Current Donald Trump * A CONVICTED CRIMINAL

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The accusations against Trump came out just before the election because they were scared that he was going to win in 2016. Lets not even get started on 2020.

You do realise he's been investigated and fined many times prior to 2016, right?

He's gotten away with a litany of crimes due to his wealth and power over decades.
You keep hanging onto that one photo of Trump Epstein. You keep drooling over the thought of him sleeping with Stormy Daniels as you know that it didn’t happen. You wish that women would allow you to grab them by the pussy. And you’re pretty sick making up stories about him perving at naked teens.
I'm sorry what?

He said it himself!

Trump on Epstain:
“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump told New York Magazine that year for a story headlined “Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery.” “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

I guess you think he didn't say to lock up Hillary either.


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I've followed the case pretty closely. There is ZERO doubt all the conditions for guilt were met conclusively. Multiple parties independent of each other demonstrating a scheme motivated by DT to falsify records to a purpose that itself was a crime either tax fraud or election fraud or both. It was even documented by the financial controller.

It was a jury trial meaning 12 jurors resolved beyond reasonable doubt the offence committed.

He is guilty and tbh I can't think of one reasonable basis for it's highly unlikely to be overturned.

I can't believe the BS that some are pushing there is no crime. He attempted to influence the result of the election in hiding his infidelity. Crime. He then set it up as a tax deductible legal expense retainer fee and processed it as such in the records. He claimed it. Last time I looked you don't get a tax deduction to pay hush money to hide infidelity with a pon star.

Good ol Donald is going down!!!!
I've followed the case pretty closely. There is ZERO doubt all the conditions for guilt were met conclusively. Multiple parties independent of each other demonstrating a scheme motivated by DT to falsify records to a purpose that itself was a crime either tax fraud or election fraud or both. It was even documented by the financial controller.

It was a jury trial meaning 12 jurors resolved beyond reasonable doubt the offence committed.

He is guilty and tbh I can't think of one reasonable basis for it's highly unlikely to be overturned.

I can't believe the BS that some are pushing there is no crime. He attempted to influence the result of the election in hiding his infidelity. Crime. He then set it up as a tax deductible legal expense retainer fee and processed it as such in the records. He claimed it. Last time I looked you don't get a tax deduction to pay hush money to hide infidelity with a pon star.

Good ol Donald is going down!!!!
That’s not what CNN, MSNBC and FOX were saying. Cooper Anderson must sing from a different hymn sheet to you. The US Supreme Court will overturn his guilty verdict on appeal without blinking an eyelid.
That’s not what CNN, MSNBC and FOX were saying. Cooper Anderson must sing from a different hymn sheet to you. The US Supreme Court will overturn his guilty verdict on appeal without blinking an eyelid.

The only way he may have escaped was if he argued he did it to shelter it from his wife but that only gets him out of election fraud and, in any event , isn't supported by Pecker. It doesn't escape the two other possible frauds committed either

My background is Interpreting law. I have no regard for what anyone else might say other than legally trained people to whom I've had input and they are pretty consistent. He f****d up his defence by not pursuing the wife angle. Even so, having multiple independent people each corroborating each other is a slam dunk for verifiable facts. Then it becomes simple.....was there another crime? Answer yes.

In terms of sentence, it's likely it will be a custodial sentence. Each of the 34 convictions offer a 4 year max. The 10 breaches of gag order and his behaviour right up to sentencing can and will be aggravating factors. He has already labelled the trial judge as corrupt since. It's as though he is challenging the judge to incarcerate him. Because it's at the lower E class felony it's possible there be no incarceration. The gag order failures will counter that as will his behaviour up to July 11 and on the day for sentencing. I think he will get 12 months but with 11 months of that suspended on probation so he will serve only 1 month IF he behaves. Will be interesting to see what the judge does..there have been multiple threats to life of the judge and witnesses. That is all caused by him breaking his gag order and inciting his followers preaching he is isn't when he has been convicted on the facts & evidence. Preventing these threats is why the gag order was put in place to start.
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Charges all highly predictable and totally warranted. What is staggering though is that he leads the Republican ticket by a whopping margin of 46% and won't even bother with the debates he is so far ahead in spite of his miscreant behaviours. Only one conclusion can be drawn......USA is populated by redneck ar**holes

You must be a young one.

Forget that after Clinton was exposed as a dirty old creep in the WH his popularity went up.

What does that say about those people?
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You must be a young one.

Forget that after Clinton was exposed as a dirty old creep in the WH his popularity went up.

What does that say about those people?

No I hadn't forgotten, but there is a difference to someone using a cigar as a dildo to an affair partner and one who has been determined on balance of probabilities is a rapist.
You must be a young one.

Forget that after Clinton was exposed as a dirty old creep in the WH his popularity went up.

What does that say about those people?
This ain't about morality. It's about law breaking.

A reminder that Donald Trump was not convicted of a felony because he cheated on his wife with a pr0n star when she was pregnant with his child. Nah this had nothing to do with morality.

He was convicted 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in a scheme to illegally influence the 2016 election through he is attempts to hid those payments.

A liar, a cheat but more importantly in the eyes of the law - a fraud. 34 times.

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No I hadn't forgotten, but there is a difference to someone using a cigar as a dildo to an affair partner and one who has been determined on balance of probabilities is a rapist.

You are unaware Clinton has been accused of rape too yes? Multiple sexual assault claims too.

Yet the Clintons are still hugely popular.
This ain't about morality. It's about law breaking.

A reminder that Donald Trump was not convicted of a felony because he cheated on his wife with a pr0n star when she was pregnant with his child. Nah this had nothing to do with morality.

He was convicted 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in a scheme to illegally influence the 2016 election through he is attempts to hid those payments.

A liar, a cheat but more importantly in the eyes of the law - a fraud. 34 times.

Funny I didn't quote you so I wasn't talking to you.

They all lie and cheat der

Just some get more protection from the corrupt system and their shill supporters than others.

Especially those sacks of shit Clintons.
Funny I didn't quote you so I wasn't talking to you.
Context alert! This is an open discussion forum, not your personal chat line.

You post uninformed binary rubbish here- you will get called out by members of the community.

You are unaware Clinton has been accused of rape too yes? Multiple sexual assault claims too.

Got a link to those allegations being tested in a criminal court? Of Clinton being found guilty?

Yet more false equivalence binary nonsense.

Context Alert - Trump was found guilty 34 times in a court of law by an independent jury.
Context alert! This is an open discussion forum, not your personal chat line.

You post uninformed binary rubbish here- you will get called out by members of the community.

Got a link to those allegations being tested in a criminal court? Of Clinton being found guilty?

Yet more false equivalence binary nonsense.

Context Alert - Trump was found guilty 34 times in a court of law by an independent jury.

I don't need to have politicians convicted of anything to know they are lying grifter scum ****s.

I mean imagine how insane someone has to be to not think politicians aren't constantly covering up their lies and dodgy practices.

The ones who gets away with are just better at greasing the corrupt palms to keep them out of the news or in it for a very brief time.

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