I was watching Moneyball the other day(recently released on Netflix) and there was interesting move that for mine that made me think there may be more to the Lyons trade than meets the eye. In the movie there was a player the List manager wanted at 1st base, but the coach kept playing the other guy, in the end List management traded "the other guy" so the coach didn't have a choice. Now I'd really hope our list management and team selection would be a little more on the same page as this.
Now it was clear early on that we were trying to push Lyons out, low ball offer and all, we all thought this would be to get a pick in the 20's and because we were targeting an A-Grader. Given the A-Grader didn't come and apparently wasn't really on the radar and that we traded Lyons for squat, I just wander if this is List Management opening up opportunities for a CEY or perhaps even a Greenwood.
I almost wander at times if there's players that coaches don't want to perform well, because they don't fit team structure, or are slow/small/poorly skilled, but that they play so well that it's impossible to not select them because you want to be seen to be rewarding form/attitude/endeavour.
Either way, I don't think that there was anything accidental about trading Lyons and I think we've gone into this trade very much with "eyes wide open".
So who was on first?