Domestic violence

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Donald Trump

Aug 7, 2016
AFL Club
Domestic violence is violence committed by men upon women.
Let's not confuse the issue by using them term "gender based violence".
This is yet another left wing tactic used to denigrate and undervalue the actual victims of domestic violence, who are actually women.
It annoys me. Just say it. Men beating up women is bad. Don't do it.
Look to Ireland's recent referendum and Scotland's hate speech laws for guidance. World has gone mad. I love my mother. Not my birthing parent. I was breast fed... Not chest fed.
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Domestic violence is violence committed by men upon women.
Let's not confuse the issue by using them term "gender based violence".
This is yet another left wing tactic used to denigrate and undervalue the actual victims of domestic violence, who are actually women.
... are you saying that a man is never physically harmed by a domestic partner?

Where are our resident Men's Libbers at?
It annoys me. Just say it. Men beating up women is bad. Don't do it.
Look to Ireland's recent referendum and Scotland's hate speech laws for guidance. World has gone mad. I love my mother. Not my birthing parent. I was breast fed... Not chest fed.

Tell you what. We have any number of threads to discuss gender issues and transgender rights on this forum, why don't you go to one of those? Let's keep this thread as narrowly focused as possible, shall we?
I call my birthing parent "mum". No one's ever said not to. If someone choses to call their birthing parent "birthing parent", it wouldn't offend me. I think it's another straw man for righties centralist to get highly offended at, and then go and cancel something like a book, or the local corner store or something (they're always getting highly offended at made up stuff they've been told to believe is true, and then cancelling something)

If righties, sorry, did it again, centralists were half as offended at violence against women as they are about pretend issues they've made up, the party that represents their views might not be so on the nose with women.
Domestic violence is violence committed by men upon women.
Let's not confuse the issue by using them term "gender based violence".
This is yet another left wing tactic used to denigrate and undervalue the actual victims of domestic violence, who are actually women.
It annoys me. Just say it. Men beating up women is bad. Don't do it.
Look to Ireland's recent referendum and Scotland's hate speech laws for guidance. World has gone mad. I love my mother. Not my birthing parent. I was breast fed... Not chest fed.
Sounds like you're a bit too emotional to be thinking straight.
A lot of domestic violence issues would be caused by unhealthy societal norms and expectations on men, which in turn lead to them being less likely to seek help for mental health issues.

I call my birthing parent "mum". No one's ever said not to. If someone choses to call their birthing parent "birthing parent", it wouldn't offend me. I think it's another straw man for righties centralist to get highly offended at, and then go and cancel something like a book, or the local corner store or something (they're always getting highly offended at made up stuff they've been told to believe is true, and then cancelling something)

If righties, sorry, did it again, centralists were half as offended at violence against women as they are about pretend issues they've made up, the party that represents their views might not be so on the nose with women.
You see this is the problem. It's not about you... Who cares if you think it's ok to call someone a birthing person etc... It's about the belittling of the mother... What does she (they lol) think....
The radical left, always deflect by saying that it's a non issue... Or if your disagree you are A.. Stupid, B. Racist...
Wonder why radical leftist agendas life the voice fail?
This is a real ideological thingy. It's happening all over the world. I recommend you tune in to an alternative opinion such as Thomas Sowell... To name one.
Be careful... Take notice what's going on around you before it's too late.
The institution that is the mother.... You know... The complete basis for life on earth... Yeah that mother. The one with the baby making bits. We can say it... It's okay to acknowledge their existence... The Scottish hate law prevents it though. Because it's insensitive to trans women... Who are guys with **** and nail polish.
So trans people belittle every mother ?
So trans people belittle every mother ?
No. It's the radial leftists in government and"educational institutions' who act on their and every other fringe dwellers behalf. You see it everywhere. You know... The social justice warriors. Whether it be climate, Hamas, net zero, trans rights, the voice etc They are not personally involved, but they need to be in control. So they impose their will on everyone else. But none of it actually helps... In fact it has the opposite effect. Thank God the voice failed for example... Had it succeeded it would have further marginalized and divided indigenous people from the rest of society.
Anyway that's my view. You can have your opinion. I left Australia 35 years ago to live on am island... With Bitcoin. I am beholden to no government.
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Is it possible to actually discuss violence against women in Australia, without it being drowned out by the usual 'trans/Indigenous/notallmen/theydeserveit' distraction narratives?

I mean, at the end of the day, not addressing/raising attention to it will lead to more of the same.
But all we ever hear is about how any attention being drawn to it is 'lecturing/attacking/bad'.

So how do we actually reach the people who need to be reached?
Is it possible to actually discuss violence against women in Australia, without it being drowned out by the usual 'trans/Indigenous/notallmen/theydeserveit' distraction narratives?

I mean, at the end of the day, not addressing/raising attention to it will lead to more of the same.
But all we ever hear is about how any attention being drawn to it is 'lecturing/attacking/bad'.

So how do we actually reach the people who need to be reached?
Great Scott...I think you've got it. It's violence against women.... It's not "gender based violence"....I mean what the hell does that mean....?
It's guys in nearly all cases beating up on women. Just say it.... Who is being protected by saying it's gender based....
That's it.
Is it possible to actually discuss violence against women in Australia, without it being drowned out by the usual 'trans/Indigenous/notallmen/theydeserveit' distraction narratives?

I mean, at the end of the day, not addressing/raising attention to it will lead to more of the same.
But all we ever hear is about how any attention being drawn to it is 'lecturing/attacking/bad'.

So how do we actually reach the people who need to be reached?
Calling it 'gender-based' violence rather than violence against females automatically draws the discussion into the trans debate. I don't really have an opinion on whether that's good or bad, just making an observation.

Not all men - Some discussion ventures into man hating - that's just a fact. The generalisations by some can be off-putting for me.

Some do lecture. The manner in which people communicate their message is important, wouldn't you agree?

How do we reach those who need to be reached? I'd suggest with compassion, understanding, and therapy - that's likely to work better than lecturing. Oftentimes those who commit violence have childhood trauma that hasn't been dealt with appropriately.
Great Scott...I think you've got it. It's violence against women.... It's not "gender based violence"....I mean what the hell does that mean....?
It's guys in nearly all cases beating up on women. Just say it.... Who is being protected by saying it's gender based....
That's it.
If you were honest, you'd admit that you don't care about violence against women. And that you actively want more violence against transgender people.
Calling it 'gender-based' violence rather than violence against females automatically draws the discussion into the trans debate. I don't really have an opinion on whether that's good or bad, just making an observation.
But why?
It shouldn't.

It's only because we've all been told that transgenderism is the biggest issue and concern that we should all be obsessed by.

If a woman doesn't identify as female. Does the violence no longer matter?
If a transwoman faces domestic violence from a male, does it not count because they have less value?

I totally understand what you're saying. I'm just trying to address the why.
Not all men - Some discussion ventures into man hating - that's just a fact. The generalisations by some can be off-putting for me.
If they came out and stated as part of Government policy, that all men need to reduce their violence against women... It wouldn't upset me at all.
I wouldn't feel attacked, I wouldn't feel oppressed.

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words shall never hurt me.
I understand any hyperbole to reduce the harm across Australia.

Who would oppose "all men need to reduce their violence against women"? And why?
radial leftists
Point Pointing GIF by Sarah & Duck
Some do lecture. The manner in which people communicate their message is important, wouldn't you agree?
Feeling lectured is subjective. So how can you possibly create a national message that has any impact, without it feeling like a 'lecture' to people who don't care?

It's not your job, but do you think you could begin to imagine creating a message for all Australians that is impactful, without being a 'lecture'?

How do we reach those who need to be reached? I'd suggest with compassion, understanding, and therapy - that's likely to work better than lecturing. Oftentimes those who commit violence have childhood trauma that hasn't been dealt with appropriately.
Compassion, understanding, therapy. You know that all of those aspects have been and are still part of the progress.

But we aren't talking an individual level in this regard, we're talking about a societal shift about the understanding of gendered and domestic violence.


How do you possibly talk about violence against women, without addressing male violence and societal actions?
It might be boring, but if society still views violence against women as a trans issue, or a non-issue... what the **** can be done?
If you were honest, you'd admit that you don't care about violence against women. And that you actively want more violence against transgender people.
Violence against anyone saddens me. I'm not pointing fingers at the minority... They can act and do what they want, it's a free island... I'm actually pointing at the Marxist elements in power (who most definitely are not part off the minority they pretend to support.)
It's their agenda. Divide and conquer... And keep you poor.
Calling it 'gender-based' violence rather than violence against females automatically draws the discussion into the trans debate. I don't really have an opinion on whether that's good or bad, just making an observation.

Not all men - Some discussion ventures into man hating - that's just a fact. The generalisations by some can be off-putting for me.

Some do lecture. The manner in which people communicate their message is important, wouldn't you agree?

How do we reach those who need to be reached? I'd suggest with compassion, understanding, and therapy - that's likely to work better than lecturing. Oftentimes those who commit violence have childhood trauma that hasn't been dealt with appropriately.
It's not all men who are violent towards women everyone knows that but I think a fair statement would be that almost all men have been in a situation where we've seen or heard someone we know act inappropriately towards women and maybe we haven't spoken up.
But why?
It shouldn't.

It's only because we've all been told that transgenderism is the biggest issue and concern that we should all be obsessed by.
If it's not an issue, why call it 'gender-based' in the first place? There's a deliberate reframing of the discussion from violence against females to violence against women. One side of politics does that, then questions why the other obsesses over it.

As far as domestic violence goes, it might ultimately be the right approach to view it through gender rather than sex. I don't currently have an opinion there.
If a woman doesn't identify as female. Does the violence no longer matter?
If a transwoman faces domestic violence from a male, does it not count because they have less value?

I totally understand what you're saying. I'm just trying to address the why.
If a man faces violence from a woman, does it no longer matter?

The discussion centers around females (or women) for a valid reason. I also feel it's completely valid to discuss whether it should be about sex or gender.

Unfortunately, rational discussion about sex v gender is difficult on the internet. I'm of the view that both sides of politics are to blame for that.
Violence against anyone saddens me. I'm not pointing fingers at the minority... They can act and do what they want, it's a free island... I'm actually pointing at the Marxist elements in power (who most definitely are not part off the minority they pretend to support.)
It's their agenda. Divide and conquer... And keep you poor.

Oh, the Marxists in power. Why didn't you just say so!

As you state, they're the majority but also shouldn't be elected because they're the minority.

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Domestic violence

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