Updated Easey St Murders Collingwood * ARREST MADE

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Police have arrested a man in Italy over the 1977 murders of Suzanne Armstrong and Susan Bartlett in their Easey Street home. He fled Australia in 2017 after he became aware he was a suspect.

The man fled to Greece and couldn’t be arrested because local laws meant charges must be laid within seven years of the offence.

The Easey Street murders are still unsolved.


Police have waited those 15 years for him to leave Greece so he could be arrested. They will now seek to extradite him to Melbourne to face the charges.

A police spokesperson confirmed a 65-year-old dual citizen of Australia and Greece was arrested at an airport in Rome in the early hours on Friday.

For you russian bots , long unsolved double murder in Melbourne
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Even commerical DNA tests can determine the likely relationship of the match (e.g. brother, uncle, cousin etc) and I'm sure the cops have better analysis...

The "other PK"? Wasn't he just a cousin they tracked down in Greece to get a quote from? Seemed to me he lived and grew up Greece. Wild theory to mention him because they share a name..
Yep that's exactly it. I can't imagine the two cousins had much to do with each other.
Even commerical DNA tests can determine the likely relationship of the match (e.g. brother, uncle, cousin etc) and I'm sure the cops have better analysis...

The "other PK"? Wasn't he just a cousin they tracked down in Greece to get a quote from? Seemed to me he lived and grew up Greece. Wild theory to mention him because they share a name..

DNA testing can easily distinguish between cousins, if it sometimes comes down to siblings where there's a need to work out exactly which one it is.

We'll have to wait to find out exactly how many samples the police have that might tell more of the story but I'm thinking atm, they've got semen from Armstrong's body and the bedroom carpet, same on a facecloth that was found in a drain near the house, potentially blood in the bathroom if he is of the same type A as Armstrong and Armstrong or Bartlett's DNA on the knife.

If so, that's a lot of evidence.

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Updated Easey St Murders Collingwood * ARREST MADE

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