I would still get in my daily protein needs prior to drinking, reduce calories from carbs and fat, and once that first drink is sipped I would abstain from eating until well into the next day.Thats an interesting way to look at it, has it made a difference? i have always gone by the old idea of never drinking on an empty stomach.
I wonder if eating high GI starchy food would be better than high fat/protein or low GI carb food if you did eat and drink.
It has definitely made a difference in that inhibitions when inebriated are nowhere to be seen. So that 600-800cal souvlaki when toasted on King St at 4am which will most likely be metabolized entirely as bodyfat is no longer a factor.
In coherence with IF, I like to think of alcohol as just another window; a "feeding" window, a "fasting" window and a "drinking" window.