Health Depression

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How the **** does anyone stand this shit? It's not normal or natural. Our whole economy and lifestyle is built off slavery.
It's bullshit. The 9-5 life is shit. I'd quit tomorrow but I'm no good at making money. Too weird or autistic and my business ideas fail.
I've always been mentally ****ed but what actually makes it worse is having to get up in the ****ing cold and dark and work
How the **** does anyone stand this shit? It's not normal or natural. Our whole economy and lifestyle is built off slavery.
It's bullshit. The 9-5 life is shit. I'd quit tomorrow but I'm no good at making money. Too weird or autistic and my business ideas fail.
I've always been mentally ****ed but what actually makes it worse is having to get up in the ****ing cold and dark and work
I agree 9-5 life is not for me either. I've just come to accept only doing 4 days or having two different jobs like health support + something labourous to stay sane
Things seemed like they were going so well for me.

Then this girl I fell head over heels for like I never really do and dated for two months decided she wants to stop seeing me for the time being. What does that even mean? The unknown kills me.

The whole thing has brought back all my past anxious thoughts, lack of confidence and sadness. I’m tired of being alone.

I don’t have the energy to face people. Winter makes shit even worse.
Had the flu the last few days so had been taking cold and flu tablets only to find out that certain cold and flu tablets should not be taken with anti depressants as it can bring on serotonin syndrome and exacerbate your flu symptoms. So be careful everyone, I had no idea and it’s not anything I’d been told by a chemist until yesterday.
I agree 9-5 life is not for me either. I've just come to accept only doing 4 days or having two different jobs like health support + something labourous to stay sane
I don't want any life. Even 1 day work is too much and I need 3 days to recover.
Work is literally killing me. I can't function anymore. I ****ing hate it.
I've always hated it. Even as a teenager I knew I'd never be able to cope with this shit. And it simply gets worse as the days go on.
Why the **** can't I make money and live on my terms. Every ****ing thing I do fails.
It's impossible. Every business or investment opportunity I've created fails. So I work and want to kill myself every day I have to get up in the dark and cold. No creation no betterment nothing. Society just works to rip people off.
So we are stuck working and making a living. And we all think it's great???
And for what. There's no decent life at the end of it. It's bullshit
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Used to suffer from depression a lot in my early to mid twenties. But have been depression free ever since. So just thought i would share what worked for me in case it might help someone.

First the obvious. Depression medication helps. It wont fix the underlying causes of depression problems but it helps im the short term. Seek help if suffering depression and nothing else works. Depression medication does help.

Music. Not just having music on in the background but actually listening to music and doing nothing else but listen and absorb it. Another short term fix.

Reading books on positive pyschcology. My favourite was Victor frankels mans search for meaning. Its about a jewish holocaust survivor discussing how he found meaning and hope whilst living in a concentration camp. It really changes your perspective on your life and makes you feel better about your life and how much control over your well being younactually do have.

Gratitude. Rather then thinking you are a victim of a cruel world try being thankful for things that you think are good and helpful to you. I was shocked by how much this helps you feel happier. Likewise with helping others. Volunteer. Talk to the old lady next door. Offer to coach an under 12 sport side. It really does help.

Dont covet what you dont have. happiness is not found in the better job or with the prettier girlfriend. Life isnt better doing other things. Happiness is found within.
Used to suffer from depression a lot in my early to mid twenties. But have been depression free ever since. So just thought i would share what worked for me in case it might help someone.

First the obvious. Depression medication helps. It wont fix the underlying causes of depression problems but it helps im the short term. Seek help if suffering depression and nothing else works. Depression medication does help.

Music. Not just having music on in the background but actually listening to music and doing nothing else but listen and absorb it. Another short term fix.

Reading books on positive pyschcology. My favourite was Victor frankels mans search for meaning. Its about a jewish holocaust survivor discussing how he found meaning and hope whilst living in a concentration camp. It really changes your perspective on your life and makes you feel better about your life and how much control over your well being younactually do have.

Gratitude. Rather then thinking you are a victim of a cruel world try being thankful for things that you think are good and helpful to you. I was shocked by how much this helps you feel happier. Likewise with helping others. Volunteer. Talk to the old lady next door. Offer to coach an under 12 sport side. It really does help.

Dont covet what you dont have. happiness is not found in the better job or with the prettier girlfriend. Life isnt better doing other things. Happiness is found within.
Really good tips Seeds

The last 2 are spot on ✅
I've wondered for decades what causes this or what's wrong.
I'll never know but a big part is work. It's bullshit. The 9-5 lifestyle is a ****ing joke. From getting a job going through the process to getting up in the dark to working it's a joke. And for what?
Seeking alternatives that will work. In hindsight I should've left school at 16 and moved north.
I've wondered for decades what causes this or what's wrong.
I'll never know but a big part is work. It's bullshit. The 9-5 lifestyle is a ****ing joke. From getting a job going through the process to getting up in the dark to working it's a joke. And for what?
Seeking alternatives that will work. In hindsight I should've left school at 16 and moved north.
I think for me work is definitely a big part of my depression. I’ve just moved back to a job I was doing 18 months ago. I left because management sucked and it was draining me even though I really loved the actual position. Fast forward to now and the business is being reviewed and the manager has been shown to be completely inept so things are changing. The vibe is really good and I’m actually loving going to work again and feel really good mentally. I guess the saying is , find a job you like and you’ll never work a day in your life. Keep plugging away mate.
I think for me work is definitely a big part of my depression. I’ve just moved back to a job I was doing 18 months ago. I left because management sucked and it was draining me even though I really loved the actual position. Fast forward to now and the business is being reviewed and the manager has been shown to be completely inept so things are changing. The vibe is really good and I’m actually loving going to work again and feel really good mentally. I guess the saying is , find a job you like and you’ll never work a day in your life. Keep plugging away mate.
I think I'm too weirdly autistic or aspergers to ever make my way round a workforce so I just muddle through as best I can. I must just think differently to others but the problem is a workforce or people want to put you in a box and leave you there
I don't care about any of that shit. Just what to do my job than also make a shitload of money to retire. Than I'll work on curing my depression which has been endemic for 25 years
But it's just the way I think. Seriously it is. What I consider normal behaviour and well mannered some people have a problem with. I'm done caring thou about that shit. It ain't my problem.
I don't break the law I treat others with respect but I will defend myself and have no time for petty bullshit
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Hey thread.

Sorry to just drop in and throw my problems at you, I'm just wondering if anyone might have had a similar experience, because I'm at a loss.

I've been going to the drs and specialists and things. I've done all the medical tests and prodding and poking etc. And not sure what's wrong, no diagnosis, and Google is no help.

Basically mental health and sanity has taken more of a slip due to a collection of things at the start of the year.
Grip on reality loosened.

I've lost about 45kg over the last 3.5-4 months.

I've also lost so much strength.
I've been benching 180kg max 200kg for the last 8 years.
Now I can barely hit 130kg for a single rep.

Also the anxiety, depression, just all of the feelings and thoughts are all hitting in a different way. But I can't explain how it's different.
Hey thread.

Sorry to just drop in and throw my problems at you, I'm just wondering if anyone might have had a similar experience, because I'm at a loss.

I've been going to the drs and specialists and things. I've done all the medical tests and prodding and poking etc. And not sure what's wrong, no diagnosis, and Google is no help.

Basically mental health and sanity has taken more of a slip due to a collection of things at the start of the year.
Grip on reality loosened.

I've lost about 45kg over the last 3.5-4 months.

I've also lost so much strength.
I've been benching 180kg max 200kg for the last 8 years.
Now I can barely hit 130kg for a single rep.

Also the anxiety, depression, just all of the feelings and thoughts are all hitting in a different way. But I can't explain how it's different.
That's a lot of weight to.lose and drop. And lift. It might just be your body returning to type. Or energy is low. I'm a bi t the same I'll post later. Anxiety hits everyone. It's a good thing g nothing is wrong doctor wise.
Anyway I've had my 3rd major concussion in 3 years. I hit my head on the gutter last Thursday and blood everywhere on pillow next morning.
Still don't actually feel 100% now.
Point is take your time and work through things. Find a specialist if you can but most drs don't understand give a shit or even know what to do.

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Health Depression

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