News Gabba Upgrade & Olympics News

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Minister Hacker: So if I understand correctly, our cost-reducing alternative Olympic Infrastructure proposal actually costs more than the original proposal that was deemed too costly?

Sir Humphrey: well, yes and no Minister.

Hacker: what do you mean?

Humphrey: Well it costs your government less, but the next government more.

Hacker: But it’s the same taxpayers…

Humphrey: Well, yes and no Minister.

Hacker: what do you mean?

Humphrey: Well when they pay for your proposal, they will be your taxpayers, when they foot the bill for replacing the Gabba they will be the next government’s taxpayers.

Hacker: But our new proposal was for the Gabba not to be replaced.

Humphrey: Well, yes and no Minister, your Infrastructure Department has indicated that the Gabba will need to be replaced anyway.

Hacker: So we have abandoned the proposal to rebuild the Gabba because it is too expensive, and are instead spending even more money investing in other stadiums, and now we find out we need the rebuild the Gabba anyway?

Humphrey: Yes Minister.

Hacker: Humphrey, that is outrageous. Won’t this be a big scandal for the government?

Humphrey: Well, yes and no Minister.

Hacker: What do you mean?

Humphrey: Well, by the time the scandal hits, it won’t actually be your government anymore.

audience laughs - roll credits
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Wait surely not. What are they spending the 1.6 billion on then? Surely temporary seats don’t cost that much

The contractors new jet skis and ram trucks

The Lord Mayor hinted as much in his interview when he said the state would need to pay and cost it.
I cant even......

Gordon Ramsay Facepalm GIF by Masterchef
It just beggars belief, just can’t get my head around the convoy of buses and taxis, * me what about deliveries?
It won’t matter because nobody outside Queensland will bother coming to the Olympics anyway. With only 40000 tickets available for the athletics why bother. The number of visitors coming to Brisbane will be sfa. I assume the government has factored in the loss of revenue from ticket sales and the reduction in accommodation,retail and hospitality revenue by putting on a mini Olympics. Or is that beyond their grasp too?

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It won’t matter because nobody outside Queensland will bother coming to the Olympics anyway. With only 40000 tickets available for the athletics why bother. The number of visitors coming to Brisbane will be sfa. I assume the government has factored in the loss of revenue from ticket sales and the reduction in accommodation,retail and hospitality revenue by putting on a mini Olympics. Or is that beyond their grasp too?
True, although there has already been an increase in national and international interest in property in suburbs surrounding Suncorp.
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Channel 7 poll result.
You only had 3 choices in the 3 questions.

Q: Should Qld pull out of Olympics
No 35%
Yes 33.5%
Not sure: 2.6%

Q: Preferred stadium
Victoria Park 44%
Suncorp 35.8%
Gabba 20.2%

Q: Do you agree on spending $1.6 billion to renovate QSAC for athletics.
No 66.9%
Yes 22.5%
Not sure 10.6%
It is getting worse, not sure if it is old news but there have been no transport infrastructure budgeted for yet for the QSAC mini stadium.

State Development Minister Grace Grace has admitted the government has not yet factored in the cost of mass public transport upgrades to the Queensland Sport and Athletics Centre in its budget. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
This is getting beyond a joke, can we move the election up to this weekend so we can get on with this? Hang on Crisafulli appears to not have a proper plan either.

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News Gabba Upgrade & Olympics News

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