Dig Deep - Bushfires

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Dec 12, 2008
AFL Club
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-Donation Info- Dunno if this has already popped up somewhere but I figure it's worth the extra exposure. Most've probably seen the news and heard the plea for assistance for those affected by the bushfires so I thought I'd post the relevant info here so we can all chip in and help out the poor bastards caught up in this tragedy. I've added other people's relevant info that was initially left out(cheer's Silverscope and Mr.Magoo)

To Donate Money::

Bushfire Appeal Hotline: 1800 811 700


https://www.redcross.org.au/Donations/onlineDonations.asp(Secure Online Form)


* Any NAB, ANZ, Westpac or Commonwealth Bank branch
* Any Bunnings store
* By direct deposit to the Victorian Bushfire Relief Fund - BSB 082-001, Account number 860-046-797
* Bendigo Bank Appeal, 1300 366 666, or visit www.bendigobank.com.au

Myer Bushfire Appeal:
* All proceeds to the Salvation Army. Donate at any Victorian Myer store

To give blood: Huge need for this and at no cost to you

Go to donateblood.com.au (to find nearest centre) or call 13 14 95 to book an appointment.

To Donate Clothes/Goods

# Salvation Army Clothing Donations, 137 258 (press '2' in menu) or www.salvos.org.au

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Good thread. I just wish Kevin Rudd saw it fit to give more money.

$10mill is **** all, yet we are happy to hand out cash to people who have kids and give wage earners $950 :rolleyes:
Very true. Between the fires and floods, there are thousands of homeless Aussies. There are also thousands os Aussies homeless due to the financial crisis too. Very tough times

Other Donation Information:
How you can help

To donate to the Red Cross State Government Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund:
* Visit www.redcross.org.au
* Phone 1800 811 700
* Any NAB, ANZ, Westpac or Commonwealth Bank branch
* Any Bunnings store
* By direct deposit to the Victorian Bushfire Relief Fund - BSB 082-001, Account number 860-046-797
Myer Bushfire Appeal
* All proceeds to the Salvation Army. Donate at any Victorian Myer store

Good thread. I just wish Kevin Rudd saw it fit to give more money.

$10mill is **** all, yet we are happy to hand out cash to people who have kids and give wage earners $950 :rolleyes:

I thought the 10 million was to hand out to the victims who have nothing left so they can get clothes, toiletries and other necessities they need to survive for the next few days. I may be wrong but that's my take on it and if that's the case I'm sure there will be more government money to come.
I thought the 10 million was to hand out to the victims who have nothing left so they can get clothes, toiletries and other necessities they need to survive for the next few days. I may be wrong but that's my take on it and if that's the case I'm sure there will be more government money to come.

O, that's ok. I was only half listening at the time and thought that it was 10mil total.
Not just money gang.

Those with kids, we are 6 weeks after Christmas and surely we have toys floating around the house that we could easily donate. The money will come, these guys need a quick solution for the short term. Clothing, blankets, food donations of some sort. Anything, how big or small will help.

No matter how bad we may be travelling, there is someone out there doing it harder, and we always come to the party and help out.
Red Cross - Humanitarian Partner Program

Jump on www.redcross.org.au and sign up to give a regular monthly donation, best way to support an organisation like this, they will be helping out the communities affected for many months to come.

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I thought the 10 million was to hand out to the victims who have nothing left so they can get clothes, toiletries and other necessities they need to survive for the next few days. I may be wrong but that's my take on it and if that's the case I'm sure there will be more government money to come.

I think you're right, at least that's what the message seemed to be from Rudd on ABC. With people's charitable donations flowing in from all of the state's I think the aid front should be covered. I wouldn't be surprised at all if at the next sitting of parliament an amendment was put forward to put some of the $42 billion stimulus package into rebuilding the lost homes and infrastructure.
Is there anyway I can offer and send fruit and veg to these people. I may be able to speak to my boss about donating anything they can. If not enough i'll dig in with $100-$200 to purchase the necessary things to feed them.
I'd be happy for the $950 I qualify for from the proposed stimulus package to be put towards the victims. In fact it would be great if the whole package had a complete reassessment.

It's money I wasn't expecting and wouldn't make a shred of difference to my quality of life anyway.
Is there anyway I can offer and send fruit and veg to these people. I may be able to speak to my boss about donating anything they can. If not enough i'll dig in with $100-$200 to purchase the necessary things to feed them.

Sounds like something you could call the Salvo's about or some related fund, I'm sure someone could help you out in the endeavor, best luck mate.
Yeah, Brumby said the $10M was in addition to the already existing funds allocated for disaster relief. And they were also kick-starting the Bushfire Appeal via the Red Cross.

If I can get 5 of my clients' businesses to donate tomorrow it would be a good start. Hopefully others can do the same and get some relief to these people quickly.
I'd be happy for the $950 I qualify for from the proposed stimulus package to be put towards the victims. In fact it would be great if the whole package had a complete reassessment.

It's money I wasn't expecting and wouldn't make a shred of difference to my quality of life anyway.

Agreed. I hope they send about 20-30b to helping these people out.

It helps the economy anyway, paying tradies and stuff to rebuild helps out the economy and these people get a new start.
One of my friends actually works on one of the websites for the CFA brigades and he told me that the volume of traffic and number of enquires, especially for those trying to donate or give goods has been nothing short of overwhelming that it's nearly crashed several times because of the amount of traffic.

# Bendigo Bank Appeal, 1300 366 666, or visit www.bendigobank.com.au
# NAB's 1 Million Dollar Appeal, 132 622 or transfer donations to BSB: 082001, ACCOUNT: 860046797
# Salvation Army Clothing Donations, 137 258 (press '2' in menu) or www.salvos.org.au
# Urgent - Donate Blood: Find your nearest donor centre at www.donateblood.com.au

I will be heading to the cricket on Tuesday... as apparently all the money raised goes to the victims according to the channel 9 news.

I will be also donating blood today & i encourage anyone who can't donate any money to do this... & i will be donating the money i won at the Tab over the weekend.
Is there anyway I can offer and send fruit and veg to these people. I may be able to speak to my boss about donating anything they can. If not enough i'll dig in with $100-$200 to purchase the necessary things to feed them.

Call the bushfire info line 1800 811 700 they are coordinating things.

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Dig Deep - Bushfires

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