Excuses for not going to work

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Not taking care of your kids apparently now = your kid got sick (flu/gastro) and not allowed to go to daycare (for pretty obvious reasons).

I understand your point. But there is no point whinging about it because no fair solution. Do you honestly think that say a three year old with gastro should be left alone at home for an entire day because the parent had to work??? Really? Wow if so...

And parents are not special, they get sick/rundown too, just like the unemployed. So combine that with the fact that you can't leave a ******* child at home when it's spewing from both ends and you get carers leave :thumbsu:
Add to the fact that being home with a sick child is farrrrrr from having a day off... would rather be at work!

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Why would I take a pay hit when there is a specific pay stream for the exact type of leave I am taking in my agreement?

Don't know how much financial advice I should take from someone in a no income family with no property but it's because the housing price to income ratio has gone from 2 to over 5 since 1980. If you chose to purchase a house in this day and age you must also chose to be prepared to fund it with two working parents unless you are earning over $130k

I could say my dad grew up without the internet or a mobile phone. Why can't you? ...but I'd probably sound like an idiot with no idea that things change over time.

Your mum left you home alone with videos when you were a one year old? That might actually explain your inability to find a partner, a job, buy a house or see past your own selfish Gen Y circumstances in life

What rubbish. A 1 year old is an infant, not a child. I would not leave an infant at day care. Not sure i would ever take parenting advice from someone who does. I was left with a family friend when i was infant and both parents had to work.

I am gen X. I can find a partner. I get a new one every couple of months. I can get a job, ive knocked back offers recently because the companies are not good enough for me.

I was not giving financial advice. I can afford a mortgage, i just dont want one on an asset that is priced at 300% of its actual value. I dont care if I never own a house. I like flexibility and freedom and dont plan on retiring. Id rather die from excess selfish consumption.

I have already stated that my assumption was that carers leave was a separate entitlement. So don't hate on people that take fake sickies, because if they dont get the excuse of "caring", they should use them up for whatever they want, however they want. "Caring" is not a more valid reason than "hungover".

I dont find being selfish as a negative thing. Unless you have kids. Dont hate on me because i can afford and have the self confidence to just get up and quit and take a few months off to enjoy myself, at my own expense.
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What rubbish. A 1 year old is an infant, not a child. I would not leave an infant at day care. Not sure i would ever take parenting advice from someone who does. I was left with a family friend when i was infant and both parents had to work.

I am gen X. I can find a partner. I get a new one every couple of months. I can get a job, ive knocked back offers recently because the companies are not good enough for me.

I was not giving financial advice. I can afford a mortgage, i just dont want one on an asset that is priced at 300% of its actual value. I dont care if I never own a house. I like flexibility and freedom and dont plan on retiring. Id rather die from excess selfish consumption.

I have already stated that my assumption was that carers leave was a separate entitlement. So don't hate on people that take fake sickies, because if they dont get the excuse of "caring", they should use them up for whatever they want, however they want. "Caring" is not a more valid reason than "hungover".

I dont find being selfish as a negative thing. Unless you have kids. Dont hate on me because i can afford and have the self confidence to just get up and quit and take a few months off to enjoy myself, at my own expense.

Bit hard to avoid daycare when the person who normally looks after your children on that day goes to the USA for 3 months. I'm not gonna take 12 days annual leave and work a four day week for 3 months. Once again you are wrongly assuming that everyone has access to someone who is willing and able to look after your children for you so that you can go earn money. If this was the case, daycare centres would not exist.

I actually facilitate my co workers taking sickies by taking their call and letting the Manager know they are "unwell and not coming in today", it's their right as an Australian worker.

Not 'hating' on your situation rather your baseless and offensive statements regarding people in a different situation to you.
In actual fact is an excuse even needed? Thinking about it the times I've actually been sick and had a certificate it simply said unfit for work was signed and I was hardly going to elaborate further what was discussed at a Drs consultation. A simple I'm not well arouses less suspicion then going to elaborate details.

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Rang up this one time and said "Boss, I'm not coming in today, I'm sick!"
He replies, "How sick are you?"
I come back with "well I'm in bed right now banging my Nanna, so pretty f***ing sick!"

Thankyou, thankyou. I'm here every Thursday. Try the fish, it's delicious.
Family crisis. Don't need to say anymore than that. That also negates the need not to go out in case you are seen down the street when you are meant to be sick.

I'm having a family crisis tomorrow so I can fly down for ANZAC day. Thing is almost everybody is sick or away at the moment. My boss said to me before I left, "Just the two of us tomorrow but we'll be fine". :oops:
Had today off because actually sick ;) boss rang me twice asking if I'd gotten better and if could come in, also not to forget a medical certificate which you don't normally need for one day off :mad:
Thing is he just had 9 sick days in a row which just happened to lead up to Easter with no explanation and no sick certificate :thumbsdown:
Had today off because actually sick ;) boss rang me twice asking if I'd gotten better and if could come in, also not to forget a medical certificate which you don't normally need for one day off :mad:
Thing is he just had 9 sick days in a row which just happened to lead up to Easter with no explanation and no sick certificate :thumbsdown:

You should slip him a mickey at your next work drinks.
No, you dont. If people choose to have kids they should do so at their own expense. We are not talking about welfare for the unemployed and starving here.

Lifes not all about work. Planning and policies should not be relied on to make a difference in this world.

It sickens me that because i am childless and single i get disadvantaged.

Maybe i should have rorted centrelink whilst im unemployed instead of, you know, paying for things myself. Thats your logic i used there.

You didn't address a single point I made. All you replied was "No, you don't" then went on a rant.

Having kids benefits the economy. Growth or in our case just maintenance of population is a vital economic issue.

So they get a few extra days off to look after a crying screaming child. I think we can allow that.
Have used the

I have to bury my girlfriends rabbit before

also the "i got concussed playing footy/cricket" Can't do anything bar bed rest until "enter said day here"

mine slowly build up but i also take the ocasional sickie (once a couple of months)

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Excuses for not going to work

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