Health Depression

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I just walked out of my job to find this sweet old homeless man with his trolley of bits.. he asked could he leave it there while he went around then corner to the shops! And I was like sure mate… but I felt sad for him bc this is where he is at, at this point of his life… with Xmas around the corner!

So I shoved $50 in his trolley with a note -
not much but you are valued!❤️
Have a nice meal on me ✌🏻
Can you imagine a world where everyone cared .1% more to other humans?
Can you imagine a world where everyone cared .1% more to other humans?
It would be a better world for us all mate but unfortunately most of us seem to look after themselves these days and forget all about simple act of human kindness 🤷🏼‍♀️

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Why is it so much easier to just lie and say you’re ok than opening up and telling someone you aren’t.
Bc they don’t really want to hear it mate! So why bother ❤️
They want to hear you are ‘good’! You’re doing okay! But I find the moment you open up and be vulnerable, its the very moment you become a ****ing leper!

I don’t know. I guess I find a lot of the humans around me are disappointing in that respect. I’m all for listening but the same respect it not often returned so I just bottle until I blow. ✌🏻
They want to hear you are ‘good’! You’re doing okay! But I find the moment you open up and be vulnerable, its the very moment you become a ****ing leper!

I don’t know. I guess I find a lot of the humans around me are disappointing in that respect. I’m all for listening but the same respect it not often returned so I just bottle until I blow. ✌🏻
I don't know why this is the case, but there's some truth to this for some people.

I actually brought up the topic of suicide with my mum this week. It was an incredibly weak moment; I've never felt more pathetic.

Upon reflection, I think the reason why I did it was self-preservation. At the time, I felt incredibly alone - by feeling sorry for myself, I was attempting to validate my own trauma when no one else would.
I don't know why this is the case, but there's some truth to this for some people.

I actually brought up the topic of suicide with my mum this week. It was an incredibly weak moment; I've never felt more pathetic.

Upon reflection, I think the reason why I did it was self-preservation. At the time, I felt incredibly alone - by feeling sorry for myself, I was attempting to validate my own trauma when no one else would.
Isn’t it ****ed that the moment we feel vulnerable we deem ourselves as pathetic! The amount of times of used that very word.

The shit thing is.. we make ourselves feel pathetic and I hate that I have the ability to hurt myself like that.

The human mind is a marvellous thing but **** it can be the meanest thing around 🤷🏼‍♀️
I've deleted so many posts that I've made in this thread.

Because it just gives ammunition to other posters, when you disagree with them.

This thread has always been a 'moment of weakness' for me. Where I've reached out, not knowing what I'm reaching for.

And while I've had some incredible help and responses.
The real life impacts have always offset any positives I've gained from well meaning people.
I've deleted so many posts that I've made in this thread.

Because it just gives ammunition to other posters, when you disagree with them.

This thread has always been a 'moment of weakness' for me. Where I've reached out, not knowing what I'm reaching for.

And while I've had some incredible help and responses.
The real life impacts have always offset any positives I've gained from well meaning people.
that's messed up - imagine finding out someone had epilepsy and using it against them. Anyone using someone's depression challenges against them has some pretty serious empathy problems and should be avoided wherever possible.
that's messed up - imagine finding out someone had epilepsy and using it against them. Anyone using someone's depression challenges against them has some pretty serious empathy problems and should be avoided wherever possible.
Not messed up. ****ed up and anyone that use anyone’s mental illness against someone else needs a good hard slap to the back of the legs
Bc they don’t really want to hear it mate! So why bother ❤️
They really don't.

I had a horrible year last year- the only real positive was I managed to get to work everyday and do my job, that's about it, literally. I msgd a friend (sincerely apologising for not replying to her last fb msg explaining the above)- no question as to why just a "hope all is good now".

She was pretty much my only friend left, I guess that ones bitten the dust as well 😂

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They really don't.

I had a horrible year last year- the only real positive was I managed to get to work everyday and do my job, that's about it, literally. I msgd a friend (sincerely apologising for not replying to her last fb msg explaining the above)- no question as to why just a "hope all is good now".

She was pretty much my only friend left, I guess that ones bitten the dust as well 😂
That’s really sad to hear mate.

The fact managing to get yourself up for work just so you could function enough to pay the ****ing bills sucks. I’ve been in this exact same spot.

But let’s look at the bigger picture here together. We did it! We made it though everyday bc our place on this earth is stamped for a reason.

Keep forcing yourself to live mate! I know it gets hard at times but I’d rather being living a mediocre life than not living at all.

And as they say… it will get better! The light will eventually shine through but also remember… be kind to yourself bc you are worthy of your own kindness and love. ❤️
And as for those campaigners that turn their back when shit gets hard for you…they aren’t friends! Not even worthy to be called a friend! 👊🏻👍🏻

Chin up Buttercup 😍
I should have answered the hope all is good comment maybe... "Well no, not all is good my brother is dying of cancer, but thanks for your concern!"

See what kind of response I'd get to that :thumbsupv1: :tearsofjoy:
Probs would have blocked you bc arseholes do that! 😂
Glad you can have a giggle.

I’m sorry to hear that btw ❤️
I now regret switching off his match in the first and going to bed. Would have been nice to see that sook fest live
Sad Baby GIF
I now realise what is wrong with me.
I had a great upbringing but shockingly bad teenage years and early 20s where men are moulded. (Women too but I speak from my pov) So.put me back. Plus I have a weird combination of aspergers and autism which means I don't fit a traditional 9 till 5 mortgage type lifestyle. Should've been working my life out from 16. In hindsight I should've quit school and moved to the Gold coast.
I should've been doing what comes instinctively .
Trying now but I'm behind and too old. Will never catch up.
Plus I need to.learn to stand up for myself.
But was never taught it. So I've always been walked over till I've lost my temper.
But it's good it breeds hardness.
I won't be walked over. The second a boss or management say a cross word I leave. I've put up with too much shit.
And I don't need anything from the world. It rejected me so.i reject it
Well friend. The world is a fabulous really! You earned your right to be here so do with your life whatever you want but remember you made the choices you made so don’t dis yourself over them. Or blame anyone else or the world or society. You chose your path for a reason. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Embrace them. Your disability like mine is part of what makes you. You are unique. There isn’t another out there like you. Think about that ❤️

Remember that!

You’re probably thinking who’s this bitch rattling on… but I’ve had my fair share of crap. I’m about to turn 50. I’ve stopped smoking weed at New year for the first time in a very long time so my attitude to life has changed dramatically. I want to bounce from one moment to the next.

I hope to have another 50 years up my sleeve so the wrongs that I’ve made - I can make right. Or not!

And some I’ll just flick off and say **** it!
Who give a shit bc I don’t owe anything!
Except to this little nut job who stares back at me each morning
Love yourself my friend

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I have a rubber band on my wrist. Everytime me head tries to get me down….. I snap that shit so hard that, that thought gets so afraid it pisses off.

Try it! It works! Except the red mark is a tell tale sign that those thoughts come more often then not.

Well friend. The world is a fabulous really! You earned your right to be here so do with your life whatever you want but remember you made the choices you made so don’t dis yourself over them. Or blame anyone else or the world or society. You chose your path for a reason. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Embrace them. Your disability like mine is part of what makes you. You are unique. There isn’t another out there like you. Think about that ❤️

Remember that!

You’re probably thinking who’s this bitch rattling on… but I’ve had my fair share of crap. I’m about to turn 50. I’ve stopped smoking weed at New year for the first time in a very long time so my attitude to life has changed dramatically. I want to bounce from one moment to the next.

I hope to have another 50 years up my sleeve so the wrongs that I’ve made - I can make right. Or not!

And some I’ll just flick off and say **** it!
Who give a shit bc I don’t owe anything!
Except to this little nut job who stares back at me each morning
Love yourself my friend

Thanks DemurePrincess
But I don't have a disability. Or maybe I do. I'm just myself. I've always figured things out myslef because I've had to.
No one is coming to help.
I like your thinking.
Half my life has past. The second half will be a beauty.

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Health Depression

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