Fast Food

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Commissioner Gordon

All Australian
Jun 6, 2012
South Australia
AFL Club
Curious as to how often everyone eats fast food, take-out?

The missus and i generally get subway wednesday nights due to working late and the little one not being home and pizza/maccas/kfc saturday night for a break from cooking. Apart from that its generally some form of meat and veg for dinner.

Anyone here have worse eating habits than NSWCROW?
Subway every Friday for lunch at work...Most weekends in general are pretty shit foodwise, but try to be on the healthier side where I can. Am trying to cut out all fast food (bar Subway) altogether.

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I can't remember the last time I got fast food for dinner. I will often have lunch at a food court but I try to stick to a sandwich, stir fry or greek or something. I stop in McDonald's a few times a week for coffee on the way to work. Usually just coffee but sometimes will grab a ham, cheese tomato muffin and some apple slices. Maybe pizza, indian or chinese take out for dinner once every 6 weeks or so.
Subway every Friday for lunch at work...Most weekends in general are pretty shit foodwise, but try to be on the healthier side where I can. Am trying to cut out all fast food (bar Subway) altogether.

Most of Subway is actually really really bad for you so you have to be careful. I would sometimes get Quiznos thinking it was healthier. I had to modify my choices a little.
Haven't had Subway/Maccas/KFC/Etc. in years. Might get a 4am Souva once a month, maybe some asian takeaway about once every couple of weeks.

I like cooking stuff so it's not really a thing for me. I can't understand Maccas etc being popular with grown adults, I mean, you can get a decent takeaway for $20 or so, and it tastes 7000 times better than some silly burger you've had dozens of times before.
what are people on the take away joints that serve burgers etc,. not macca's/kfc/subway joints, but your local burger joints?

i rarely go to the macca's style joints but local burger joints i probably over indulge slightly at the local burger joint. 2-3 burgers a week - almost always a sunday hungover feed and often monday and/or wednesday after training when just can't be ****ed cooking after. probably less now that footy season is finished so a bit more time.
During uni semesters, usually 2-3x a week, depends on the pickle club deals but typically it's a rotation between Pizza Hut, Schnitz, Maccas or going to the cheapo cafe to get a bacon and egg roll. Occasionally I splurge and go to a better cafe for a proper meal, now and then I go to the deli and grab a half baguette with hot salami and swiss cheese. Bakery pies are a good option, as is the fish and chip shop, pretty much think I've become an expert on where I can get a decent sized feed for under $10 in Glenferrie in the past year.
I only ever go to Maccas for a coffee or a drunken thickshake at 2am. Love getting fish and chips on a Saturday arvo. Probably once every 2-3 weeks, helps that there's a great place just around the corner. Probably wouldn't bother if it wasn't so good. Sometimes get pizza instead. I do Subway maybe once a month. Would do it more often, but I have expensive taste in subs.

So yeah, 1-2 times a month.

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Take lunch to work most days, not so much because of the cost side... More the fact that I like to prepare my meals before hand and it is alot nicer.
Usually get Subway once a week with a colleague.

Would prefer to cook meals or have the mrs cook but usually once a week we will get takeaway for dinner. Mostly on a Sunday night.

Majority of the time it would be Thai.

Really not a fan of Maccas, KFC, Hungry Jacks etc
Generally have Subway for lunch at work every day (mon-fri) and fish n chips or pizza one night per week, usually on a Sunday when the thought of the upcoming week makes cooking seem too hard
I'd say on average i probably have it once or twice a week. Some weeks i won't have it at all but then there are other weeks where i'll grab KFC for my lunch break one day, then the wife works til 6 another night so she buys something on the way home, and all of a sudden i've done a clean sweep of all the fast food joints in a week.

Main ones down here are McDonald's, KFC, Red Rooster, Subway, and about 500 different pizza places.
Ever been to a Hungry Jacks, KFC or McDonalds in the Melbourne CBD these days?

**** me, way to take the "fast" out of "fast food" - it's already decomposed by 50% by the time you get to eat it.
Got KFC near flinders street station once, it was by far the worst KFC I've ever eaten, damn near inedible.
Ever been to a Hungry Jacks, KFC or McDonalds in the Melbourne CBD these days?

**** me, way to take the "fast" out of "fast food" - it's already decomposed by 50% by the time you get to eat it.

Only after the footy or clubbing, godawful. Only advantage is that you can easily just walk in, claim you've already order and haven't got your food and get free food!

I am prone to the more than occasional kebab or souvlaki
5 out of 7 nights i eat take away

Lumpy Dacks

Chip shop
Sometimes fried rice and a braised steak n black bean from the chinese but Sydney's not a cheap place to live and prices keep going up.

EASILY the best value ( apart from $4.95 tuesdays at Dominos ) is the chip shop , Burger and min chips for $8.90 , compare that to a SMALL maccas meal for $8.35 - no brainer

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