Society/Culture Does the Australian flag have an image problem?

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So Dai Le, the newly elected independent MP for Fowler, has made her debut speech in parliament wearing a traditional Vietnamese áo dài made out of the Aussie flag:

View attachment 1500694

The last time someone wore the flag in parliament, it was Pauline Hanson warning us of the Asian invasion.

It is an interesting choice to wear - and more interesting would be people's reactions to it. Does it seem less chauvinistic because a non-white person is wearing it? Does the fact she is an Independent MP make it more 'OK' to wear it? Does the aforementioned in this thread "I wonder if they are a redneck bogan" even come into anyone's thought patterns here?

To me, it represents what Australia means to a lot of immigrants - a pretty damn good country that does give all sorts of people opportunities. Especially compared to some of our neighbours in Asia, we are not as racist as them - but of course there is a lot for us to learn here, especially around casual racism.
Reclaiming the flag from the cape wearers. Good on her.
Yes i know plenty. Some of my peers are such people. Even voted for the aforementioned parties.
Then you must know millions of people if you think this is to a scale where it equals a problem
Where the Cronulla riots happened, is a blue ribbon LNP seat.
And? You equate this to all and sundry LNP voters wanted to go out and smash rapists? Really?
What have Nazis got to do with it? A flag-cape wearing bogan isn't necessarily a Nazi.
Because another poster equated that old blokes wanting to put up flags = nazis
Those who are obsessed with flags and anthems, to the point where they put down others who aren't, are the image problem with said flags and anthems.
Again, no one is arguing this, not sure why you think this needs repeating.

Those people are the problem - not the flag itself.

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Dai le is a useful idiot for those pushing the same narrative as one nation.

It's the exact reason she wore the attempted flag dress.
This is pretty obvious.

Right, so you think Dai Le is naive enough to push a one neuron agenda without realizing it.

But then your next sentence claims she wore the dress coz she's aware of it.

Can't say I'm surprised and it explains your posting.
Then you must know millions of people if you think this is to a scale where it equals a problem

And? You equate this to all and sundry LNP voters wanted to go out and smash rapists? Really?

Because another poster equated that old blokes wanting to put up flags = nazis

Again, no one is arguing this, not sure why you think this needs repeating.

Those people are the problem - not the flag itself.
I know enough of a sample size to make an accurate assumption. Feel free to disagree.

A lot of LNP voters in the shire yes. A lot still hold those views too. And they weren't there to 'smash rapists' they were there to attack anyone who was of Lebanese heritage, or looked like it.
I think I now know the sort of person I'm engaging with. Not a good look buddy.

Then take it up with that poster? It wasn't me who said that :drunk:

This topic is about an image problem attached to the flag.
Those people are a huge part of that image problem.
Right, so you think Dai Le is naive enough to push a one neuron agenda without realizing it.

But then your next sentence claims she wore the dress coz she's aware of it.

Can't say I'm surprised and it explains your posting.
Dai le knows exactly what she's doing and what simpleton voter base she's pandering to.
I know enough of a sample size to make an accurate assumption. Feel free to disagree.

A lot of LNP voters in the shire yes. A lot still hold those views too. And they weren't there to 'smash rapists' they were there to attack anyone who was of Lebanese heritage, or looked like it.
I think I now know the sort of person I'm engaging with. Not a good look buddy.

Then take it up with that poster? It wasn't me who said that :drunk:

This topic is about an image problem attached to the flag.
Those people are a huge part of that image problem.

Assumptions of course, and you're assumptions are incorrect. Not a good look buddy.

Where did I say take it up with another poster? Not a good look buddy.

'I think I now know the sort of person I'm engaging with.' You think you do but no you don't. Not a good look buddy.

Just some friendly advice, if you wish to make assumptions about me from your point of view just know I've dismantled others who have attempted such futility. If you continue infer that I'm such a person that barracks for such behaviour as the Cronulla riots then I will report you because it's false and it is not me.

Yes the topic is about the flag and I wasn't the one who posted about old guys putting up flags = nazis.
Dai le knows exactly what she's doing and what simpleton voter base she's pandering to.

So what you're saying is that Dai Le is playing the neo nationalist in bad faith in order to get votes? Bit of a bare cupboard to go to all that trouble for - that sort of voter base is minuscule - even though you naively think it's somehow the 'norm'.

Rather slanderous towards her don't you think?

I'll think I'll just ignore you now, clearly your posting speaks for itself.

Have a nice day.
Assumptions of course, and you're assumptions are incorrect. Not a good look buddy.

Where did I say take it up with another poster? Not a good look buddy.

'I think I now know the sort of person I'm engaging with.' You think you do but no you don't. Not a good look buddy.

Just some friendly advice, if you wish to make assumptions about me from your point of view just know I've dismantled others who have attempted such futility. If you continue infer that I'm such a person that barracks for such behaviour as the Cronulla riots then I will report you because it's false and it is not me.

Yes the topic is about the flag and I wasn't the one who posted about old guys putting up flags = nazis.
If your take on the Cronulla riots was that it was a day of bashing rapists, your exact words, in the post I quoted of yours. Report away.

The rest you've clearly not read what I've said in your keyboard mashing fit, and not worth more time.
Your internet heroics of 'dismantling' n00bs futility is of no interest either and a weird flex. 🙃

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Let's face it you're just upset the uppity Vietnamese woman doesn't hold the views you think she should.

And you call other people racist. It's quite funny.
My view has nothing to do with her background. I didn't bring it up once.
I mentioned her base and who she's pandering to. Some may be Vietnamese but a good proportion won't be.

Try reading again, and concentrate this time.
My view has nothing to do with her background. I didn't bring it up once.
I mentioned her base and who she's pandering to. Some may be Vietnamese but a good proportion won't be.

Try reading again, and concentrate this time.
Yeah sure.
If your take on the Cronulla riots was that it was a day of bashing rapists, your exact words, in the post I quoted of yours.

Cronulla wasn’t a protest about sexual violence, there was a single sign or slogan referring to that.

There was plenty of “lebs f**k off” and “w*gs out of ‘nulla” slogans written on people though……

Plus the police inquiry into the day found the incident that sparked the riot wasn’t a group of Lebanese bashing a bunch of “good old Anglo Aussie” Lifeguards on duty totally unprovoked as Alan Jones made it out to be, the truth was a group of young male Anglo lifeguards who were off duty, out of uniform and off the beach walked past a group of young Lebanese men, insults were thrown and a fight ensued.

Two groups of angry young men beating each other up was spun entirely one way.
So Dai Le, the newly elected independent MP for Fowler, has made her debut speech in parliament wearing a traditional Vietnamese áo dài made out of the Aussie flag:

View attachment 1500694

The last time someone wore the flag in parliament, it was Pauline Hanson warning us of the Asian invasion.

It is an interesting choice to wear - and more interesting would be people's reactions to it. Does it seem less chauvinistic because a non-white person is wearing it? Does the fact she is an Independent MP make it more 'OK' to wear it? Does the aforementioned in this thread "I wonder if they are a redneck bogan" even come into anyone's thought patterns here?

To me, it represents what Australia means to a lot of immigrants - a pretty damn good country that does give all sorts of people opportunities. Especially compared to some of our neighbours in Asia, we are not as racist as them - but of course there is a lot for us to learn here, especially around casual racism.

I normally cringe at this type of stuff but she's pulled it off
Please no yellow and green if it does get changed, it looks terrible. Stick to red white and blue.
And no aboriginal flag. They have their own flag, have an inclusive of all one.

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Society/Culture Does the Australian flag have an image problem?

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