Health & Fitness Fitness/Sport Thread

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Coz we don't have one and it appears to be a topic of interest in the random chat thread.....

What's everyone's fitness levels/sport interests like?

As a kid I was one of the ones that would happily play 2/3 games of footy a weekend and wake up Monday feeling a little sore but not to bad. In terms of sport its probably shorter for me to list what I haven't played, I've given quite a few things a crack out of pure interest.

Early 20's was when I reached peaked fitness, as an umpire we had targets to reach and I could do 5km in around the 20 minute mark, now I reckon I'd struggle to get it around the 25 minute mark. That's largely due to laziness and the body breaking down more then Scotty Gumbleton. Discovered about 4 years ago now I have a spine issue I was born with which explained a number of injuries but still can't seem to ever get 100% fit.

For example I was runner for the footy team last year and ended up hurting my PCL to the point I could barely walk. I have started running again though so hopefully I can put all the injuries of the past behind me.

What about everyone else?

PS I'm also the Ablett Junior of Wednesday Night Division 3 mixed netball.
Never enjoyed long distance running much, not that I'm bad at it but not my cup of tea.

Played footy and cricket a lot as a kid.

Also did sprinting and long jump. I got a PB of 11.52 for the 100 and 22.82 for the 200, so I was quick. But was the latter that was probably my biggest talent in sport generally. At 16 I jumped 7.18 metres and won a few comps, so I was pretty handy for my age.

Unfortunately I was also less than dedicated and specifically, prioritised beer and other things that teenage boys often do over it, and thus I didn't take it as far as I could have.

Nowadays, I walk regularly - both 'regular' walking, and a fair bit of bushwalking too.
I play footy, cricket and taekwondo.

Right now I have a hip flexor injury so I can't train or play which just plain sucks. I hate it.

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I recently decided I needed to start moving again beyond chasing my 2 young kids around and doing house/yard work. I was shocked at how weak and unfit I have become, absolutely shocked. Needless to say I am starting again from a very low base and will gradually build up over the next few months so I don't injure myself and pack it all in due to it being the easy way out. I'm just doing stuff at home, pushups, planking, situps, tricep dips, skipping, shuttle runs, but it's a start.

Growing up I tried my hand at footy, cricket, basketball, hockey, soccer and tennis. I played footy throughout childhood into adulthood (retiring at the ripe old age of 29), finished cricket at 16, played 3 seasons of basketball finishing in my final season of u14s and only 1 season of the rest.

Cricket is where I was definitely most talented having a high left arm action, the ability to both swing and seam and I had a handy cutter as a slow ball. Being tall I got good bounce from a length if I put a bit more shoulder into it. My grandfather from Sydney who played 20 years of first grade and was asked to train with NSW lamented the fact I didn't grow up there as he had no doubt I would've been in development squads from a young age. Instead I was a boy from the bush who gave it away at 16 due to some back issues due to trying to bowl fast when going through major growth spurts and a dislike for hot weather.

I wasn't great at footy but I loved it. I played div 1 reserves in the Adelaide amateur competition for a few years prior to giving it away and this was as fit as I'd ever been given I had to do 100% of the training the div 1 guys did. Prior to div 1 reserves I played div 7/div 7 reserves as I was more interested in getting on the grog and not really looking after myself.

After giving footy away I went to the gym between 3 and 5 times a week until I had kids. That's where it all stopped. I'm now intent on getting back to an OK level of fitness both for myself but also for my family.
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Do around 4ks every day with my dog, lot of stretching & some weights, no organised team sports anymore (unless you count darts:p) but did indoor cricket for yonks. About 20 years ago my lower back went real bad after stacking some weight on after quitting smoking & being stuck in a chair ~ 10 hours a day working. The only thing that fixed it was walking but it was hell for the first few months, my upper leg muscles & back would basically start to seize up & I would finish each walk hobbling home, must have looked pitiful, but it came good eventually thank ****.
So further to my post from last night, I'm not real keen on joining a gym, I don't have any weights and I don't have a bar nor am overly keen in installing one for pullups.

Is there anything I can do which will tone my biceps in line with the other stuff I'm doing? I'm wary that what I'm doing will be toning up my chest, shoulders and tricep but my biceps will be left looking more or less like they do now.
PS I'm also the Ablett Junior of Wednesday Night Division 3 mixed netball.
Following on from this I played tonight (yes its not Wednesday minor detail) and the opposition team walked off at 3/4 time in protest because our goal defender was "running at them to fast."

Wasn't making contact, wasn't abusive he just ran to fast. :D
Played footy when I was younger, on and off due to work commitments and injuries. Gave it away when I was early 30's. Started running, kept that up 'til about 4 years ago when I hurt my back. After my weight ballooned, I started at a local gym Dec '15, ostensibly to lose weight & strengthen my back. Turns out it was one of those crossfit places. Turns out, I love it. Real sense of community, almost family. I work out 3-5 times a week, work & swmbo allowing. It's given me something to look forward to when I'm having a bad day at work (pain mostly), and I've made some new friends which is a bonus.


The Crossfit Games is a multi stage competition aimed at crowning the "Fittest on Earth". It starts with a worldwide section called the "Crossfit Open", or just the Open. Anyone can enter, ($20USD). It runs for 5 weeks, with a workout announced each Thu (US)/Fri (AU) time. You have until the following Mon (Tue AU) to complete the workout and enter a score online. You can video your workout, or do it at a crossfit affiliate where a certified judge will validate your score. The last couple of years they have included scaled workouts for those who can't do the movements as specified (eg jumping pullups instead of pullups, single skips instead of double unders etc).

An example, last years workout week one (16.1 - 2016 week 1) was:

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
25-ft. overhead walking lunge
8 burpees
25-ft. overhead walking lunge
8 chest-to-bar pull-ups

Men lunge 95 lb.
Women lunge 65 lb.

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
25-ft. front rack walking lunge
8 burpees
25-ft. front rack walking lunge
8 jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups

Men lunge 45 lb.
Women lunge 35 lb.

At the end of the 5 weeks the top 30-30 athletes from each region (there are 17) are qualify for the next stage, The Regionals, where they compete at larger venues (Aus is in Woolongong). The top 5 from each regional comp qualify for the Crossfit Games, held in the US, where they compete for the title of Fittest Man/Woman on Earth. Youtube/netflix has plenty of vids you can look at. The guys/gals who make it to the games are insanely fit. Australia's weightlifting Olympian Tia Toomey was runner up last years in the womens comp.

It's also split up into divisions (teen, masters etc) so there's more than one comp within the comp.

First night of Super rules training begins in 24 mins...

Quietly shitting myself.
How'd you go?

Ressies at my club are flag chance this year so figured I'd attempt pre season training (Yes I'm chasing glory and no I don't give a ****) and based on how I feel they can do it without me.
How'd you go?

Ressies at my club are flag chance this year so figured I'd attempt pre season training (Yes I'm chasing glory and no I don't give a ****) and based on how I feel they can do it without me.

I was surprisingly good!

I think all the running I'd been doing was a fools mission, I was just doing it til i hurt which is no way to have fun.

You get more rests at training between drills and the like so I didn't get really heavy legged til nearly 90 mins in... I did feel a little grumble in my quad trying to kick on the run from 50 so I kept that to a minimum.

After training the team manager goes Gee your fit mate! I looked around at all the fatties around me panting and wondered what I even worried about.

He told me stories of the last time we played Essendon, misiti although fat had it on a string but the absolute star was captain coach Cory McGrath, he would kick the ball out the centre then in a flash be in the 50 kicking the goal. He had about 30 touches to half time then took the clip board for the second half.

Mckernan was there last night but just casually sipping on a pre mix, havebt reached the 4th Rd of the fa cup yet, the big guns don't need to suit off...

Cant wait til next week now, all I wanted to do was hold on to the ball and kick it around , I' love with footy again

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Boomer was at training last night, gee hes a little nugget - not even up to my shoulder but every muscle buldging. Kind of surreal standing amongst record games holder.

But more to the point, it was my second night and i got the right quad grumble again, worse this time. Again it was all fine until a long kick on the run. But i have zero discomfort when running/sprinting/jumping - just the kick.

Its starting to worry me now that it might just be that way all year, like my quadriceps are saying mate, be realistic...

Anyone have any quad tips?

a mate reckons its not a tear/strain but more likely fluid build up from not using it in this way for a while, reccommended wall sits and anti inflams if needed. Im inclined to give the inflams a miss, Think ill try a tight compression bandage next week, see if it shores it up.

There is this guy thats old as the hills that gets about traning, looks like an older Kenny Rogers, they call him doc.

After training i see a huddle in the corner of the rooms, i go over to investigate - doc is over there with a prescirption pad taking orders... ill have anti inflams thanks, no worries, scribble scribble - anti biotics here - cool - scribble scribble - valium? sure - scribble scribble

Hes a real doc, running a dealer service ;)

in all serioussnss tho could be a good resource to have moving forward. Sometimes you just need a prescription but dont have time to go to the docs or pay for a consultation... im thinking sick certificates too...

Im glad i made a comeback.
Boomer was at training last night, gee hes a little nugget - not even up to my shoulder but every muscle buldging. Kind of surreal standing amongst record games holder.

But more to the point, it was my second night and i got the right quad grumble again, worse this time. Again it was all fine until a long kick on the run. But i have zero discomfort when running/sprinting/jumping - just the kick.

Its starting to worry me now that it might just be that way all year, like my quadriceps are saying mate, be realistic...

Anyone have any quad tips?

a mate reckons its not a tear/strain but more likely fluid build up from not using it in this way for a while, reccommended wall sits and anti inflams if needed. Im inclined to give the inflams a miss, Think ill try a tight compression bandage next week, see if it shores it up.

There is this guy thats old as the hills that gets about traning, looks like an older Kenny Rogers, they call him doc.

After training i see a huddle in the corner of the rooms, i go over to investigate - doc is over there with a prescirption pad taking orders... ill have anti inflams thanks, no worries, scribble scribble - anti biotics here - cool - scribble scribble - valium? sure - scribble scribble

Hes a real doc, running a dealer service ;)

in all serioussnss tho could be a good resource to have moving forward. Sometimes you just need a prescription but dont have time to go to the docs or pay for a consultation... im thinking sick certificates too...

Im glad i made a comeback.

Did you ask Boomer how the car's going?

Rumour has it this stuff called TB4 aids in recovery, you should ask Doc if he can get any of that to help the quad out.
reckon that joke will be stale by about 2022

Have you tried squatting for the quads? Holding a squat (even against a wall) for 5 minutes or so at a time, I've found it's helped me a lot, and with mobility as well.
When you kick rectus femoris is under more load because the hip is flexed as well, whereas when you run it's mostly the vastus group doing the work (lift your knee up to your chest with a bent knee then a straight one to feel/understand the difference in rec fem contribution)
I'd be first inclined to check hamstring flexibility on that leg
Ps I know a few guys that'd kill for a Dr like that, although I think what they'd be after would be a little more heavy duty than anti-inflammatory lol
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When you kick rectus femoris is under more load because the hip is flexed as well, whereas when you run it's mostly the vastus group doing the work (lift your knee up to your chest with a bent knee then a straight one to feel/understand the difference in rec fem contribution)
I'd be first inclined to check hamstring flexibility on that leg
Ps I know a few guys that'd kill for a Dr like that, although I think what they'd be after would be a little more heavy duty than anti-inflammatory lol

cheers thats awesome!

would you suggest really working on that hammy as a focussed stretch ? is that the type of simple thing that could release the quad pain?

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