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It could also be too clever and not really accepted in the long run.

Quite possibly but to walk straight into the arms of Labor leaves no doubt. This way they would have a little escape hatch. I would be surprised if Such contested the next election anyway. He's already 70yo and his health problems - he has had surgery in the past for prostate cancer - are looking like overwhelming him.

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Who gets the majority of the vote in a democracy is not relevant? I'm sorry but I just can't abide that kind of thinking.

I'd rather a hung parliament and a return to the polls than for Labor to govern for another four years without a genuine mandate.
Depends what you mean by a mandate - around 48% of the state didn't vote for conservatives. Just out of interest did you think it was anti democratic when Howard lost the popular vote in 1998 but still won the seats, or does it only apply when Labor wins power? In the end the major parties are like tweedle dum and tweedle dee anyway.
The Libs have lost sight of the old adage Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. They continually alienate the independents then when they want them they can't understand why they don't come running.
The Libs have lost sight of the old adage Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. They continually alienate the independents then when they want them they can't understand why they don't come running.

Despite his public statements, I don't think Marshall was under any illusion that both independents would do anything different. (Such has yet to decide but there's no way he'll side with the Libs.) It will get really interesting if Fisher has to go to a by-election so soon after the main election due to Such's health.
Neither of the Independents rushed into it. they took two weeks to talk and obviously felt that Labor gave their electorate a better deal than the Libs offered. The fact is the Independents were always going to hold a balance of power and Labor had the upper hand as they won one more seat than the Libs.

If the people in the electorates of Frome and Fisher wanted the Libs that badly they should have voted Liberal. The fact is enough of them did not and the people who they did vote for have done what they feel is the best deal for the electorate. Like the average punter I have no idea what Labor and the Libs did or did not promise the independents but obviously Dr Such and Mr Brock went with the best deal on the table.

it is worth noting that Mr Brock has not promised his vote to Labor he has said that he will vote against them on any issue that he does not think is in the State's best interests. Being Minister for Regional development must have some benefits for a regional seat like Frome. Dr Such on the other hand is no stranger to this situation and if he is well enough he will keep the Libs at arms length given their open animosity toward him.

Jay Wetherill is in a position he could only have dreamed about two months ago.
so this is for the mods.
Are we soon going to be able to be bigots and racists on this site if the Libs pass through the rule changes (legistration or whatever its technical terms are) in the senate... Or will BF remain like most of the rest of the world, and use common sense, and actually ensure people respect others (as much as u can on a footy forum).

Personally I hope its the latter (unless referring to the current PM, then it should be all out war).
so this is for the mods.
Are we soon going to be able to be bigots and racists on this site if the Libs pass through the rule changes (legistration or whatever its technical terms are) in the senate... Or will BF remain like most of the rest of the world, and use common sense, and actually ensure people respect others (as much as u can on a footy forum).

Personally I hope its the latter (unless referring to the current PM, then it should be all out war).

When this rule changes, we will let you sledge each other. Mods get to interpret what ***** means. ;)

Keep it civil. Remember these are real people you are talking to. Don't bag other people just for the hell of it. Keep your posts respectful of other people. Don't create new sock-puppet user accounts just to back yourself up in an argument or bully other people. Insults like ******, **** and ******* are particularly repugnant to many moderators. Don't bait or provoke negative responses or you may be hit for points as well. Frac: Warning to Mid
so this is for the mods.
Are we soon going to be able to be bigots and racists on this site if the Libs pass through the rule changes (legistration or whatever its technical terms are) in the senate... Or will BF remain like most of the rest of the world, and use common sense, and actually ensure people respect others (as much as u can on a footy forum).

Personally I hope its the latter (unless referring to the current PM, then it should be all out war).

Governments and Prime Ministers come and go but BigFooty is forever.
If Iain Evans and Vicki Chapman are still around in 2018, that will assist the ALP in winning yet another election.
The Libs have lost sight of the old adage Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. They continually alienate the independents then when they want them they can't understand why they don't come running.

I thought all politicians used the adage 'Keep your friends and enemies in front of you, in case you need to backstab them'
So is Bob Such actually ill or was this just a convenient way of him saying "I dont have the guts to make this decision for the state?"

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I suspect it is 100% legit - he had a cancer scare 7 or 8 years ago, and he's reaching 70, so it all points to someone who has significant health concerns.
I was appalled (but not surprised) to read Geoff Brock is getting death threats. The rabid shrieking of the Federal member for Sturt would only be inflaming the situation.
Congrats on the prime time blockbuster - Saturday Night against the reigning premiers, especially after the epic prelim, it promises to be an epic match..

But the jingoistic crap and bullshit 'ANZAC spirit' that gets paraded by the AFL and football clubs is pure trite and a slap in the face of those who have died in war -

The fact that any football club, be it Collingwood, Essendon, Port Adelaide, or whoever, try to align themselves to a day that marks the date our military invaded a sovereign nation (it would be different had it been defending an invading force here in Australia) is disgusting...

I don't understand how you would want this game to be any embodiment of PAFC, short of being stoked of the prime time nature of the match (Sat Night 7pm, Adelaide Oval - This is something to hang your hats on and I congratulate you for it )

The 25th of April, and what that day represents and how this nation chooses to 'celebrate' it, is nothing to be proud of --
Congrats on the prime time blockbuster - Saturday Night against the reigning premiers, especially after the epic prelim, it promises to be an epic match..

But the jingoistic crap and bullshit 'ANZAC spirit' that gets paraded by the AFL and football clubs is pure trite and a slap in the face of those who have died in war -

The fact that any football club, be it Collingwood, Essendon, Port Adelaide, or whoever, try to align themselves to a day that marks the date our military invaded a sovereign nation (it would be different had it been defending an invading force here in Australia) is disgusting...

I don't understand how you would want this game to be any embodiment of PAFC, short of being stoked of the prime time nature of the match (Sat Night 7pm, Adelaide Oval - This is something to hang your hats on and I congratulate you for it )

The 25th of April, and what that day represents and how this nation chooses to 'celebrate' it, is nothing to be proud of --

Yep you dont understand is the appropriate comment.
Congrats on the prime time blockbuster - Saturday Night against the reigning premiers, especially after the epic prelim, it promises to be an epic match..

But the jingoistic crap and bullshit 'ANZAC spirit' that gets paraded by the AFL and football clubs is pure trite and a slap in the face of those who have died in war -

The fact that any football club, be it Collingwood, Essendon, Port Adelaide, or whoever, try to align themselves to a day that marks the date our military invaded a sovereign nation (it would be different had it been defending an invading force here in Australia) is disgusting...

I don't understand how you would want this game to be any embodiment of PAFC, short of being stoked of the prime time nature of the match (Sat Night 7pm, Adelaide Oval - This is something to hang your hats on and I congratulate you for it )

The 25th of April, and what that day represents and how this nation chooses to 'celebrate' it, is nothing to be proud of --

I will take that as a political comment and if you really want to engage the topic it can be done in this thread.
How can Brock honestly side with Labor given the vote breakdown both in his own electorate and statewide?

Libs got the majority vote in SA overall. And in Frome, Labor finished a distant third with daylight between their vote and the Liberals.

Given that, how can anyone make a case that the will of the electorate is for a minority Labor government? I don't even like the Liberals but you can't just blatantly ignore the will of the majority like that, just because you get offered a Ministerial position.

Sickening corruption is sickening.
2000 US election was won without the popular vote...I like PR personally.
Congrats on the prime time blockbuster - Saturday Night against the reigning premiers, especially after the epic prelim, it promises to be an epic match..

But the jingoistic crap and bullshit 'ANZAC spirit' that gets paraded by the AFL and football clubs is pure trite and a slap in the face of those who have died in war -

The fact that any football club, be it Collingwood, Essendon, Port Adelaide, or whoever, try to align themselves to a day that marks the date our military invaded a sovereign nation (it would be different had it been defending an invading force here in Australia) is disgusting...

I don't understand how you would want this game to be any embodiment of PAFC, short of being stoked of the prime time nature of the match (Sat Night 7pm, Adelaide Oval - This is something to hang your hats on and I congratulate you for it )

The 25th of April, and what that day represents and how this nation chooses to 'celebrate' it, is nothing to be proud of --

You're usually a pretty good poster around BF so I'll assume you're just mis-informed with this post.

The link to ANZAC Day for PAFC is not to 'celebrate' the invasion of Galipoli, it's a remembrance of those who sacrificed themselves for our nation, some of whom were a part of the Port Adelaide community. Regardless of how you feel now about a war that happened almost 100 years ago, the young men and women of 1915 saw it as their duty to defend the motherland and did so without complaint or protest. It's easy to preach the 'war is bad and you should feel bad' mantra in the relative safety of modern times but another thing entirely to be living at a time when the entire world was on the brink of a thirty year, world-wide war.

Read through some of the earlier posts on this thread, particularly those by Lockhart Road and 1954, and you'll get a sense of what ANZAC Day means to the PAFC community.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.

Lest we forget.

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