, the actual action of bumping is not what caused the collateral damage that resulted after the initial bump. It's not like Williams launching off the ground and getting Clark in the head, or Long extending his elbow and getting whichever played he KO'd, in the head too.
That's why it would be lovely if some people could exercise some nuance in this discussion.
Danger's actions will result in 3 weeks minimum suspension, as the grading schema shows that it should. But that's not what's being debated here. People are acting like he intentionally decided to lay him out, which only happens because of the incidental clashing of heads after the initial bump.
This argument doesn't make much sense, because the initial contact was a fair hip and shoulder directly to the body, without any contact to the head - and elbows tucked in.
Like him or despise him, that's the context this should be viewed in. If he extended his elbow and took out Kelly with that motion, then there'd be no discussion to be had here, no defence and I'd be asking that we throw a 6+ week penalty at him too - because his intent would have been to severely injure Kelly.
To provide an example, I'll refer you guys back to the Shane Mumford front on 'tackle', which was lauded by everyone in the footy world, and showcased on every major AFL news network as being the 'perfect tackle' or 'the most brutal bump you'll see this year.' In actuality it was never a tackle, and only becomes one after the initial bump where his arms sort of fall over Duncan. After that incident, Duncan wasn't right for nearly 2 years - let alone a few weeks.
Had their heads made contact in this day and age, then Duncan would have likely been knocked out and Mummy would have had the book thrown at him. Because there was no concussion at the time, Mumford didn't even get reported and headlines like 'Duncan gets Mummified' were trotted out left right and center - as Duncan was made the butt of every AFL joke at every chance. 'I bet you Duncan wakes up having nightmares', is one I can remember said by a footy commentator - said with tongue in cheek.
So what becomes the difference here with Danger? If he executes the bump in the same way but their heads don't clash, I guarantee not one person in here is even talking about his intent, but rather, 'wow that was a solid bump - Kelly didn't know what hit him' - etc.
His initial action was one that elicited no injury, as it was directly to the body and no initial contact was made to the head upon impact. Their heads clash as a result of the sheer force and inertia of two players colliding, and as a result, Kelly is injured in a very severe way. That's known as incidental contact, not malicious or intended contact. If that's the case, then you can't exactly call him a 'thug', 'sniper' 'scum' etc. if the resultant injury was caused by incidental contact.
The only way you can make that argument, is if you intentionally think he meant to headbutt him, and if you think he's some sort of Rambo type, or underground boxer, lol. Even if you bizarrely do think that, he doesn't just walk up to Kelly and headbutt him off the play.
There's nothing wrong with disliking Dangerfield - as many in here do -, that's your prerogative. However, just disliking him doesn't mean you can seriously argue that he meant to make contact with Kelly's head in this particular instance - by using his own head -, as the initial bump itself was perfectly legal.
As you were.
He changed direction, sped up and shirt fronted him into next week. You can spin this any way you like but he went out to flatten Kelly. Plenty of bumps occur without that level of force or intent.
In electing to bump head clashes are deemed foreseeable and if you hurt someone then it's on you.
It is that simple.