Dear Alan

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Oh yeah, I'll make all his decisons for him. I'll pick all his heroes and tell him who to like and who not to. Go bury your head in the sand with someone, wild & co.

Seriously stop sooking.

Your son can be a fan of Didak, i don't give a shit, what pisses me off is people like you who complain about stuff like this. Every parent should tell their child who the real heroes are. If your son worships Didak for anything other than his football abilities then too bad let him cry, he will get over it.

Bloody hell what are you going to do when someone calls your child a name and make him cry? Write a letter to the parents? Get a shit mark on a test, write to the teachers?

By the way how does sending Didak this letter benefit your child? I am sure Didak does not give a crap.
And i am not telling you how to raise your son.
Dear Kirby,

Please raise your own kids and stop thinking others will do it for you.


I agree with J Wilde.

I'll openly admit I DO NOT have my own children but I have some small experience with a partners kids we had custody of. I would encourage kids to watch anything Collingwood, but I would also be very careful the kids knew and understood these guys are just people like you and me. If a child I was the main carer for was heartbroken by all this I would be disappointed in myself and how I have influenced this child. I certainly wouldn't go running around blaming everyone else for how bad my child was effected by actions beyond their or my control.

So Kirby I understand your anger, but your child is YOUR responsibility not Alan's.

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Man , get some perspective. Didak is a footballer who lied. Explain to your son that his hero made a mistake, is paying the penalty, and get on with his life. Explain to your son that whoever he might idolise in life is a human and therefore capable of making a mistake.

There are also mistakes and mistakes.

We have an ex-Pm who led us into a deliberately false war that led to the slaughter of over 500,000 men, women and children AND some of these outraged,self righteous individuals calling for Didak's sacking still voted for the war criminal. Perspective, for God's sake. Perspective!!!!!!
Of course I've explained all about the lies and the mistake he made. Thanks for the advice though, I would never have thought of that.:rolleyes:
We all grow up being "worshipping" sports people until we realise they are just people who are good at a job. Better they realise now then later.

Edit. By the way what do you expect Alan to do if this letter reaches him?
Oh for Chrissakes, I was writing the letter from my child's perspective. Is that hard to understand? It seems it is.

Who said anything about him having to be a role model? Who said he doesn't have good role models?

I said he was passionate about the Pies and loves Dids as his favourite player. Like or not, the lies of Didak (and Shaw) have led to enormous ridicule that have upset my son. It is just the truth.

Look, I really really appreciate all the parenting advice from you lot. :rolleyes:

Stop getting all indignant and huffy. Kids cry all the time, they get upset about things, it happened to all of us as we learn about all the bad things in the world.

But kids are resilient as well, they'll get over things pretty quickly. Your son will either accept Didak for all his flaws, or he'll find a new hero, or he'll decide that there's little point in idolising these people. It's just a part of their learning experience.
Bloody hell what are you going to do when someone calls your child a name and make him cry? Write a letter to the parents? Get a shit mark on a test, write to the teachers?

That's hardly the point. One kid calling him a name just upsets my son, big deal.

I'm just pointing out that there are literally thousands of kids just like my son who are effected by all this. Hence, popular footballers are different and perhaps they should think more about the consequences of their action?
We all grow up being "worshipping" sports people until we realise they are just people who are good at a job. Better they realise now then later.

Edit. By the way what do you expect Alan to do if this letter reaches him?
I havn't sent it and doubt i will as it's unlikely he would give it any attention.

It was just posted for public consumption and consideration. It is a different perspective.
This is an interesting thread and I believe that both ends of the debate have some merit, but I feel that the reality lies somewhere in the middle. In My opinion (if an opposition supporters opinion is warranted in this thread) is that, yes, the players, due to their public profile do have a responsibility to the public and those who hero worship them to provide a suitable role model. I'm sure that the club rams this message home on a regular basis.

However, on the flip side, I think that Kirby also has a responsibility to talk to his son and explain to him what has happened, why it has happened and the best way for him to deal with it. I have a 5 year old son who hero worships people from a different sport and I believe he too would be devastated if oneof his heroes acted as Didak has. By the same token, I believe that would be incumbent upon me to help him through huis mental anguish.

Just my 2c
I agree with J Wilde.

I'll openly admit I DO NOT have my own children but I have some small experience with a partners kids we had custody of. I would encourage kids to watch anything Collingwood, but I would also be very careful the kids knew and understood these guys are just people like you and me. If a child I was the main carer for was heartbroken by all this I would be disappointed in myself and how I have influenced this child. I certainly wouldn't go running around blaming everyone else for how bad my child was effected by actions beyond their or my control.

So Kirby I understand your anger, but your child is YOUR responsibility not Alan's.
Oh, thanks for the advice Tess. You saved me because I was just on the way to Alan's house in Kew to drop him off. Thanks for clarifying my responsibilities. It means alot coming from someone of your great standing.
The same parents who complain and say that every player is a role model are the same types that complain about TV shows and video games having an affect on their children. You have far greater impact on your children than any form of media could ever do so, if you think it's inappropriate don't let them near it but it's your decision it's not up to the government to do it for you.

But I digress. :eek:

Being a role model isn't a burden, but it shouldn't be bestowed upon every player who gets drafted. You should earn that status. Once you stuff up like Didak and H.Shaw did I think you lose any chance of becoming a role model. Sure they still might be some of our favorite players but it is up to the parents to tel them why they aren't role models and why they've done something wrong, it may be hard but you have to do it, like Kirby did.

I'm not saying they should be allowed to do anything because they shouldn't be role models, but the term role model is absolutely overrated. Do you think people look at Didak and say "oh yes he's allowed to do it, why can't I"? No, the parents put things into perspective or should do anyway.

People allow children to idolise actors and musicians and don't blink at any suggestion of what goes on in their private life.
Stop getting all indignant and huffy. Kids cry all the time, they get upset about things, it happened to all of us as we learn about all the bad things in the world.

But kids are resilient as well, they'll get over things pretty quickly. Your son will either accept Didak for all his flaws, or he'll find a new hero, or he'll decide that there's little point in idolising these people. It's just a part of their learning experience.
Gee, who'd have thought it?

Look, I really don't need the parenting advice.

Once again, for the not so bright out there, I am merely pointing out that this whole mess has greater ramifications than people realise. Like it or not, footballers are idolised to some degree, especially by kids.
Oh, thanks for the advice Tess. You saved me because I was just on the way to Alan's house in Kew to drop him off. Thanks for clarifying my responsibilities. It means alot coming from someone of your great standing.

Well the family court thought enough of me to hand me someone else's children....

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Gee, who'd have thought it?

Look, I really don't need the parenting advice.

Once again, for the not so bright out there, I am merely pointing out that this whole mess has greater ramifications than people realise. Like it or not, footballers are idolised to some degree, especially by kids.

We know that; the hysterical media would never have us forget it, especially with journos like Caro about. "Won't someone please think of the children?"

Let's face it though, not every footballer will be able to shoulder the responsibility of being idolised, and they'll stuff up from time to time. No matter how many times a player is reminded, there are some who are just not cut out to act in the right way.

And has anybody thought that maybe Didak has a drinking problem which he is struggling to control? I mean, it's very easy to chastise these people from a distance, but we don't know what kind of problems these people are going through in their life. We're all too pre-occupied with spitting on them and telling them what a shit person they are that we don't actually think that perhaps they have a problem of their own which needs to be worked through.
We know that; the hysterical media would never have us forget it, especially with journos like Caro about. "Won't someone please think of the children?"

Let's face it though, not every footballer will be able to shoulder the responsibility of being idolised, and they'll stuff up from time to time. No matter how many times a player is reminded, there are some who are just not cut out to act in the right way.

And has anybody thought that maybe Didak has a drinking problem which he is struggling to control? I mean, it's very easy to chastise these people from a distance, but we don't know what kind of problems these people are going through in their life. We're all too pre-occupied with spitting on them and telling them what a shit person they are that we don't actually think that perhaps they have a problem of their own which needs to be worked through.
I totally agree with you here.
4 gods' sake stop sooking will you? They're footballers FFS, that's what a great % of footballers do. It's reality. If you want to protect your precious son from reality, send him to a monastery or something.
Get real, there are people starving and being bombed to pieces all over the world. I save my sympathy for them.

absolutely right, there are much much more important things to worry about other than his episode. Maybe its a good time to teach ur son that his heroes are just humans, and they gonna make mistakes.
In Kirby's defence I was about his son's age when Darren Millane died, I was aware of why he died and was very upset about it.

What I'm saying is when I was a kid I looked up to footballers as heroes, role models. Doesn't mean my parents raised me poorly, I did what most young lads do in this country - hero worshipped footballers.
Geez I hope a lot of you posters aren't parents. Fair dinkum, blame the press, have a go at Kirby because he raises a worthwhile point etc etc. Didak is where he is because of his own stupidity (and not the first or second time) - nothing to do with any journalist - the bloke is a deadset Jerka Jenkins dropkick. Your Club will be much better off when he returns to Adelaide - are you sure some of you aren't Bichmond supporters. :thumbsu:
I totally agree with you here.

For what it's worth, mate, I wasn't having a go at you or your parenting. We all grow up with footy heroes as children, I was no different with guys like Daics and Gavin Brown. Fortunately for me they never really let me down, and I was lucky that they were well behaved off the field. Or at least I think they were, the media weren't quite so scrutinising back then as they are now.

I think in a situation like this we've got to take a few steps back and realise that perhaps they're not really such bad people after all, and we have to explain to kids who admire them that these guys made a mistake and are hopefully doing their best to fix their ways.
Dear Alan (and Heath),

Thanks to you and your stupidity my 7 year old son now has a broken heart (and I'm sure many other kids out there too) as he worships you as a football God.

My son watches endless videos of you on youtube, he mimmicks your actions, and wears a Collingwood jumper with number 4 on the back every day.

After all the shit hit the fan yesterday he was in tears before school and distraught over the whole affair. He's a bright kid and fully understands what is going on. This whole fiasco has brought ridicule upon our club that children don't fail to notice. He was still tearing up last night and is visibly fragile and I can assure you that this is a normally robust kid.

There is now talk of you being traded and this fills him with dread. You see, he still loves you.

Next time you are on the verge of doing something idiotic, please take some time out to think about all the people, including young children, who look up to you. Not only do you have a responsibilty to your team mates and club, you have a responsibilty to all us supporters who make the club what it is.

Yours sincerely


Mate i feel for your boy, but the fact is that both Didak and Heater are sportsmen, not the custodians of leading society out of the wilderness of darkness, they are skilled athletes who provide entertainment, It is the loving duty of parents to raise their offspring in the way they deem fit.
Tell your kid to grow the ferk up and support the Power.

Lonie >>> Didak anyway.
Tell your supporters, coach, captain and player to grow the **** up and stop sooking over the fact collingwood wore the stripes first.

Colingwood>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>than inbred power.

Now please **** off back to your own board and keep quiet on collingwood issues that dont concern you
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