Competitions Funniest comments by the rational, intelligent folk of Australia - Trollsada board, Facebook etc.

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Mar 4, 2009
AFL Club
Other Teams
Before we begin, in no circumstance can any poster of this board be singled out as per site rules - and not posts are to be quoted with their name - just the specific comment. Otherwise this thread will have a very short lifespan.

But of course there's many other sources of prescribed 'information' and 'fact' from other forms of the internetz that are just as amusing like this one (take note of the grammar):

funny how karma works , matty knights was doing a brillant job coaching pretty average list, the clubs responds to dustin fletcher kniving knights in the back and brings in a untried coach , who upon realising there list is long way off pace turns to drugs to help them out, in the meantime knights goes to reigning premiers geelong , and coaches there 2nds to a flag in first year as well as developing all the great new talent geelong has brought in this year.....KARMA essendope......good choice you made there
More to follow but confirmation has come that contrary to speculation and spin, coaches ARE defintely subject to the AFL Anti Doping Code.

Unsure on exactly number of type of violations recorded in ASADA report by very obvious Robinson at least has tipped him in for hexarelin use. Add that to the invoices and bang, gone on s2 violaton. Other substances also may fall under that.

Also, ASADA report indicates he's going to be held responsible for the use of banned substances on the players and not maintaining the record keeping as required by the legislation.

Multiple charges including running a doping program.

He's looking at a life ban. 12 - 24 months absolute minimum but I could see that copping an apeal from Fahey and WADA.

Seeya golden boy.

- Rompingwins Mk II

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Does such statements that bring the game into disrepute? Who determines the rights in AFL?? EFC??

How can a player say we took a substance and then a club official believe they have the right to finals?? Do any rules and regulator viewpoint to protect others playing the game on a fair level have the right to voice their opinion so the interests of all the competitions participants are not unfairly compromised?

Do some believe in the right to circumvent justice? Do some believe they can play the other people in the AFL for fools via the media??

Are some people appearing to ignore the relevant authorities determinations on certain rights within a game code bringing that game into disrepute??

Why does anyone tell us what they believe, why do they not save it for the relevant authority assuming there is one regarding compliance??

I hope the Richmond footy club show some humility in their communications and say words to the effect, we would like to play finals and we would like to do everything in our power to enable us the opportunity to play in finals for our supporters, fans and our own well being and happiness including complying with the relevant authority!

In fact I would hope RFC would say something like we try to do everything we can to make the final including compliance regarding the respected rules including those around fairness and hope the AFL community including fans and supporters of all clubs feel we are entitled to play finals if it is deemed we earn't it!!! with respect!!

The last two paragraphs are disturbing.
I dont see the point if we can't name and shame.

All part of the BigFooty 'protect the idiots and trolls as they're our money ticket' mentality.

Yeah, we've ventured down that path before. And then people here crack the sads when someone exercises their right of reply, and basically abuse the delusional bastard.
So basically an environment where any Essendon fan is howled down by the screaming masses is condoned and encouraged by admin and actively participated by the mods, yet the reverse is unthinkable?

Stay ****ing winning BF.
Should be able to put names from Facebook if the person has volunteered their comment on a public topic, e.g. A comment on an item posted by the AFL. Comments between friends should have the name censored, though, if the comment is not meant to be publically available.
Pie Eyed I have read your posts with amazement at how certain you are.
I just don't think you get it.
Or you are just one of those people that have an opinion and are so stubborn that you refuse to believe that you can be wrong.
Let me break it down for you even though it will be a wate of time.
If Essendon players get away with this is sets a precedent in world sport where athletes can take banned substances, and not have strict liability. The cornerstone of WADA's governance. Do you really think that will happen?
Do you really think that a world governing body that walks around with a big swinging dick will be made to look like a fool by some outback minnow football club?
Are you for real?
Keep your opinion because it seems so important to you, why I have no idea, maybe your wife is an Essendon supporter or something ... There must be more to your steadfast belief.
Be certain of one thing ... There is no way on this green earth that there will not be infraction notices for Essendon players. NO WAY.
People think that the AFL will negotiate, will sweep this under the carpet ... Whatever .... Like it has some sort of power in this matter ... It doesn't.
Essendon are screwed and rightly so.
You, their fans and anyone else who believes otherwise will all be very disillusioned when the axe falls .... You ever know what it's like to be the smartest person in the room most times?
Well I do.
It pretty much sucks because people are always intimidated by your intelligence.
One advantage though is you are invariably always right.
I will give you this ... Your odds on being correct are about 1/1000 .... That is how often I am wrong.
Do this forum a favour and stop acting like you are the smartest person in the room because take it from the man who actually is ..... you are so far from that person that you are not even a spec on the horizon.
Good day Sir.

Wow, just wow, so, so humble.....

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For something to be considered "news' it has to actually happen. What Fogdog came up with was something like "speculative rumour". It is already well past the date he predicted. Ergo whoever his source from inside Essendon was either feeding false information purposely knowing he would calm the Essendon masses or it was given to him in good faith and just got it wrong.

I did like this one if for no other reason that speculative rumours are only allowed on one side of the argument when, to be honest, Fogdog's speculative rumours carry way more credibility that those with which the media have used for 7 months to shoot from the hip.
I like how everyone who calls him flogdog thinks they're uniquely cool and creative and ground-breakingly hilarious.

I'm sure the two thousand unfunny sheep before them thought the same, too.
I like how everyone who calls him flogdog thinks they're uniquely cool and creative and ground-breakingly hilarious.

I'm sure the two thousand unfunny sheep before them thought the same, too.

Hey, at least no one has called me lame-aros in a while!
I like how everyone who calls him flogdog thinks they're uniquely cool and creative and ground-breakingly hilarious.

I'm sure the two thousand unfunny sheep before them thought the same, too.

We get a filter for a guy who puts himself in the public domain but abuse of a BF member who doesn't link to his own twitter is perfectly acceptable. Fox News BigFooty - Fair and Balanced
I think from here on in, you'll see a change in public opinion, it's already started.
Hird is starting to gain a massive amount of support, this is because his situation hits the Australian public on an emotional level - we ALL love the underdog and Hird makes a damn good underdog.
Watson is much the same, except that all of his ethical principals are still in tact and he is actually a good bloke.

For months people have wanted Essendon done and now true to form, they are down and out - so the country will rally around them.
This is definitely happening. As Carlton won't make finals, they are all now starting to rally for us because we are down and out.
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