I'll claim that one too thanks. Not a bad call at all.I posted this on the 9th of July, thought it might be interesting to re-post it with the updates of resul
"8 Pointers" (1/4) - Bombers, Dockers ( Home), Saints, Dogs
Underdog (3) - Lions (away), Port (Home), Pies
Danger Games (2)- Nth & Hawks
"8 Pointers" (0/4) - Cats, Tigers, Blues, Suns
Underdog (1)- Lions (Away)
Danger Games (2) - Eagles & Hawks
"8 Pointers" - (0/5) Tigers, Swans (Away), Bombers, Giants, Cats
Danger Games (2) - NTH & Eagles
"8 Pointers" ( 0/6) - Crows (home) Cats, Dogs, Swans (away), Giants (Away)
Underdog (1) - Pies
"8 Pointers" (1/6) - Crows (away), Suns (Home), Dogs (Away), Swans, Bombers (Home), Carlton
Underdog (1) - Port (Away)
Danger (1)- Eagles
"8 Pointers" (4)- Dockers (away), Saints, Suns (Away), Giants ( Away)
Underdog (1/3) - Port (home) Pies, Dee's
Danger Games (1/3) - Eagles, Hawks, Nth
"8 Pointers" (2) - Saints, Dogs
Underdog Games ( 2) - Demons, Port (Away)
Danger (1) - Eagles
"8 Pointers"(0/4) - Bombers (away) Giants (Home), Suns (Home), Swans ( Home)
Underdog (3) - Dee's (away) Port, Lions (away)
"8Pointers (1/6) - Dogs (home), Freo (away), Bombers (away) Giants, Suns (Home), Crows (away),
UnderDog (1) - Dee's (Home)
Danger (1) - NTH
"8 Pointers (1/5) - Saints (Home), Giants (Away), Crows (away), Swans (Away), Blues( home)
Underdog (1) - Lions
Danger (2)- Eagles, Hawks
" 8 Pointers (3)" blues ( Home), Swans ( Home ), Cats (Away)
Underdog (0/3) - Pies (away), Lions (home), Port ( Home)
Based on the above, I would say with zero confidence that 5th -10th will be made up of some order of Geelong, Dogs, Carlton, Richmond, Bombers & Giants - hopefully in that order. Its crazy how much every result swings the end projections on a Ladder Predictor.
For example look at this variant below. This was my "result" of we win both our "8 pointers" & our 2 "Danger Games". The below is made up of a logic that the winning team is based on odds, form etc. It accounts for very little "shock results" & us winning both our 50/50 games - which is against the odds atm.
View attachment 1741347
If however i change the result of the Dogs Vs Giants game to be a "shock" win to the Giants (which is completely feasible for me), the Giants go to 5th & the Dogs drop to 10th. They literally swap spots without affecting any other teams positions. THATS how cut throat all these games are now.
For the teams 5th to 15th, they are basically having their own mini final series for the last 5 weeks of the season. Its going to be wild to see how it all plays out. The Giants are the team who i think might shock people & not only make the 8, but end up with a home final. For all the glory Scott, Ross & even Voss is getting over the resurgence of their teams - it might end up being Kingsley that is the one that really wins the battle. Its a guy like him & Fly that reinforce the notion that no matter how 2023 ends, we need to interview very seriously before hiring. Mini is bringing the same ethos than Dimma & we need to be sure that is definitely the best vision for the next surge
For context - if i could have Mini or Kingsley as our next coach, I would take Kingsley
If a few of the village idiots here could read over 200 words they might have seen the Giants coming too