Rumour Dayne Beams set to “retire”

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Sounds to me like there is a bit more to it than just a bad reaction to some pain killers, hopefully that's all it is though.

Poor bloke seems to be in quite a downward spiral, hopefully he can turn things around.

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Reaction to pain killers cold literally be anything. From something minor to severe - no use speculating.

Relatively minor allergic reactions to aspirin are relatively common in a subset of people
Regular NSAIDS could cause gastritis / gastric ulcer
Excess opiates obviously have their own issues.

Who knows.
You're literally telling people on a discussion forum to not discuss things. That's not how it works bucko.

Bucko? Pretty much explains it all. The sad part is you value a discussion forum over someone’s life. Go to bed tonight, pleased with your days achievements that you trolled brilliantly and that you put someone down and made yourself feel better. Enjoy your night. You have achieved so much today. I won’t waste any further time on someone such as yourself. Sleep peacefully with the knowledge you were the best keyboard warrior you could be.
Mark Robinson certainly didn't help the speculation about whether it's more than a "bad reaction to pain medication." In doing the thing that he does where he drops a morsel to say "hey, I know stuff that you don't know" he's made everyone watching 360 tonight believe that Beams has OD'd.

Whether he has or he hasn't, it's bloody poor form considering the rumours going about the joint.
HI Toump ass
How do you know that what people put on hear is true i work as leading betting agents a form analist and i know Beams does not bet with us or ever had an account maybe that was all in the past as his father lived in yarrwonga there was a bookie there who used to fund the football club the pigeons and play players such as Fevola and others he might of extended credit to Beams but that was years ago when he first left collingwood.There is no bookie around that would give him credit it is so hard to win for the bookie these days.I have been involve in racing for 50years live of the punt but then there we 100 bookies at the races now about 25 and the trots similar at Melton only one bookie
I find it difficult to believe someone who works as a “form analyst” for any betting firm, leading or not, isn’t aware of how to spell the word analyst
I doubt it's an OD. If it was, it's incredibly lazy reporting to say "bad reaction to painkillers". Like saying Majek had a little slip on a bridge. In other words, he literally probably just a bad reaction to pain killers and theres nothing to see here.
I doubt it's an OD. If it was, it's incredibly lazy reporting to say "bad reaction to painkillers". Like saying Majek had a little slip on a bridge. In other words, he literally probably just a bad reaction to pain killers and theres nothing to see here.

Majak was reported as falling...rather than jumped.....

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I doubt it's an OD. If it was, it's incredibly lazy reporting to say "bad reaction to painkillers". Like saying Majek had a little slip on a bridge. In other words, he literally probably just a bad reaction to pain killers and theres nothing to see here.

We're dealing in hypotheticals now, cos I don't think it's fair that we speculate.

It wouldn't be lazy reporting though - journos in Australia have a code of ethics that is supposed to limit how some things are reported. Granted, that code has largely gone out the window with the social media age and the race to be first, but the idea is that the reporting of some issues doesn't benefit anyone. On the contrary, it can really only harm survivors and those close to them.
Pretty cut and dry to me...

adverse reaction to pain medication. If it was anything else.. they wouldn't be saying 'adverse reaction'. It would be more along of the lines of "Dayne Beams hospitalized" This is not a an attempted suicide, overdose or anything such, or the article would not have mentioned the pain medication because the media does not give details like that on anything to do with those issues to deter others.
Mark Robinson certainly didn't help the speculation about whether it's more than a "bad reaction to pain medication." In doing the thing that he does where he drops a morsel to say "hey, I know stuff that you don't know" he's made everyone watching 360 tonight believe that Beams has OD'd.

Whether he has or he hasn't, it's bloody poor form considering the rumours going about the joint.

Robbo would be a lot more interesting if he told us what he knows. But then I guess his sources would dry up pretty quickly.
Reaction to pain killers cold literally be anything. From something minor to severe - no use speculating.

Relatively minor allergic reactions to aspirin are relatively common in a subset of people
Regular NSAIDS could cause gastritis / gastric ulcer
Excess opiates obviously have their own issues.

Who knows.
My favourite part is when you say there’s no point speculating, then you proceed to speculate.
Pretty cut and dry to me...

adverse reaction to pain medication. If it was anything else.. they wouldn't be saying 'adverse reaction'. It would be more along of the lines of "Dayne Beams hospitalized" This is not a an attempted suicide, overdose or anything such, or the article would not have mentioned the pain medication because the media does not give details like that on anything to do with those issues to deter others.
I’d say the exact same thing if he played for Melbourne.
I’d say the exact same thing if he played for Melbourne.

Can you name another person who 'had an adverse reaction' to a painkiller? The only one that comes to mind is Bruce Lee. It's well documented that Bruce Lee had an allergic reaction to a painkiller that was given to him by an actress.

If the media was going around saying this about anyone OD'ing on scripts.. then Michael Jackson, Heath Ledger, and even Ben Cousins would all have been reported in this same manner. If the reason is what some are thinking and it's an OD scenaraio... then Beams is the only person in my life I have seen reported as an adverse reaction to a painkiller for a drug overdose. This is simply why I can't believe this to be anything but an adverse reaction to a drug.. nothing to do with me being a Collingwood supporter. If they reported this about any player in this manner, I would have the same stance.
Can you name another person who 'had an adverse reaction' to a painkiller? The only one that comes to mind is Bruce Lee. It's well documented that Bruce Lee had an allergic reaction to a painkiller that was given to him by an actress.

If the media was going around saying this about anyone OD'ing on scripts.. then Michael Jackson, Heath Ledger, and even Ben Cousins would all have been reported in this same manner. If the reason is what some are thinking and it's an OD scenaraio... then Beams is the only person in my life I have seen reported as an adverse reaction to a painkiller for a drug overdose. This is simply why I can't believe this to be anything but an adverse reaction to a drug.. nothing to do with me being a Collingwood supporter. If they reported this about any player in this manner, I would have the same stance.

My old flatmate Stew. Was prescribed Tramadol for ongoing pain from various snowboarding injuries. But Tramadol also has SNRI (antidepressant) in it and Stew had some really bad reactions to that.

Also, if someone is already taking SSRI type antidepressants - which I hazard a guess Beams is - then "serotonin syndrome" can occur if someone takes Tramadol on top of that, which can include seizures and other adverse reactions.
You're literally telling people on a discussion forum to not discuss things. That's not how it works bucko.

Feel free to be a respectful member of society when discussing things.
It's not hard to not be a w***er.
Can you name another person who 'had an adverse reaction' to a painkiller? The only one that comes to mind is Bruce Lee. It's well documented that Bruce Lee had an allergic reaction to a painkiller that was given to him by an actress.

If the media was going around saying this about anyone OD'ing on scripts.. then Michael Jackson, Heath Ledger, and even Ben Cousins would all have been reported in this same manner. If the reason is what some are thinking and it's an OD scenaraio... then Beams is the only person in my life I have seen reported as an adverse reaction to a painkiller for a drug overdose. This is simply why I can't believe this to be anything but an adverse reaction to a drug.. nothing to do with me being a Collingwood supporter. If they reported this about any player in this manner, I would have the same stance.
Yeah I did. I was taking Oxycodine for a broken leg after surgery, took 2 before going to bed on the third day and my throat immediately swelled up, started getting asthma and had to call my mum like a big boy to drive me to the hospital

It happens.
Majak was reported as falling...rather than jumped.....
That's because there are standardised guidelines on the reporting of suicide and suicide attempts in the media. These measures reduce the impact of people grieving those who took their own lives, and is believed to play a role in suicide prevention in the community.

If you notice the lifeline# at the end of the article you don't need to wonder about what you're reading.

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Rumour Dayne Beams set to “retire”

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