Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 2 * FM guilty of assault & intimidation

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Continued from PART 1

Criminal charges the former foster parents currently face as at 15 April 2022 include:
  • Apprehended Violence Orders on both (AVOs)
  • Lying to the NSW Crime Commission on former foster mother *Not Guilty
  • Lying to the NSW Crime Commission on former foster father *Not Guilty
  • 2 x charges of assault against a child on former foster mother *Guilty
  • 1 x charge of assault against a child on former foster father *Not Guilty
  • Stalking &/or Intimidation on both *Guilty
  • Dummy bidding real estate fraud *Guilty

Where's William Tyrrell? - The Ch 10 podcast (under Coroner's subpoena)

Operation Arkstone
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Just checking, did FGM say she didn’t see FF at all before he left? I thought she asked him to pick up the paper for her.
I think he spoke to FGM the night before about what time Chemist opened. So probably asked for paper. It is to the stage you toss a coin to see what is the truth.
It's background, but not recent. That is all based on Jubelin's 2016 interview with FM which lasted 2.5 hours (including breaks), and covered not only the time between the photos and the 000 call, but also detailed background of the fosters and their relationship, and how William and his sister came into their care.

So, Jubelin probably spent under an hour on the actual critical timeline, and doesn't seem to have questioned FM at all about the drive. It's the drive which doesn't fit the timeline at all. Jubelin went over several possible scenarios, including balcony fall, driveway accident, etc. But neither of these would fit with the FM drive in her mother's car.

The sequence of events by ARB above seems about right to me, and the best explanation of why GO phone call went unanswered is that everyone was out on the driveway for bike riding or whatever around 9am. FF had to have been gone for the bike riding, or there wouldn't have been room in the driveway. Makes sense that he unloaded the bikes before leaving, if he hadn't already done so the night before. But they wouldn't have been able to ride bikes if his car was still there. Maybe FGM was doing dishes and didn't watch the bike riding. Maybe after William 'deliberately crashed his bike into the garden' and finished playing 'Mummy Monster', and refusing to climb the 'great climbing tree', then they all went inside via the back verandah to get set up for drawing and card making. This explains the position of William's shoes - facing the house. He would have taken them off before going in, and they would have been placed on the verandah facing the door. This is how people place shoes when they are taken off before entering a house. When he went outside to do the drawing he was then barefoot, as per the photos.
Maybe they went outside again onto the verandah around 9:15 or 9:20am? This would be enough time for William to get bored with drawing, roll the dice incorrectly and start roaring like a tiger by 9:37.
Then something happens, but what?
There is nothing certain in the timeline until around 10:30am, but by then FM has taken her drive (I think) and FF has returned. It's about 40 minutes unexplained. It's also consistent with FGM saying she was out on the verandah for "about an hour" (from 9:20 to 10:20, at which time she says she went looking for FM). FGM is covering whatever happened by saying she was out there the whole time, but there's not enough activity to fill an hour IMO. Maybe she knew FM was gone for a while in her car, and made tea in anticipation of her return?

One question which has not been satisfactorily answered (IMO) is when and how William put his shoes on again? If he 'suddenly' jumped off the deck, then he didn't put them on himself. Yet, the shoes disappeared with William somehow.
Getting close 31550
Just a thought we all assume FF took the car what IF FGM took the car out?
I believe the drive was longer (40 mins available) I did a drive to get the engine bonnet warm at 25 degrees it took in same size car 5-6 Ks. at 11am
If the day was earlier and some one mentioned 15 degrees then it would have to be a longer drive.
The tea took 25 to cool same temperatures so if the POL arrived after 11 then the tea had to have been made after 10.45 after FF arrived homes. They must have made tea twice. 🚩🚩🚩 so William is missing and they are making tea?
I think he spoke to FGM the night before about what time Chemist opened. So probably asked for paper. It is to the stage you toss a coin to see what is the truth.
Thank you.
Toss a coin...What would I say, snakes for snakes in the grass or heads for heads up there’s an abductor on the loose🥴

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I think he spoke to FGM the night before about what time Chemist opened. So probably asked for paper. It is to the stage you toss a coin to see what is the truth.
The weird thing is that paper came out every Wednesday. FGM according to her statement went into Kendall on the Thursday to visit the community centre etc. as per usual routine. Why didn't she pick the paper up herself?
I'm not an expert on cadaverine but ...
  • cadaver dogs were not used in the early part of the investigation AFAIK - only search/rescue dogs
  • unclear if scent was detected in FGM car (or if it was even searched on the day). It was not forensically examined for several days, and clearly that search was not thorough, or they would not have forensically searched it AGAIN six or seven years later as they did!
  • My understanding is cadaverine can take at least 10 minutes, but even up to an hour to become detectable after death. So if the initial movement of William was in FGM car only a short distance then quite possible no cadaverine left in the vehicle.
  • Not clear from WH statement whether FF left in his vehicle or on foot.
  • Quite possible if William was left a few km from the FGM property, he could have then been moved further by hand or another vehicle. FF might have had time to do this before 6am on the following morning.
  • Unclear if FF vehicle was inspected for cadaverine, ever. It also was not forensically examined for several days after William disappeared. In any case, it would not be unusual to find William's scent or DNA in FF car as he had travelled in it to Kendall.

FM used the 'foster child' excuse for silencing her mother from speaking publicly about the case ... you would think in a 'normal' relationship she would have been able to communicate this directly to her mother herself, rather than involve the police. It indicates a fractured relationship or at least some tension between the two.

PS. I don't find it realistic that FF could or would move William's body using one of the kids pushbikes (they were tiny with trainer wheels). Not sure he had his trail bike at the property - don't think so.
Ok! Thanks for your thoughts
Some interesting reading.

“One example is the police force calling on the coroner overseeing the inquest, Harriet Grahame, to stand down from all cases involving police officers over an alleged “perception of bias”.”

Very interesting. As if this case is not complicated enough.
People with dementia can be very violent hitting you with walking sticks etc. it is very difficult to be allowed them to be restrained. Sadly because humane restraints cannot be used handcuffs are. Instead of nurses police with guns etc that look intimating take care of the situation.
People doing their job should not have a threat of a walking stick being cracked over their head. Same Coroner Grahame would be intelligent enough to make an informative view on this. There is court security for similar reasons. Sad isn’t it?
Very interesting. As if this case is not complicated enough.
People with dementia can be very violent hitting you with walking sticks etc. it is very difficult to be allowed them to be restrained. Sadly because humane restraints cannot be used handcuffs are. Instead of nurses police with guns etc that look intimating take care of the situation.
People doing their job should not have a threat of a walking stick being cracked over their head. Same Coroner Grahame would be intelligent enough to make an informative view on this. There is court security for similar reasons. Sad isn’t it?
Yes that’s sad.
I wasn’t referring to that part as interesting though rather the police delay in providing evidence. Sorry, probably confusing from my quote as from reading point.
Very interesting. As if this case is not complicated enough.
People with dementia can be very violent hitting you with walking sticks etc. it is very difficult to be allowed them to be restrained. Sadly because humane restraints cannot be used handcuffs are. Instead of nurses police with guns etc that look intimating take care of the situation.
People doing their job should not have a threat of a walking stick being cracked over their head. Same Coroner Grahame would be intelligent enough to make an informative view on this. There is court security for similar reasons. Sad isn’t it?
Wow, just wow.
Firstly Dan Box takes potshots at NSWPOL about this case. Now he has a go at the Coroner herself!
Smacks of desperation.
Where is William, Dan? Let's sort that particular issue out first.
Wow, just wow.
Firstly Dan Box takes potshots at NSWPOL about this case. Now he has a go at the Coroner herself!
Smacks of desperation.
Where is William, Dan? Let's sort that particular issue out first.
He’s ripping Laidlaw to shreds in Episode 4.

It’s like these foster parents and their friends and cronies just don’t learn.

What happened last time the FM ripped Laidlaw to shreds on a podcast? That was in Lia Harris’ podcast and that didn’t turn out well for the FM.

Now a slick News exec with a nice accent is speaking as her proxy, and he’s ripping Laidlaw apart from a different angle; and once again, no good will come of this.

It’s not going to improve the lives of the foster parents or any of the producers of the “Witness” podcast. They just keep digging themselves deeper into trouble.

It’s gob smacking that they would dare drag the Coroner into this and throw mud her way, a week before the start of the inquest.

Evidently they are trying to what - collapse the inquest? Disrupt it? Like what are they trying to achieve?

As they say, you can run but you can’t hide. If answers are forthcoming and justice is somehow forthcoming, it’s coming regardless of a little bespoke podcast.

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Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 2 * FM guilty of assault & intimidation

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