Divedak not even looked at

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When does that ever happen on the field seriously, anderson is a moron. Players will dive when there is minimal contact but i have yet to see one dive when there is no contact, completely ridiculous rule if this is how it is judicated.

I agree, he did mention a couple of incidents though which i have forgotten. I think things like Didak against brisbane, Brad Johnson when he grabbed his head and went down like he was shot which started a small melee even though he was never hit anywhere near his head.

It's there own fault. They have made force irrelevant and placement as the guide to ruling free's based on contact. If you deserve a free it doesn't matter how hard they pushed you, how hard your hand hit them shoulder when spoiling etc. Diving is actually unnecessary as the rules cater for soft free's anyway.

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Riewoldt didn't even get looked at in the first two rounds so it's no surprise Didak's wasn't. The facts are in all their cases stupid contact off the ball was made to them and they milked it for all it was worth. If they had of gone to ground holding their heads then it would have been looked into.

Both Didak and Riewoldt were only appealing against the contact made to their back/side which was actually made.

To compare the contact and corresponding reaction by Riewoldt in rd.1 an rd.2 to Divedaks dive on friday night is laughable...
Don't go pretending the Riewoldt incidents against Sydney or North were the same as the Didak one. The Riewoldt ones were legitimate free kicks, the Didak one wasn't.

Don't go pretending that Riewoldt didn't dive in Round 1. ;)
I've seen the dive and it was one Italians would be proud of.

Should've been looked at but instead the AFL decide to book Dustin Martin for a side bump.

Incompetence has found new levels at the AFL Tribunal.

you cant actually be suspended for taking a dive now can you?
i thought it was a free kick, nothing more?

anyway, if umpires actually paid free kicks for diving, there would be free kicks every 30 seconds...

every player from every team dives for free kicks... some just hide it better than others...
Except Didak actually dived and Ashley Hansen didn't.

So true - I was staggered when the ump told Hansen not to dive when he was clearly the recipient of a substantial bump. Then I realised the ump in question was McClaren - that cleared it up for me. But yes, Didak took another dive.

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Didak should've got fined for diving and swearing ('cos afterall that's what Milne was fined for). Wish Baker or Jones just snotted Didak. So annoying the way he dives and pretends to throw a punch, please knock him out this week Campbell Brown!
When was it in the match!!!!!

First minute of the second quarter 19:22 on the clock.

Laughable to compare it to the two Riewoldt incidents.

There was no force in it at all. That may have been because Didak was already on his way to the ground before the minimal contact.
Didak should've got fined for diving and swearing ('cos afterall that's what Milne was fined for). Wish Baker or Jones just snotted Didak. So annoying the way he dives and pretends to throw a punch, please knock him out this week Campbell Brown!
Would much rather see a player get belted on the footy field than by a teammate at 4 in the morning in a hotel corridor
I hate players diving for free kicks when its in play especially in marking contests, a free kick against should be awarded whenever it is cited however when a player dives due to contact off the ball/between a stoppage of a play well thats a different story.
Well I'm pretty sure the contact Riewoldt got was more forceful than the contact Didak got.

I agree that players really shouldn't do it at all but as long they keep getting free kicks they will keep doing it.
Ur bold bit is spot on.....in the context of the game it was laughable....one of the most fierce openings to a game I can remember, and Dawson gives away a soft one!

Im pretty sure ur a saints supporter, so of course Roo didn't dive.

Didak dove, and was rewarded with the free and goal.

Roo did exactly the same thing in rnd 1 against Grundy, he even got up with a big smile on his face as he had sucked the umpire in.

To compare the contact and corresponding reaction by Riewoldt in rd.1 an rd.2 to Divedaks dive on friday night is laughable...
Another saint....Didak dove, so did Roo...both the same

Didak wasn't looked at because Dawson made contact. Therefore, Didak milked the free, he didn't technically dive.
Milked the free, dove...same thing....
First minute of the second quarter 19:22 on the clock.

Laughable to compare it to the two Riewoldt incidents.

There was no force in it at all. That may have been because Didak was already on his way to the ground before the minimal contact.

Gee, saints supporters dont seem to like the fact that Roo plays for free kicks like blokes like Didak......prob one of the reasons why neutral fans elevate blokes like Brown above Roo.

Brown big tough forward......Roo a diver, like Didak!
Roo did exactly the same thing in rnd 1 against Grundy, he even got up with a big smile on his face as he had sucked the umpire in.

No, he had a smile on his face because when he fell down Montagna cracked the joke 'well, while your down there...' and so he laughed at the joke.

Saying something that isint true dosnt make it true, even when you repeat it many times.
My God. Why do Saints continually say Roo doesn't dive? HE DIVES. HE DIVES. HE DIVES. No one is questioning his talent, just man up and admit he dives ffs!

Didak HAS to get this diving disgrace out of his game. The soft side of his game has reared its ugly head the past two rounds, and it shits me. I wish the AFL would fine him so maybe he wouldn't do it again...Isn't that the whole point of this rule?
case was almost identical to the riewoldt dive the week before...

here is the only video i could find of didak v saints:


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Divedak not even looked at

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