Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 2 * FM guilty of assault & intimidation

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Continued from PART 1

Criminal charges the former foster parents currently face as at 15 April 2022 include:
  • Apprehended Violence Orders on both (AVOs)
  • Lying to the NSW Crime Commission on former foster mother *Not Guilty
  • Lying to the NSW Crime Commission on former foster father *Not Guilty
  • 2 x charges of assault against a child on former foster mother *Guilty
  • 1 x charge of assault against a child on former foster father *Not Guilty
  • Stalking &/or Intimidation on both *Guilty
  • Dummy bidding real estate fraud *Guilty

Where's William Tyrrell? - The Ch 10 podcast (under Coroner's subpoena)

Operation Arkstone
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What if FM was covering up being negligent, eg put William around the corner and told him to stay there until Dad got home. William ran down the lawn and someone was walking past or someone drove around the front of the house, saw him, did a u turn back around the corner and coaxed him in the car?
There’s no evidence that anyone saw any cars. Apart from the FM but I think she backtracked on her car story at the inquest IIRC.

“I don’t know why I said that.”
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There’s no evidence that anyone saw any cars. Apart from the FM but I think she backtracked on her car story at the inquest IIRC.

“I don’t know why I said that.”

I think we haven't been told whether anyone else saw vehicles, other than the two parked cars reported by FM.

The detective who answered for the strike force at the inquest hearings in 2019 and 2020 said she'd been unable to corroborate FM's account of the two parked cars (which to me means that no one else saw or heard those cars, even though several people went right past where they were said to be parked, and I take that to mean the cars weren't there).

As far as I know, there has been no reporting about whether anyone saw or heard other vehicles - including no information given to the public about whether William's sister actually did see a green-grey sedan turn around in the driveway next door (No.52, Miller's) when the kids were riding their bikes in the upper driveway at FGM's, if they were.

I've found no reporting about whether anyone saw FGM's car driving around, or FF's 4WD, or any other vehicle, including those of neighbours - except for the postie-like vehicle which the residents of No. 51 said they heard (but only when questioned by police years later, so I'm not sure how accurate this could be).

If anyone has seen reports or neighbour statements about other vehicles, please post a link.

Edited to add: FGM said in her walk-through that an elderly couple drove past when she was on Benaroon Drive, but as far as I've seen there have been no news reports about that vehicle either.
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If you know the street the house .
I don’t think so because:-
Remember the FM said in her walk through it was so quiet there was no bird noises. I am sure if a car pulled up you would hear a door open and shut. Also children are taught stranger danger these days.
But! One form of punishment was locking 2 year olds outside for time out, so it could be possible. 😔
I would think someone heard/saw a car but it’s still possible, especially if they thought FF was coming home at some stage, postie doing her runs, school drop offs. I think I read only one couple thought they heard the postie that day) It’s a very leafy area and a person walking by is a possibility.
I’ve seen experiments done over the years on stranger danger and it’s surprising how many children went up to a random stranger (lollies and puppies come to mind.) It’s also possible he could have been grabbed hand over mouth or freeze/flight.
It’s possible if FM used time out outside for periods of time, she was doing this with William and had no idea he was gone for a period of time.
I’d be interested to know if FP’s ever used one of those child harness/backpack/leads?
Although have read Wallace52 post and there would be no need to lie about seeing cars if this happened.
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“I don’t know why I said that.”
Translated, that possibly means something like

I know I lied, and I lied because I felt persecuted.
I'm more important than any of you, but I'm not going to actually incriminate myself by spelling it out.
And I've been advised to say
I don’t know why I said that”, if I'm every caught out lying or contradicting myself by/to law enforcement or prosecutors.
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Perhaps this photo shows the patio after L was playing, having been left there by herself (even though 1 unsupervised child is already missing )

I think it’s possible FGM had ‘outside shoes’ (I do - thongs at each door 😅) which she maybe slipped on as she went down stairs.

Do they look like toys in the ‘planter stand’ looking thing in this photo ? Maybe the Spider-Man doll was in there

Edited by me to say you’ll need to enlarge the photo to see planter box with what I think may be toys in it

Ok had a look. Yes there is something that is long and grey at the back that somewhat looks like a crane arm or digger to a excavator toy. There are however, flowers too most especially on that one after he went missing..

Is it possible he was using the digger for play in the soil of the planter box? or at least part of it? .Maybe
Me too.

Let’s pretend she’s getting ready to sue FACS, Michelle White, the fosters and the NSW Gov, then episode 2 of the Witness podcasts will give her lawyers some great copy. Especially that bit about the worker who took William from the bio family and gave him to the hospital and then the fosters to care for him, saying himself that they knew that the Tyrrell family were “sh**” and “ordinary.” That worker sounded more unprofessional than what I had even expected a worker to behave or speak like.

Like that’s any reason to take the children.

Imagine if all of the sh* and ordinary parents just got their kids taken from them, never to be returned. Sh* and ordinary should not be the threshold for removal.

That person was so abhorrent to listen to and but that interview gave a great insight into what I view as the sheer senselessness of L and William’s placement into out of home care. IMO

It’s a whole new stolen generation, and white or black, it still needs to be acknowledged.

Imagine what William’s sister has been through, losing her brother and having to stay with the carers who lost him.

If L never went into care, her life may not have ended up being such a nightmare. She will never get her childhood back.

What price would you put on 11 years of your life, gone? She was 11 or 12 I think when the fosters had all of their foster children taken off them.

I hope if she does sue she’ll get a bucket-load of money but most of all the acknowledgment that the wrong decisions were made.

Yes it seems the removal of the children from their biological family was a vindictive knee-jerk reaction by police and FACS. It was motivated by the perceived need to punish the biological parents for their behaviour, rather than protect the children. There is very little evidence that the children were in real danger by being left with their real parents. Nothing compared to the harm which they came to with the foster carers, anyway. There are many, many parents with drug or alcohol problems, or who go through occasions of domestic violence but still manage to raise their children in an environment which is (on balance) healthy and happy. Sure, it wasn't perfect, but it's not as though William and his sister regularly went without meals, or a place to sleep, or clothing. There is no evidence they were physically or mentally abused by their real parents, or even neglected. The disadvantages associated with tearing apart families: loss of identity, separation anxiety and trauma, social disconnect, mental health, impaired social skills and abilities, etc. often far outweigh the perceived advantages. How did it turn out for William and his sister? Not too good IMO.
IMO Karlie and Brendan were singled out and used by the system as examples because they were not in a position to defend themselves. Meanwhile I'd venture to suggest there are hundreds if not thousands of couples who are 'worse' parents, where neither FACS nor police would even bother to intervene.
Have you spent much time with addicts and criminals? Would you want them looking after you when you were a child? Or looking after your child? (if you have one)

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Have you spent much time with addicts and criminals? Would you want them looking after you when you were a child? Or looking after your child? (if you have one)
Depends what category of criminals and addicts, and what assistance and support they are getting, and how much they actually want to change/self-improve.

How do you feel about high functioning wealthy, professionally successful psychopaths or sociopaths parenting children?

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Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 2 * FM guilty of assault & intimidation

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