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Welcome one and all the the official Dragons team thread for season 23!
Dragons FFC Established: Season 08
(formed through absorption of Southern Sharks by Dragons FC at start of Season 08)
Home Ground: Dragon Island
Colours: Green, Black & White
Premierships: 1 (Season 19)
Minor Premierships: 3 (Season 05, Season 10 & Season 14)
Season 23 Leadership Group: cammo6556 (c), Hatchy1992, WFL
Mobbenfuhrer Medallists: Rooboy_74 (Season 07), Ljp86 (Seasons 08 & 10)
EKA Medallists: Zainta (Season 10), WAG (Season 13), The Half Back (Season 14)
Frankston Rover Medallists: Danoz (Season 19 & 21), Ljp86 (Seasons 12 & 20)
TFLUA-Tiger Medallists: WAG (Season 14), Hate (Season 20)
Alf Andrews Medallists: okeydoke7 (Season 11)
Dragons S23 Team List (incomplete until final squad submission):
(guernsey number) name
1. (4) A Swallow
2. (17) AmericanCrow
3. (97) Andonis1997
4. (5) Blaze Storm
5. (21) caddyshack
6. (100) cammo6556
7. (14) chefmeister
8. (56) Determinant
9. (25) Event Horizon
10. (20) Knifey Spoony
11. (32) Hatchy1992 (VC)
12. (9) Hate
13. (99) iBeng
14. (3) Jatz
15. (69) Ljp86
16. (12) Moo
17. (30) Mooresome
18. (10) Only Forwards
19. (7) Pie 4 Life
20. (33) roo2macca
21. (57) Scorpus
22. (65) Spanna_
23. (15) The Half Back
24. (97) dennis crumpet
25. (41) VSTone
26. Dujon11 (number TBA)
27. (26) WFL (VC)
In (so far): Hatchy1992 (Wolves), Mooresome, Caddyshack, Scorpus, Blaze Storm, Dennis crumpet (Bombers), Knifey Spoony (Wolves)
Out: Danoz (Hawks), Gibbsy (delisted), jenny61_99 (delisted) WAG (retired to stud), HARPSichord (delisted)
Career Statistics -to be updated shortly
(guernsey number) name
1. (4) A Swallow
2. (17) AmericanCrow
3. (97) Andonis1997
4. (5) Blaze Storm
5. (21) caddyshack
6. (100) cammo6556
7. (14) chefmeister
8. (56) Determinant
9. (25) Event Horizon
10. (20) Knifey Spoony
11. (32) Hatchy1992 (VC)
12. (9) Hate
13. (99) iBeng
14. (3) Jatz
15. (69) Ljp86
16. (12) Moo
17. (30) Mooresome
18. (10) Only Forwards
19. (7) Pie 4 Life
20. (33) roo2macca
21. (57) Scorpus
22. (65) Spanna_
23. (15) The Half Back
24. (97) dennis crumpet
25. (41) VSTone
26. Dujon11 (number TBA)
27. (26) WFL (VC)
In (so far): Hatchy1992 (Wolves), Mooresome, Caddyshack, Scorpus, Blaze Storm, Dennis crumpet (Bombers), Knifey Spoony (Wolves)
Out: Danoz (Hawks), Gibbsy (delisted), jenny61_99 (delisted) WAG (retired to stud), HARPSichord (delisted)
Career Statistics -to be updated shortly
LJP86 351 18 2786 1514 2923 409 340 407 289 186 26196 21439 5709
PIE 4 LIFE 290 191 1625 666 1146 236 191 215 290 190 14330 11776 2771
ANDONIS199 160 5 1283 516 1270 247 132 149 102 119 11110 9346 2553
WAG 149 21 1073 327 808 241 135 106 164 92 9158 7694 1881
THE HALF B 143 3 964 458 918 133 86 115 73 52 8264 6868 1882
CHEFMEISTE 132 24 1070 397 1017 324 149 139 82 54 9603 8033 2087
IBENG 126 80 861 239 531 178 97 102 319 131 8483 6990 1392
HATE 98 933 944 82 941 259 136 97 93 64 8236 7396 1885
DETERMINAN 94 11 676 346 569 107 47 77 84 52 6106 5015 1245
HATCHY1992 94 483 862 234 816 165 102 96 67 40 7284 6319 1678
ROO2MACCA 85 24 482 209 427 67 39 69 41 28 3997 3325 909
CAMMO6556 73 0 774 116 707 349 182 88 56 50 6747 5784 1481
A SWALLOW 40 0 339 138 351 46 25 43 26 14 2825 2383 690
JATZ 38 5 256 144 251 34 24 21 3 2 2197 1824 507
WFL 36 0 265 65 315 110 72 27 25 14 2604 2215 580
EVENT HORI 21 0 94 36 79 11 6 7 2 2 691 591 173
VSTONE 21 0 220 53 199 82 53 22 14 15 1922 1631 419
ONLY FORWA 21 9 105 48 93 21 6 12 19 5 1000 827 198
AMERICANCR 13 0 73 31 47 6 5 6 11 15 599 498 120
SPANNA_ 81 4 602 248 624 123 85 59 45 28 5353 4500 1226
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