Do you need to be worried about Jaime Cripps' health?

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Team Captain
Jul 27, 2008
AFL Club
West Coast
Do you need to be worried? As a type 1 diabetic, I say no. At the risk of boring you, let me explain the problem with diabetes. It is a chronic, life threatening disease...this is true. If controlled it is little more than an inconvenience. As briefly as I can, in layman's terms, this is diabetes.

For reasons unknown to doctors the body's immune system turn on the beta cells, produced by the pancreas, and destroy them. Beta cells produce an enzyme called insulin. In a healthy body the blood/sugar level is kept to between 4 and 9 automatically. A diabetic aims for a level of 5 to 10. To achieve this is ideal and little trouble, if any, will occur. If the b/s level rises above 10 and higher over a long period of time all the internal organs can be damaged and terrible things will happen.

Firstly, nerve cells will be destroyed, and do not regenerate, That means when an infection occurs no messages are sent to the brain...”Hey brain, send the army, we are under attack”. This is why many diabetics have to have their feet chopped off. Why the feet? Because they are furthest from the heart.

Another insidious occurrence is that a diabetics can suddenly become blind. This is because excess sugar in the blood absorbs water and swell. This swelling bursts the tiny blood capillaries in the eye. They are not repairable and blindness is the result. For the sake of brevity I will not give other examples, but believe me, diabetes is a terrible disease, oh and yes, it is true, another present it gives you is a lack of erection ability!!!!!

In the case of low s/l, say around, in my case 2.5 to 1.5 immediate action must be undertaken before a coma sets in, due to lack of sugar to the brain. This is done with a spoon full of sugar or some sweet substance and a piece of bread or something. Normality results in around 15 minutes or so, but it is extremely dangerous, as a coma can result in brain damage. Control of diabetes is easy, unless you are really unlucky, with regular injections of insulin.

In layman's terms this is what happens.........Every cell in a body, and there are billions, requires a little dollop of sugar every day to operate. However cells have a little doors in them, locked to keep out nasties. The only key that will open the door is a speck of insulin. Therefore with every dollop of sugar is a speck of insulin and....voila the cell is re-energized for the days work. This is why a type1 diabetic is termed as insulin dependent. A type 2 diabetic, may or may not require insulin as their body is still producing beta cells, but not enough. Type2 is controlled with medicine.

As far as Jaime Cripps is concerned......fear not. He will be under the constant surveillance of quality medical staff and his disease should be no problem. Sorry I could not make it shorter. My opinion is that his health should cause us no concern. PS I did make paragraphs but it came out as one big block..
Have tried twice, tiff. It used to be all paragraphs, but when I submit it it becomes one big block. I will try for the 3rd. time.
Now I have tried 3 times and the editing does not work. Sorry unless mods can make the paragraphs, it must remain ugly, unfortunately.

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Can you name some other athletes who have/not been successful with type 1?

I know absolutely nothing about this, other than it can be bad, it's pretty common, and most people live a relatively normal life.

Surely there's been plenty of successful athletes with this disease.

Not to mention, as you said, the amount of quality medical staff at his disposal 24/7.
Diabetes, Tiff, is always a worry, but under the circumstances and with constant rotation, you can bet he will be finger tested constantly.
Beta cells produce and enzyme called insulin

peptide bro.

lets not forget about this bad ass:

Tiff, I can't think off hand, any other athletes, but you can be assured there are many. The disease is exceedingly common and right up there with cancer for it's odious affects on people with it. Many people have it for ages and do not know it. I know from experience. There are few symptoms initially. However a few most common are excessive tiredness and lack of energy (and I don't mean being tired after a hard days work) a lack of energy that you would not believe. Also excessive urination is a sign, also excessive wind both ends of the body. Plus, of course the well known, insatiable diabetic thirst.
Diabetes, Tiff, is always a worry, but under the circumstances and with constant rotation, you can bet he will be finger tested constantly.

You're thinking dodgy prostate. :p
So you posit the question whether others need be worried by Cripps's health condition and answer your own question in the negative.

Sorry, what's the point of the thread again ..?
Other Athletes

Dirk Wellham diagnosed at 10 yrs cricket
Dale Weightman was 23 yrs of age diagnosed
Sam Reid GWS diagnsed last season
Josh Donaldson WP
Nigel Bassett
Billie-Jean King

Bill Tilden Wimbledon / USA tennis Champion with Diabetes in the dark ages when treatment was not half as good , he was a star

Jamie will do fime his Dad wsa diagnosed at a similar age plus his brother has it also apparently , makes it sound like a common illness but it isn't use to be 1 in 5000 kids get the Autoimmune disease but now it is 1 in 1000 under 15 get the illness .

Jamie will be fine and he is eager to start training and said he is an endurance athlete . I just hope he has the Trainers jelly beans close on hand , if he is going to succeed he has to get it right but he sounds like he has the talent to do so !

Dale Weightman has started a support for athletes with Type 1 Diabetes , so I imagine Jamie will be on that programme of assistance .
Sorry, what's the point of the thread again ..?

West coast is better than st kilda

Thread helps explain why cripps diabetes won't hold back his development. It might be something something saints supporters are aware off since cripps has been on your list for two years but for some of us west coast supporters its new information
So you posit the question whether others need be worried by Cripps's health condition and answer your own question in the negative.

Sorry, what's the point of the thread again ..?

The reason,Feerits, is to give the generally more intelligent members that our board possesses an insight into why's and wherefore's of an insidious disease, that thankfully, is controllable. My negativity is due to the fact that though the disease is controllable, it is nevertheless, always a time bomb ticking away inside the body. Can you understand that?

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Thanks for sharing YTPMe. Very interesting read.

Glad to help LH. Not surprised about the family history of Jaime actually. It is believed that it is a hereditary disease but passing, more often through the male side, rather than father to daughter. It is becoming more prevalent, often brought on by overweight. So seriously people watch those fatty Macs. Believe do not want to get this disease. It is life changing....for the worse....that is if you are lucky. If you are not lucky...well you don't want to know.
Glad to help LH. Not surprised about the family history of Jaime actually. It is believed that it is a hereditary disease but passing, more often through the male side, rather than father to daughter. It is becoming more prevalent, often brought on by overweight. So seriously people watch those fatty Macs. Believe do not want to get this disease. It is life changing....for the worse....that is if you are lucky. If you are not lucky...well you don't want to know.

To clarify, type I diabetes is not contributed to by weight. It is an important risk factor in type II however.
To clarify, type I diabetes is not contributed to by weight. It is an important risk factor in type II however.

Actually, Profit, overweight is exceedingly dangerous to both types of diabetics. It may not actually cause diabetes. This is not really known for certain. However excessive fat inside the body builds up an ever thickening layer around the cells. This makes it more and more difficult for the insulin to open the cell doors. So I say again ....cut down on those fatty macs, for your own sakes. Once you get the disease, you have it forever, unless the medics come up with a miracle.

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Do you need to be worried about Jaime Cripps' health?

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