Moved Thread Garry Ablett Matthew Kennedy & God

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Given Folau’s views it was inevitable.

Free speech has consequences.

There is a place in Adelaide cbd that men prowl for sexual encounters. Its a public toilet and garden. The history is really dark because it was once a pick up joint for pedophiles looking for orphans. There has been a few bashing over the years. The homosexual community label those bashing, hate crimes.

Some are lads who know where to find someone to Bash. Others are vigilantes trying to remove a public menace.

The reality is that if you hang around a public toilet looking for random sexual encounters from homeless men, then you have mental health issues and a danger to the public.

These small % of the homosexual community undertaking such risky behavior in public, for sexual gratification, do not represent the whole community or its values. Yet they do (on a large scale) believe that all the bashings are hate crimes.

To accuse someone of a hate crime, someone not guilty of a hate crime, is it not itself a hate crime?

Yet to point this out, you're encountered with very bigoted retorts against your character. You're not only exercising your right to free speech, you're being a responsible community minded cItizen.

If no crimes were committed at these locations, then there would be no issue with bashings. No hate crimes or vigilantes who want public toilets safe for children and everyone else. Public toilets for the purpose they were built.

The outrage over the Israel foul tweet, completely irational. If left be, it would of just floated away with the billions of other irrelevant offerings on social media that day.

And your life moderating this board, a little more peaceful.

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All Christians choose which passages to believe and which to ignore and how to interpret them.

But before choosing which passages to believe and which ones to ignore and how to interpret them, they would have been aware of what was in there yeah? Or are you suggesting that when they were initially being indoctrinated, whomever was doing the indoctrination, ripped those pages out or redacted the relevant passages?
Probably going to ruffle some feathers but i think Christianity has had a greater impact on where we are today than science has, not to mention the correlation between renaissance and post-renaissance scientific breakthroughs and christianity. You dont have to be a Christian to see the impact christianity has had in building our society...just saying.
Christianity has contributed to building our society? Hmmmm..... ok
Probably going to ruffle some feathers but i think Christianity has had a greater impact on where we are today than science has, not to mention the correlation between renaissance and post-renaissance scientific breakthroughs and christianity. You dont have to be a Christian to see the impact christianity has had in building our society...just saying.
Christianity has not contributed the following;
Industrial development
Environmental development
Transport development
The development of the WWW
Medical development
IT development

What’s Christianity done?
Spoken like a true god botherer

I only go to churches for weddings and funerals. The last time was for my best mate's wedding 28 years ago.

Never read more than a handful of pages of the Bible. I tried to once, to see what it was all about but I didn't get too far, it was a pile of shite, like trying to read Mein Kampf or The Hobbit, they're not my style of reading.

In that regard, your comment would be spoken like a true, jumping to incorrect conclusions biggot.
I think some people who are strong with their religious beliefs are going to get caught out with today's hate speech laws.

As we know Izzy Folau posted up something nasty that was directed at it all communities.
We know that he's got a strong religious belief as he's a christian.

However, we probably shouldn't put all christians into the one basket and judge them.
Not everyone in that religion is that strong with their beliefs.

I can see Izzy losing a stack of fans over his instagram post.
But i can also see the polite nature of Gaz Ablett jnr and Matt kennedy who apologised for their like on that post.
Christianity has not contributed the following;
Industrial development
Environmental development
Transport development
The development of the WWW
Medical development
IT development

What’s Christianity done?

Giving us the moral code to live by (not that they've been the best at adhering to them, themselves) but I reckon they've been a pretty good set of rules in general over a long period of time.
Giving us the moral code to live by (not that they've been the best at adhering to them, themselves) but I reckon they've been a pretty good set of rules in general over a long period of time.
I don’t agree with Christianity providing a moral code at all. They’ve got a pretty sordid history characterised as immoral.
Probably going to ruffle some feathers but i think Christianity has had a greater impact on where we are today than science has, not to mention the correlation between renaissance and post-renaissance scientific breakthroughs and christianity. You dont have to be a Christian to see the impact christianity has had in building our society...just saying.

Sheep don't see that society is fractured beyond repair. Sheep think this is the best there is or has been. When in fact it couldnt be further from the truth. Sheep who have science, sheep who have faith in the jesus religions, think this alike.

Both faiths have equal blame. There is probably no greater scourge on society than pedofiles raiding vulnerable children.
Pedofiles from both faiths equally responsible for the abhorrent crimes that fracture communities and destroy cHildren and thier children and thier children's children's.

Both faiths cover these crimes up, protect the guilty.

Politicians practice science, as do lawyers, police officers, judges. These institutions all protect pedofiles, all target thier victims. Female staff at institutions like Anglicare or uniting communities have also done the dirty on victims, do the dirty still. Its not a gender thing, nor is it faith thing.

Remember it was scientists who electrocuted homosexuals to stop them being homosexual. Electrocuted children. This happened all to recently and no one held to Account.

Our society is so good, that we are checked for weapons when we go to an afl game.

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Garry Ablett liked Israel Folau's homophobic rant. How Christian of him. As far as I'm concerned both him and Carlton's Matthew Kennedy should be fined by the AFL. I don't give a shite if he withdrew it or not. His like was already out there for people to see.

There is no place for homophobia in the AFL let alone society. These comments hurt people. Young people who are having identity issues or trouble coming out to religious families kill themselves over comments like these.

On ANE-LX2J using mobile app

Its not bloody homophobia. Enough of the bs propaganda. It is a differing moral viewpoint. If people don't believe in God and by the extension the premise of going to Heaven or Hell why get your knickers in a twist? God loves the person hates sin, that the premise. No Christian hates gay people, they fear what will happen to them. Any other representation is rubbish (disclaimer if you only take notice of fantatics you will have chosen to accept a distorted view). FWIW there were a lot more people on the the list than gays but lets conveniently gloss over that to allow the 'homophobic' rhetoric to continue unabated.
There is a place in Adelaide cbd that men prowl for sexual encounters. Its a public toilet and garden. The history is really dark because it was once a pick up joint for pedophiles looking for orphans. There has been a few bashing over the years. The homosexual community label those bashing, hate crimes.

Some are lads who know where to find someone to Bash. Others are vigilantes trying to remove a public menace.

The reality is that if you hang around a public toilet looking for random sexual encounters from homeless men, then you have mental health issues and a danger to the public.

These small % of the homosexual community undertaking such risky behavior in public, for sexual gratification, do not represent the whole community or its values. Yet they do (on a large scale) believe that all the bashings are hate crimes.

To accuse someone of a hate crime, someone not guilty of a hate crime, is it not itself a hate crime?

Yet to point this out, you're encountered with very bigoted retorts against your character. You're not only exercising your right to free speech, you're being a responsible community minded cItizen.

If no crimes were committed at these locations, then there would be no issue with bashings. No hate crimes or vigilantes who want public toilets safe for children and everyone else. Public toilets for the purpose they were built.

The outrage over the Israel foul tweet, completely irational. If left be, it would of just floated away with the billions of other irrelevant offerings on social media that day.

And your life moderating this board, a little more peaceful.

Reclaim our Public Toilets!
What’s Christianity done?
Perpetuated a fairy tale.
Supported pedophile clergy via inaction and tacit approval.
Hoarded Billions of dollars.
Built a lot of ostentatious structures.

Giving us the moral code to live by (not that they've been the best at adhering to them, themselves) but I reckon they've been a pretty good set of rules in general over a long period of time.
If people need an external authority figure/institution to impose a moral code to live by I worry about their motivations. A moral code comes from an innate sense of knowing right from wrong IMO.
If people need an external authority figure/institution to impose a moral code to live by I worry about their motivations. A moral code comes from an innate sense of knowing right from wrong IMO.

It's not about needing it now, the great majority of our laws were originally established using this moral code and for the most has served us pretty well.

An innate sense of knowing right from wrong reads to me that we pop out of the womb with this innate sense of right and wrong.

I don't think you're a bad poster by any stretch of the imagination but I'm trying to work out if I think that statement from you is either one of the most bizarre things I've seen posted on here or it's one of the dumbest.
It's not about needing it now, the great majority of our laws were originally established using this moral code and for the most has served us pretty well.

An innate sense of knowing right from wrong reads to me that we pop out of the womb with this innate sense of right and wrong.

I don't think you're a bad poster by any stretch of the imagination but I'm trying to work out if I think that statement from you is either one of the most bizarre things I've seen posted on here or it's one of the dumbest.
Just about, from my experience with young children they are innately empathetic and caring particularly with a nurturing and supportive upbringing.
Nearly all founders of modern science, Newton, Boyle, Pascal, Mendel, Galileo, Copernicus and many others were all devout Christians of one interpretation or another.

That's a correlation fallacy.

Galileo was put under house arrest for the final nine years of his life by the Catholic Church for his heretical finding that the earth revolved around the Sun. Christians pushed science along - for sure. Christianity as a religion pushed science along? I don't think so.

Science flourished in spite of religion, not because of it.

The church was fine with setting up educational institutions as long as the findings coming out of those institutions supported the Bible.
That's a correlation fallacy.

Galileo was put under house arrest for the final nine years of his life by the Catholic Church for his heretical finding that the earth revolved around the Sun. Christians pushed science along - for sure. Christianity as a religion pushed science along? I don't think so.

Science flourished in spite of religion, not because of it.

The church was fine with setting up educational institutions as long as the findings coming out of those institutions supported the Bible.
A cursory understanding of history and the development of mathematics and science is all that's required to know that throughout civilisation, religion and development towards the enlightenment has at times gone hand in hand and at times been at odds. There's no black and white "for or against" as if they were two teams on a footy field. And that's before you even bring the relationship between religion, culture and development to the table; an area of study that could fill libraries on its own.
A cursory understanding of history and the development of mathematics and science is all that's required to know that throughout civilisation, religion and development towards the enlightenment has at times gone hand in hand and at times been at odds. There's no black and white "for or against" as if they were two teams on a footy field. And that's before you even bring the relationship between religion, culture and development to the table; an area of study that could fill libraries on its own.

That's a fair enough call. Well put.
And that's before you even bring the relationship between religion, culture and development to the table; an area of study that could fill libraries on its own.
Thousands of philosophical tomes have been written about that ****ing table. It has made an appearance in every course about metaphysics since ****ing Plato.
Not really. I don’t hate homosexuals but it goes against my beliefs. I don’t hate thieves either - hell, half our population is descended from them - but it goes against my beliefs.

Well let's flip that ideal around then.

I don't hate Christians but Christianity goes against my beliefs. Yet the moment I decide to publicly discriminate against Christianity I am liable to be prosecuted.

Please explain to me the difference because Christians are no more entitled to their hate speech against homosexuals than I am against Christians...or any other religion for that matter.

Many religious people are the worst form of hypocrites.

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Moved Thread Garry Ablett Matthew Kennedy & God

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