Mystery Flight MH370 missing

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What could be so bad in his life he had to end it?
I read this -

“His personal problems, rumours in Kuala Lumpur said, included a split with his wife Fizah Khan, and his fury that a relative, opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, had been given a five-year jail sentence for sodomy shortly before he boarded the plane for the flight to Beijing”

Apparently the first one is BS - his wife said that had a good marriage.

Possibly the second reason? We will most likely never know unfortunately.

But I think it’s almost beyond doubt now that he did it. The evidence is overwhelming.
What's strange with this one is flying on for hours into the middle of nowhere to die.

In all other suicides the pilot usually makes a split second decision to end it for all on board as fast as they can physically crash the plane.

Motive needs to be investigated. One of the most decorated MH pilots with a mostly excellent career. What could be so bad in his life he had to end it?
Yes, it certainly wasn't an impulsive act. Meticulously planned & rehearsed to avoid discovery and perhaps even guilt.

I read this -

“His personal problems, rumours in Kuala Lumpur said, included a split with his wife Fizah Khan, and his fury that a relative, opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, had been given a five-year jail sentence for sodomy shortly before he boarded the plane for the flight to Beijing”

Apparently the first one is BS - his wife said that had a good marriage.

Possibly the second reason? We will most likely never know unfortunately.

But I think it’s almost beyond doubt now that he did it. The evidence is overwhelming.
We can't know what sort of things were going through his head. . His wife may have been very happy in the relationship & regarded it as a good marriage whereas he may have been despondent about it.

There have been recent reports a SA fisherman trawled up a large piece of wing in 2014. Yes, 2014. While there may be more to the story that I a missing, the statements suggest a man with a guilty conscious and it all sounds pretty stupid. Perhaps I am being unkind. The daily fail has the best article about it as it includes comments by one of the fisherman.

'It was incredibly heavy and awkward. It stretched out the net and ripped it. It was too big to get up on the deck,' he said.

'As soon as I saw it I knew what it was. It was obviously a wing, or a big part of it, from a commercial plane. It was white, and obviously not from a military jet or a little plane.'
After struggling all day to free the object, Mr Olver ordered his crew to cut the $20,000 net free and let it drift back into the comparatively shallow depths of that part of the Southern Ocean.

Mr Olver said he could locate the spot, which was about 55km west of the South Australian town of Robe, and shared its GPS coordinates.

He claimed he tried to tell authorities of his find soon after returning to port by phoning the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA).

He was contacted a few hours later by an official who told him the find was likely a shipping container that had fallen from a Russian ship in the area off Robe, he said.

But the AMSA said it had no record of his call.

Mr Olver told Daily Mail Australia last month that he had cleared his conscience. 'That's it. I've told my point of view.

'Anything else that I could come up with would be conjecture or supposition or my idea and I'm not really interested.

'It was from years ago, it was on my conscience and I've cleared it now and told my story. So whether it's believed or acted on is out of my hands.'

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Approaching 10 year anniversary. I strongly recommend this video:

Details the most likely scenario from known evidence.

There are a few facts I learnt from this that I was not aware of.

Firstly, if the SATCOM was switched off in flight by the switch on the panel the system sends a log off message to Malaysian Airlines that the system has been disabled. Obviously, SATCOM is never meant to be disabled in flight. If Malaysian Airlines received that message they would have instantly launched into action especially as it was disabled shortly after the transponder was switched to the "off" position. I'm sure they would have immediately got on to the air force and/or ATC and we'd have no mystery.

By shutting down the left side power bus ACARS went silent immediately with no warning to MH. So this explains why the power bus was shut down instead of simply switching it off on the instrument panel.

We have an explanation also as to why it was powered back up again. The aircraft is not intended to be flown for long periods of time without equipment cooling which is powered by the left hand bus. Whether it was a coincidence or not that it happened shortly after leaving radar coverage the time flown witth the left hand bus switched off was roughly the same where the pilot would have received multiple equipment cooling system warnings. Whoever powered up the system must have had ACARS set to disable as it did not boot up. However the SATCOM unit did, initiating the first log on request.

One thing that does bother me slightly about the deliberate disappearance theory is the fact that a SATCOM phone call was placed and went through to the cockpit 14 minutes after the SDU logged back on to INMARSAT. Would Shah (or anyone else in control of the plane) not believe that this phone call being picked up by the SDU lead to the aircraft's location possibly being traced if it was his intention to disappear it in the ocean?

What is certain is the SDU was not disabled after this event for the rest of the flight. I am unaware if it is possible to disable the SDU without powering down the left hand bus, maybe that's why he left it on.

Another thing that I was not aware of is the aircraft has 15 portable oxygen bottles each for up to 15 crew members with 44 minutes worth of oxygen. MH370 only had 10 crew members that night so they had plenty of oxygen between them to do something about the plane diversion.

B777 have 20 minutes of oxygen supply from drop down overhead masks for passengers. If they really were suffocated it would have been horrific as after all the passenger oxygen was exhausted there was 10 bottles each with 44 minutes of oxygen left between 238 crew / passengers to "ration".


Ashton talks about orbs surrounding the plane and how it hasn’t been debunked.
The US had surveillance on this plane with higher and lower orbit satellites.
MH370 flight had 23 Freescale semi conductor scientists onboard.

One thing for sure is that one of the pilots didn’t commit suicide.

Lt. Cmdr Edward C. Lin was most likely the person responsible for leaking out the truth about MH370.



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For those still following this mystery I suggest watching this video:

To my surprise, I discovered new evidence that I was not aware of.

When MH370's SATCOM rebooted at 18:25 UTC the Burst Frequency value was found to be unreliable by INMARSAT.

The reason for this is the Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator (known as OCXO) in MH370's Satellite data unit was started up from cold when power was restored to the aircraft. This device warms up the crystal oscillator so it is operating at optimum temps. The unreliable value for this communication suggests the SATCOM rebooted form a very cold state (plane depressurised is the most likely possibility) and the warm up process upon logon took longer than normal.

Also, when MH370's SATCOM logged back on it did not contain airline or flight ID information. This would have occurred if whoever was in the cockpit manually selected to off all forms of SATCOM communication.

Pretty much the only way to explain this as said above is the aircraft's power was restored while internal air temperatures were much colder than usual and somebody manually deactivated all SATCOM / ACARS communications. The SATCOM link remained active though (hourly handshakes) and cannot be turned off without powering down the entire aircraft.

This is another piece of evidence which makes a ghost flight "accident" pretty much impossible.
  • The

MH370: Ocean Infinity expected to present proposal in May, says Loke​

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  • Friday, 22 Mar 2024
    4:41 PM MYT

PUTRAJAYA: United States-based firm Ocean Infinity is expected to present its proposal to the Transport Ministry to resume their search for flight MH370 which disappeared 10 years ago, says Anthony Loke.
The Transport Minister said Ocean Infinity’s presentation on the method to find the missing aircraft has been scheduled for May.

“We need to wait for their proposal, which are the focus areas to search and other methods as well. Then the ministry will make a memorandum paper to be presented to the Cabinet,” he said in a press conference at the ministry’s headquarters here on Friday (March 22).
Loke was responding to a question on the progress of the government’s interest in resuming the search for the missing flight.

The minister previously said that he would make every effort to convince the Cabinet to sign a contract with Ocean Infinity to restart the search operations.
Previously, Ocean Infinity had conducted searches in the Indian Ocean from 2017 until the end of 2018.
Earlier this month, the Texas-based firm also claimed that it found new scientific evidence on the last location of MH370
It certainly wouldn’t be the first time in the history of the world that the wife didn’t know everything that was going on with her husband.
The family certainly seemed in denial at the time.

Maybe this account belongs in conspiracy theories ...

MH370 went down in March 2014.
Captain Shah was a friend of the Malaysian PM Anwar Ibrahim.
While being the leader of the opposition, Ibrahim was charged in 2008 with *******ing a male aide. He was tried in 2010 and 2011 and, in January 2012, was acquitted.
In March 2014, the acquittal was overturned by the Court of Appeal, which convicted him and imposed a sentence of five years' imprisonment.

That jailing may have triggered the captain off to commit the atrocity of flying the plane full of people to disaster.
If that is the case, I find it hard to believe the family did not have some inkling the captain was troubled by the jailing.

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The family certainly seemed in denial at the time.

Maybe this account belongs in conspiracy theories ...

MH370 went down in March 2014.
Captain Shah was a friend of the Malaysian PM Anwar Ibrahim.
While being the leader of the opposition, Ibrahim was charged in 2008 with *******ing a male aide. He was tried in 2010 and 2011 and, in January 2012, was acquitted.
In March 2014, the acquittal was overturned by the Court of Appeal, which convicted him and imposed a sentence of five years' imprisonment.

That jailing may have triggered the captain off to commit the atrocity of flying the plane full of people to disaster.
If that is the case, I find it hard to believe the family did not have some inkling the captain was troubled by the jailing.

Shah was a well known supporter of Ibrahim and the case was highly politicised so it was hardly a secret.

I reckon the jailing is a red herring. Shah deleted his simulator completely the day before flying MH370 on Feb 21st 2014. That flight appeared to be his dry run and he had planned this well in advance.
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Shah was a well known supporter of Ibrahim and the case was highly politicised so it was hardly a secret.

I reckon the jailing is a red herring. Shah deleted his simulator completely the day before flying MH370 on Feb 21st 2014. That flight appeared to his dry run and he had planned this well in advance.
If flying the plane into the darkness did have something to do with Ibrahim things could have been different if Shah waited a few years because Ibrahim was released from prison when his sentence was overturned.
Is it correct that Ibrahim could now be the key to finding the missing plane if he approves a new search.
If flying the plane into the darkness did have something to do with Ibrahim things could have been different if Shah waited a few years because Ibrahim was released from prison when his sentence was overturned.
Is it correct that Ibrahim could now be the key to finding the missing plane if he approves a new search.

I seriously doubt he told Ibrahim where he was going to crash the plane......
I seriously doubt he told Ibrahim where he was going to crash the plane......
They might not even have had a conversation, Ibrahim may not even have known that Shah was upset. But if Shah had been watching the sodomy proceedings about someone he admired then it could have got him really upset and he took it out on a planeload of people without Ibrahim even knowing the reason.
I've just listened to Larry Vance audiobook MH370 mystery solved.

It is my opinion after listening that the aircraft crashed mostly intact. The intent by whoever was in control appears to be ditching the aircradt mostly intact so it sinks in this way and is never found.

Nearly all the wreckage found is stuff that is on the bottom of the aircraft / wing. I believe the rest of the aircraft is mostly intact on the ocean floor save for the forces exerted on it when sinking.

If there were no satellite handshakes and/or no debris discovered we literally would have absolutely no idea where the aircraft crashed other than it being in an ocean somewhere as it would have been discovered if it landed or crashed on land.
I've just listened to Larry Vance audiobook MH370 mystery solved.

It is my opinion after listening that the aircraft crashed mostly intact. The intent by whoever was in control appears to be ditching the aircradt mostly intact so it sinks in this way and is never found.

Nearly all the wreckage found is stuff that is on the bottom of the aircraft / wing. I believe the rest of the aircraft is mostly intact on the ocean floor save for the forces exerted on it when sinking.

If there were no satellite handshakes and/or no debris discovered we literally would have absolutely no idea where the aircraft crashed other than it being in an ocean somewhere as it would have been discovered if it landed or crashed on land.

I think this is what happened too.
I think this is what happened too.

It fits with the debris recovered so far. In the audiobook Vance explains how all of the debris recovered so far matches up to a deliberate ditching. I don't believe there is that much debris from MH370, much of the plane probably sank. Vance proposes the aircraft split into a few large pieces after striking a wave during the ditching attempt. This explains the possible interior piece found.

If this was the case the search needs to be adjusted to how far south the aircraft could possibly have glided after fuel exhaustion (the 7th arc).

That would create a 8th "arc". Search along the arc and up to 10kms towards the 7th arc and the plane will be found.
It fits with the debris recovered so far. In the audiobook Vance explains how all of the debris recovered so far matches up to a deliberate ditching. I don't believe there is that much debris from MH370, much of the plane probably sank. Vance proposes the aircraft split into a few large pieces after striking a wave during the ditching attempt. This explains the possible interior piece found.

If this was the case the search needs to be adjusted to how far south the aircraft could possibly have glided after fuel exhaustion (the 7th arc).

That would create a 8th "arc". Search along the arc and up to 10kms towards the 7th arc and the plane will be found.
For starters, it isn’t possible that the US didn’t know where MH370 was at all times. Secondly, if the supposedly suicidal pilot ditched the plane, the debris field would’ve been massive.
For starters, it isn’t possible that the US didn’t know where MH370 was at all times. Secondly, if the supposedly suicidal pilot ditched the plane, the debris field would’ve been massive.

Would love to hear your explanation how the US knew where the aircraft was at all times. This is simply not true.

There wouldn't have been a large debris field with a controlled ditching at all. This seemed to be the intent of a controlled ditching in the middle of the SIO.
I just don’t understand the psychology of why Shah would do a controlled ditching.

1 - he can switch the pressurisation system to manual and drift off to sleep in a pain free way.

2 - despite knowing nobody has any idea where his aircraft is, he tries to ditch the plane on one of the roughest seas on the planet and in turn get thrown around the cabin like he’s socks in a washing machine until he loses consciousness/drowns.

1 seems much more plausible than 2.
I just don’t understand the psychology of why Shah would do a controlled ditching.

1 - he can switch the pressurisation system to manual and drift off to sleep in a pain free way.

2 - despite knowing nobody has any idea where his aircraft is, he tries to ditch the plane on one of the roughest seas on the planet and in turn get thrown around the cabin like he’s socks in a washing machine until he loses consciousness/drowns.

1 seems much more plausible than 2.

Minimising debris would be the motive to keep the aircraft from being discovered.
Would love to hear your explanation how the US knew where the aircraft was at all times. This is simply not true.

There wouldn't have been a large debris field with a controlled ditching at all. This seemed to be the intent of a controlled ditching in the middle of the SIO.
All planes are monitored. I just can’t find where I saw that every commercial plane’s in flight position is known at all times and it can’t be turned off by the pilot.

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