Rules Forum Rules - a reminder

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Brownlow Medallist
Veteran 10k Posts RIP
Feb 28, 2003
Qantas Club Lounge
AFL Club
North Melbourne
Other Teams
The Washington Generals
Full site rules can be found here:

Rules about content can be found here:

On registration you agreed to not use the forum to submit or link to any Content which is:
  • defamatory,
  • hateful,
  • threatening,
  • abusive,
  • spam or spam-like,
  • likely to offend,
  • contains adult or objectionable content,
  • contains personal information of others,
  • risks copyright infringement,
  • encourages unlawful activity,
  • or otherwise violates any laws.

Golden Rules:

  • No personal abuse
  • PG rating on this board (a bit of extra leeway on the Roo Lounge)
  • Spamming is a no no
  • This board is for football related discussion (non footy related = Roo Lounge)
  • No swear filter evasion
  • Trolling from opposition supporters is not on.
  • New posters are always welcome
  • Differences of opinion are perfectly fine
  • North supporters are not immune from infractions (yellow & red cards) on this board
  • The moderators aren't robots and don't necessarily read every post. If you see something that you take offence with or is a breach of the forum rules - use the report post button and someone will attend to it.

This is by far the busiest & most popular club board on Big Footy and by abiding by the rules, we can keep it that way. If not, I'm sure many quality posters and supporters will be turned off and stay away.

Seems as though a few new posters forgot to read the rules when signing on, and a few veterans have forgotten about them.
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An appeal to BF posters

As you all know, the North Board has suffered a great tragedy in losing our friend and spiritual leader, Lidge. He was an awesome bloke and we are all deeply shocked and saddened by his sudden passing. The outpouring of respect - from both his pals on this board, and opposition supporters from all over BF - has been remarkable. He truly was an extraordinary presence. It will take a while for the pain to go away.

Such was his influence, there's a fair chance that things will never be the same around here. At best, it will take some time for the board to settle back down to something vaguely resembling normality.

On top of everything else, the loss of his unsurpassed Moderating skills on BF leaves a huge hole.

All I ask is that in this time, if posters can take a slightly more chilled and respectful approach to their posting. Just for a little while. Not get too heated or abusive towards each other. Just to show some a bit of respect for each other, and for Lidge's memory, for the situation, and for those that are dealing.

Needless to say, any would-be trolls can expect to be shown very little leniency in the short-term.

Just try to use your common sense, and I'm sure there won't be a problem.

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Just a quick, timely note on abuse of fellow North posters.....

While the Mods appreciate that with an online forum being what it is, this board will always involve a certain amount of 'playing the man'. However, when the personal comments digress to become abusive, the line of harmless banter/shit-hanging has been well and truly crossed and you can expect at that point to have your post deleted and to incur an infraction.

Comments like "**** off" and so forth directed at fellow North posters will NOT be tolerated on this board.

(In addition, any name you call someone that attracts the attention of the swear filter is also not on.)

Last official warning on the subject.
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