Oh good grief, it's way too late for that now. They already put millions into redoing the yard.Near closing time so another old proposal has been sent to the authority.
For a global firm to send a submission pretty much the same as they did to Quirk is a bit on the cheap side.
Not sure if the link will open. The proposed site is the Mayne Rail Yards.
To get free advertising. The suckers in the media will be happy to put their company's name out there to get themselves an easy story.They have just spent big money and 2 years upgrading this area in readiness for CRR.
This section of CRR completed 12 months ago. Not sure why they have even submitted the plan.
Pretty much. The whole exercise would probably take ten years from start to finish. We don't have ten years.Most likely you would have to build a new railyard first, so the transition could go as smoothly as possible.
Then start demolishing the old one. Then build this proposed big project.