Extremist Greens Spread Hate And Insult Catholics.

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rick James said:
it was a racist t-shirt, plain and simple.

she wanted abbot's power regarding the RU486 drug to be stripped (and fair enough) and through wearing the tshirt she brought his RELIGION into the debate in a mocking fashion.

clear cut case of racism.


But anyway - it is interesting that the T-shirts were made by a women's Christian organisation.
galroo said:
With their "keep your rosaries of my ovaries" T-Shirts ,The greens have shown the hate,vitriol and total lack of respect they have for the millions of Australian catholics in Australia and the world.

Their extreme far-left views which make stalin and pol pot look like saints,are really making Australians realise how evil these people really are.

There narrow-minded anti-christian cr8p is an insult to Australians.

You need to have a good hard look at yourself if you find that offensive - I am practising Catholic and I found it funny - the irony is that Opus Dei types like Abbott take their Mary worship to pagan heights

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galroo said:
afc9798 said:
My parents too come from an ex-socialist state and realise how evil socialissm is(many family members butchered).

Anyway the insults by the Greens to catholics like myself shall be dealt with at the ballott box.

Were we will ensure the Greens have 0% representation in the house of reps.

Catholics,like Jesus himslef have endured insults from Hippocrites and pharisees,for centuries but still we remain faithful and strong.

No amount of insults from anti-christian greenies or other groups can wilt us.

We will only become stronger!

Please explain when Jesus nominated himself as a Catholic.........
If he was anything he was a Jew.
Slander said:
galroo said:
Please explain when Jesus nominated himself as a Catholic.........
If he was anything he was a Jew.

This is bizarre since when has the practice of the Rosary got anything to do with the teachings of Christ - it was invented 1700 years after he had left us!

It pithily summed up the issue - end of story!!
galroo said:
Catholicism sticks 100% to the teachings of jesus and his apostles whom do not allow abortion(murder) &homosexuality(sodomy).
'Catholicism sticks 100% to the teachings of Christ',so that explains gay priests and child abusers in the church does it?
galroo said:
Catholicism sticks 100% to the teachings of jesus and his apostles whom do not allow abortion(murder) &homosexuality(sodomy).

The teachings of Jesus? Sorry the church has bout as much knowledge of that as the Dali Lama
Contra Mundum said:
You need to have a good hard look at yourself if you find that offensive - I am practising Catholic and I found it funny - the irony is that Opus Dei types like Abbott take their Mary worship to pagan heights

Did Abott actually get a part in Da Davinchi Code?
galroo said:
Catholicism sticks 100% to the teachings of jesus and his apostles whom do not allow abortion(murder) &homosexuality(sodomy).

The Greens must repect and tolerate that fact and stop vilifying catholics.

Also the catholic church has set up a program which hepls thousands yearly to leave the gay lifestyle
Yes they call it priesthood.

Not overly successfully in some cases, but it does provide a convenient excuse to those questions about why you don't have a girlfriend yet.

Teachings of Jesus said nothing about homosexuality. Paul was the only NT writer who said anything at all about it.

Novel that you are linking homosexuality and abortion- I wouldn't have thought it was a huge issue in the gay community! Usually they try to link it to pedophilia- which is what this pope was doing when he suggested that people that identify as gay shouldn't become priests!?

Perhaps if the Catholic Church showed a little tolerance to people dealing with big and personal issues, then it might be entitled to a little more respect from groups like the greens, who have a reasonable track record in this area.
freo heave ho said:
Possibly "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's ass"?:D


I thought that more related to inter-species sex. as in "thou shalt not molest thy neighbours donkey, or cat, or dog - for then they shalt be verrily p|ssed off, and shall call down the wrath of the Lord Shotgun upon thy head"

That is what I think that commandment meant.

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freo heave ho said:
]Teachings of Jesus said nothing about homosexuality...
Jesus didn't but his Dad did... check out Sodom & Gomorrah in the Bible!

In fact, the Lord Jesus did not foresee the depths of depravity modern society would descend to... be on guard for his return!
IntheNet said:
Jesus didn't but his Dad did... check out Sodom & Gomorrah in the Bible!

In fact, the Lord Jesus did not foresee the depths of depravity modern society would descend to... be on guard for his return!

James had a set against the gays? Well bugger me!
IntheNet said:
Jesus didn't but his Dad did... check out Sodom & Gomorrah in the Bible!

In fact, the Lord Jesus did not foresee the depths of depravity modern society would descend to... be on guard for his return!

If you associate a story about hospitality violation and pack rape with homosexuality then that says much much more about you than it does about the bible.
I don't care what t-shirts they wear... Neither do i care what they say about Catholics, Christians, Muslim's, Atheists, etc... They can say what they like, it doesn't make me want to drop my faith as a practising Catholic neither does it make me want to riot (As seen in the Muslim world over the catoons).
Everyone is entitled to say and do what they want...
The Greens are ********ed IMO they can go plant a tree then smoke it, then the hippie ********ers can laugh all they like at the Shirt... Or better yet they can go jump.
funkyfreo said:
Why did you quote your post?

it wouldn't suprise me in the slightest if many many Catholics voted green. Their policies are clearly the most in line with the catholic doctrines of tolerance and love and compassion.

Like you, I'm nominally a Catholic, and I'd still vote Green. I'm not in any way insulted by any of these so-called insults.

The catchy slogan is clearly aimed at Tony Abbott, who preaches the fundamentalist version of Catholicism.

To be honest, I both agree and disagree with Abbott. He, like everyone else has the right to his opinion on abortion. However, he should also realise that his religion places him in a conflict of interest on this issue, and thus he has to accept that this is an issue that should not be left in his singular hands. Once referred to the Parliament, then his individual vote as his conscience dictates is his right. As is that of any Member who votes on this issue.
galroo said:
Thats it,just like atypical far-left loonie you think i am part of some UNIT conspiracy.

oh yeah thats nice keep up your anti-catholic hate.

Shows us all how little respect you have for those with views other than your narrow-minded far-left lunacy.............

dude i'm a catholic and i have many family members who are practising catholics and they would not be offended by what the greens are saying. They're behaving more 'christian like' than the psychotic narrow minded pro lifers (who call themselves christians:rolleyes: ), and who insist on imposing their beliefs on the greater population.
galroo said:
Were we will ensure the Greens have 0% representation in the house of reps.
Which would um... be precisely the amount of HoR representation the Greens have right now.

Like others I come from a Catholic upbringing, and I thought the t-shirt was quite apt.

Those who claim to have taken offence aren't fooling anybody. This is mere grandstanding to justify their pre-existing political prejudices.
galroo said:
Catholicism sticks 100% to the teachings of jesus and his apostles whom do not allow abortion(murder) &homosexuality(sodomy).

The Greens must repect and tolerate that fact and stop vilifying catholics.

Also the catholic church has set up a program which hepls thousands yearly to leave the gay lifestyle

riiiight....well, i think we can all see who the extremist/fundamentalist is

by the way, how is wearing a T-shirt socialist? and how is it worse than Stalin? and wasn't Pol Pot a facist (i.e. far right wing)?

...so many questions and yet I suspect you have so very few answers


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Extremist Greens Spread Hate And Insult Catholics.

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