Vicky Park
Premium Platinum
When it comes to concussions, I've never understood why it's a mandatory 12 day break. I don't believe there is any research to show that after suffering a concussion, 12 days is the optimum break. I have read 4 weeks is more appropriate. So, why don't we make it a mandatory 4 weeks? I wonder how the players would react to that? It would be half a season in the AFLW.
I think it’s more likely how the clubs would react. Potentially losing one of their best players due to a 4 week concussion break on the eve of the finals.
If anything, our understanding of this is in its infancy. And it may be that some who are concussed need a long break, and others a lesser one.
The AFL’s recent record on this isn’t exactly convincing either. Their ‘concussion expert’ had to resign in 2022 under a cloud, accused of plagiarism.
For me, the head should be protected at all costs, and the concussion treatment should be the best available. And at no time should it be ‘left up to’ the player to decide on playing after a head hit. The doctors who assess these injuries should also have no connection to the clubs.
We could be consigning some of these kids - who come to us as teenagers - to lifelong problems.