Footy Preseason Training

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So what did you think of the machine swiftdog?

The reason I'm not a fan of sport specific strength training is that I've always heard from coaches/writers I admire/listen to the most (I would name them but I probably bastardise half of what they say lol) is that it will either **** with your technique e.g. running with wind chutes, crazy golf swing machines etc. or yeah it might strengthen the desired muscles but those muscles could be strengthened a lot easier/better/safer with the standard strength exercises e.g. Squats, BPs, PCs, Lunges whatever.

So my take is to strengthen the body in a general sense and learn to express that strength through practicing your sport. Although I probably shouldn't make definitive statements like I did as I have no direct experience in this area.

Hearing about the tackling machine reminded me of when I saw on tv once a vibration platform in the Dockers gym...

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Your core, the power center of your body is your strongest muscles of your body. The hips/glutes/lower back. Thats where you power comes from.

i'd put core instead of lower back in here as most people's lower backs are already strong thus don't need to be worked directly...stabilisation work is enough through squats, gm's, dead etc...the core stabilisers the lumbar spine so if that is weak you're doing the oppostie thing of what you should be doing if strengthening the lower back

while you're here, thoughts on powercleans? I lift for footy, but obviously as it's the offseason I'm looking at gaining at the moment

depends on your experience i suppose...pc are bstes used to activate your high threshold motor units as the eccentric contraction isn;t really long enough to elciit great muscle gains...that's how olympic wt lifters can do them everyday of the week and stay in their weight class...if you're not squatting and deadliting consisitently then i wouldn't really bother with them
im 200cm, about 87kg and struggling to put on weight. my aim is to be around 93kg or more at round 1 next year. my metabolism is ultra fast, i love pasta, rice, roasts, parmas, veg an fruit. lol. pretty much food.
i was 93kg at round one this year, fracture top of my fibula halfway thru year, and LOST weight while i was at home injured. i played the last few games of year, but was light on. i cant seem to build back up.

can ANYONE help me on ways to build up my kgs and muscle. oh i intend to start preseason in NOV.
Your core, the power center of your body is your strongest muscles of your body. The hips/glutes/lower back. Thats where you power comes from.

Squat deep. Do Good Mornings and some power movements, cleans, pulls and snatches.

You'll beat the guy who does benches and curls and floats around on a ball training his 'core' everytime.

Not true at all. True core stability comes from almost the SMALLEST muscles-transversus abdominus (TA) and multifidus (lower back). These are local muscles who stabilise and provide support for the global muscles (glutes, erector, quads) to work. Without these stabilisers the global muscles are uselss.
thats pretty much it. my life til november.

then il do cycling, some running, weights. - squats, bench press, shoulder press, chin ups, leg extensions.
if you wanna get bigger i'd keep the running to a minumum...maybe twice a week if that

give leg ext away, they're terrible for nothing

what about your split? depending in time you should opt for full body x 3/week or upper/lower split x 4/week

also do plenty of rows, lunges, step ups, deadlifts and core stuff

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i'd put core instead of lower back in here as most people's lower backs are already strong thus don't need to be worked directly

That's my point. Your core aint your abs. The hips/glutes are your strongest and central power centre. Hit em with deeps squats and the power movements.

...stabilisation work is enough through squats, gm's, dead etc...the core stabilisers the lumbar spine so if that is weak you're doing the oppostie thing of what you should be doing if strengthening the lower back

I only do GM's for back. I'm only training them light at the moment. 75 kg x 10 reps.

Deadlifts are a waste of time and arnt needed.....ever.

depends on your experience i suppose...pc are bstes used to activate your high threshold motor units as the eccentric contraction isn;t really long enough to elciit great muscle gains...that's how olympic wt lifters can do them everyday of the week and stay in their weight class...if you're not squatting and deadliting consisitently then i wouldn't really bother with them

If you play sports, power cleans/ pulls/ snatches should be priority! That powerful triple extension of the ankles/knees/hips build explosive power that carries over to nearly every sport.

That's if you can do the double knee bend well!
i'm not sure who mentioned abs but to train them and not deadlifts (ever??) is simply ridiculous

why are squats good and deadlifts not?

If you play sports, power cleans/ pulls/ snatches should be priority! That powerful triple extension of the ankles/knees/hips build explosive power that carries over to nearly every sport.

That's if you can do the double knee bend well!

most can't so when you're dealing with pating customers in a time frame, the time to teach them is not worth can triple extension through simple plyometrics if you want
So what did you think of the machine swiftdog?

The reason I'm not a fan of sport specific strength training is that I've always heard from coaches/writers I admire/listen to the most (I would name them but I probably bastardise half of what they say lol) is that it will either **** with your technique e.g. running with wind chutes, crazy golf swing machines etc. or yeah it might strengthen the desired muscles but those muscles could be strengthened a lot easier/better/safer with the standard strength exercises e.g. Squats, BPs, PCs, Lunges whatever.

So my take is to strengthen the body in a general sense and learn to express that strength through practicing your sport. Although I probably shouldn't make definitive statements like I did as I have no direct experience in this area.

Hearing about the tackling machine reminded me of when I saw on tv once a vibration platform in the Dockers gym...

I haven't seen the machines myself, just heard about them. If technique can be screwed with by this then you can see why maybe a golfer or runner, or any sport requiring a high degree of technicality, wouldn't do it. But when it comes to a sport like Aussie Rules that require relatively less technique then maybe specfic is the way to go. I've always been taught to be as specific as possible.

Can't help but laugh at the Dockers though
i think most of it is bogus

basically strengthen the muscles that do the action and above all program the nervous systenm to work at a high level, then practice the specific sport skills as they are performed in a game

like golfers trying to mimic their swing on a cable machine, it doesn't make real sense
I haven't seen the machines myself, just heard about them. If technique can be screwed with by this then you can see why maybe a golfer or runner, or any sport requiring a high degree of technicality, wouldn't do it. But when it comes to a sport like Aussie Rules that require relatively less technique then maybe specfic is the way to go. I've always been taught to be as specific as possible.

Can't help but laugh at the Dockers though

Yea I don't think the tackling machine would affect technique, tackling doesn't require that greater coordination and is different every time, more of a matter of what would work better.

Yea I never got these vibration platforms, I think the craze was based on one dodgy study or something.
i would think tackeling is a "state if mind" more then anything

the picture i saw of that machine had josh frasier on it, he hasn't tackeled anything real in his life, max rooke on the other hand...

the vibration things are good for rehab and/or when you need to activate a dormant muscle intitially but i can't see it doing anything after that
15 years old, 170 cm : 60 kg. Running midfielder

I play at a pretty good level and was wondering what i should be doing to improve my beep test.

Thanks in advance.
i'm assuming you can already run well so the bottom end of the beep test will be fine so you need to improve on the top end sp we're looking at repeated's also 20m long isn't it for memory so you won't need to sprint for much longer then that per set

try sprints with descending weekly rest where you keep the distance the same but decrease the rest each week so you do the same amount of work in less time

try this:

10 x 20m with 30secs rest between reps - be strict on the timer

rest 5mins


each week decrease the rest by 5 secs (25, 20, 15, 10 then zero) going all the way through like you would the top end of the beep test

also time each of the sets (10 x 20) to see if your second set is a s fast overall as the first one which means you're keeping your sprint times up as the rest will be the same

probably do 1/week going for broke in this one session, ecspecially in the last few weeks

each sprint is as fast as you can go

of course if tyou actually have the beep test handy just go up to a hard-ish level and do actually do it
Here's a link to a table that shows the actual distances and times required for those distances for the beep test.

Wikipedia said:
The multi-stage fitness test incurs a total distance of 4940 meters in a time of twenty two minutes and three seconds (22:03).

I can do 4k in about 26 minutes right now (running around my housing estate, which is quite hilly) :eek: so I might need to 'up the ante' a bit if I was to score highly on the beep test. The last time I did it (back in 2003, when I was 15), I think I got to Level 10, Shuttle 7 (1,800m).

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Footy Preseason Training

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