Mod. Notice Depressed? Anxious? Call Beyond Blue (1300 224636), Lifeline (131114), resources in OP

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Beyond Blue - 1300 22 4636

Lifeline - 13 11 14

More than 3 million Australians suffer from depression and anxiety.

Everyone at BigFooty strongly urge people in this situation to seek the assistance of friends, family or the dedicated staff at several organisations who are more than willing to listen.

You can call either Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636 or Lifeline on 13 11 14 at any time.

If you would like more information please visit or

Theres an apropriate discussion thread on the subject here or If you'd like to know more, below is an interview that 76woodenspooners did with Beyond Blue back in 2013.

Mental Health resources:
Thanks to Proper Gander

Beyond Blue
– call 1 300 22 4636

OR use this form to make contact by email at

AND for general information about Beyond Blue, depression, anxiety and related issues go to the Beyond Blue website at:

Lifeline – call 13 11 14

OR use the online chat service at (between the hours of 7PM and 4AM EST)

AND for general information about Lifeline, and tools and resources for managing stress, depression anxiety and related issues go to the Lifeline website at:

Kids Helpline

Phone: 1800 55 1800
Web chat:

Other telephone resources to consider are:

Suicide call Back Service – 1 300 659 467 and

Mensline Australia – 1 300 789 978


Another useful resource to explore is mindhealthconnect – which is an Australian Government supported information and support network which can help guide you to the specific resources, information and assistance for your needs.

Find mindhealthconnect at

EMERGENCY / CRISIS CONTACTS by State and Territory

These numbers above are important for anybody who is experiencing a mental health crisis or caring for someone experiencing a mental health crisis. This could include the emergence, or flare-up, of a psychotic episode, or risk of self-harm, or suicidal feelings or loss of control.

The State or Territory crisis line will provide expert support, and help work out with you what services can best help. This could be your own doctor, or if required presenting at a community health service or a hospital emergency department. In some cases, a Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team (CATT Team) may be sent to wherever you or the affected person is located at the time.


ALCOHOL and DRUG Addiction

There are numerous support services and networks available. The best place to go as a first stop is the Australian Drug Information Network (ADIN) at

Amongst other things, ADIN has a large support services directory where you can search for help and support for particular issues by location.

If you would like to talk to someone at once, contact Counselling ONLINE – an Australian Government funded program operated by Turning Point. Amongst other things, Counselling ONLINE offers online one on one counselling as well as forum discussion and assistance. The website can be found at


If your preference is to speak to someone by phone, you can contact a 24 hour Alcohol and Drug information services in your state:

ACT (02) 6207 9977

NSW 1800 422 599 (regional) or (02) 9361 8000 (metropolitan)

NT 1800 131 350

QLD 1800 177 833 (regional) or (07) 3837 5989 (metropolitan)

SA 1300 131 340

TAS 1800 811 994

VIC 1800 888 236

WA 1800 198 024 (regional) or (08) 9442 5000 (metropolitan)

Gambling Support

There are numerous support services and networks available specific to issues related to gambling. The best starting point online is Gambling Help Online at which provides information, online support and assistance.

To speak to someone about gambling issues, call 1800 858 858

Rental/Tenants Help and Support

Victoria Legal Aid:
Provides free legal advice and services. Some services are available to everyone, while other services are only for eligible people.

For help or more information:

Tenants Victoria:

Tenants Victoria aims to inform and educate tenants about their rights, improve conditions for tenants, improve the status of tenants and represent the collective interests of tenants in law and policy making.

Anika Legal

Free help with rent reduction:

All of the above resources are free and confidential
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Putting myself out there as someone who suffers severe anxiety leading to suicidal ideation and numerous attempts. Good thread.
Hope everyone had a good Christmas.

It can be a tough time for a lot of people. We have out little grizzles here on BF at times:rolleyes:. But in reality I think we do care about each other & I think that says a lot about the people on BF.

A lot of anxiety & depression comes about due to the pace of life & the stresses & strains of modern life. I think we all need to take time to smell the roses. So do go & talk to people & go to events & activities that you like.

Exercise & social activities are important. They are good for us, whether we are feeling 100% or not quite 100%, go & soak up some of the fun that comes with the holiday period.

Once the footy season comes on line then we can bash into each other again:p
Posting for relevance and necessity….

Sadly people do suffer in these times and asking for help is essential to getting thru it…

Top thread

Go Catters
The Dons board lost one of our well regarded posters to suicide in 2014.

No amount of raising awareness is too much. The worst thing people with the condition can do is suffer in silence.

Both my parents suffer from it. My brother suffers from it. I've escaped its clutches so far but I suspect nearly everyone has been touched by it at some point, whether directly or indirectly.
The Dons board lost one of our well regarded posters to suicide in 2014.

No amount of raising awareness is too much. The worst thing people with the condition can do is suffer in silence.

Both my parents suffer from it. My brother suffers from it. I've escaped its clutches so far but I suspect nearly everyone has been touched by it at some point, whether directly or indirectly.
I lost a great mate due to it this past year, the scary thing is that from speaking to him in the weeks prior you wouldn't have known how badly that he was struggling.
Removing the stigma about both depression and mental illness at large will do wonders..:thumbsu:

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Don't let any narcissist put you down just because you are a bit down and vulnerable.
Haters prey on the weak.
Forums or things like Facebbok aren't really a good idea for people with low self esteem.

Will not be long till I abandon forums completely.
Best thing I ever did was deleting my Facebook account.

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Good on ya wookie.

I've suffered silently in the past, tried being the strong man and not opening up about my feelings, keeping my emotions bottled up or in check at social situations etc. when my mind was racing and stress overwhelmed me.

Thankfully since getting out of a long distance relationship a couple of years ago that was rather stressful on me life has been better. I still have down times but seeking help was the first step in a long journey
Good on ya wookie.

I've suffered silently in the past, tried being the strong man and not opening up about my feelings, keeping my emotions bottled up or in check at social situations etc. when my mind was racing and stress overwhelmed me.

Thankfully since getting out of a long distance relationship a couple of years ago that was rather stressful on me life has been better. I still have down times but seeking help was the first step in a long journey
Glad to hear it mate. :thumbsu:
Good thread . Didn't know it was here .
I've suffered depression/ anxiety my whole adult life , knew something wasn't right but it wasn't until I decided I didn't want to live like that anymore and went to see someone that life all over a sudden was like life was in colour and not black and white .since then I've started my own business which is very successful and am now starting another . Even more importantly my family and kids have seen a massive change and we are all happier ..
Let people in and it gets better ..

Sorry for the long post ..
Good thread . Didn't know it was here .
I've suffered depression/ anxiety my whole adult life , knew something wasn't right but it wasn't until I decided I didn't want to live like that anymore and went to see someone that life all over a sudden was like life was in colour and not black and white .since then I've started my own business which is very successful and am now starting another . Even more importantly my family and kids have seen a massive change and we are all happier ..
Let people in and it gets better ..

Sorry for the long post ..

Good to hear things are improving 35Saints35. Don't think it can be stressed enough the importance of letting people in. Especially for men where in my opinion society has a stigma that men that need to be strong emotionally and can't show weakness.

If your struggling surround yourself with positive people, and a supportive family and friend base who'll support you. The worst thing you can do is suffer in silence
What if we can't talk to someone about it:(

Find someone trust & just be with them. Spend time together & hopefully you'll start talking about other stuff & let the harder stuff come up later. Trying to talk is hard & scary but being alone is far harder. I am living with depression & suicidal thoughts now. I have years of experience & knowledge on this, both personally & from study (doing social work) & yet this battle has almost claimed me. There is no shame in breaking down, or asking for help, mental health matters. Somewhere in our lives there will be someone be it stranger (lifeline 131114) colleague or friend who will be there in the best way possible, to listen. Letting it out is part of healing & as others have said acknowledging makes you strong not weak. We are all worthy of help & happiness.

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Mod. Notice Depressed? Anxious? Call Beyond Blue (1300 224636), Lifeline (131114), resources in OP

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