Geelong "arrogant" or fearful?

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Good Old JeffDunne, won't rest till the Saints are classified as "Better than Geelong"

Very sad and i really feel for you dude, especially cause you know you're fighting a losing battle.

Just face it, your tanking, corruption and after-school activities in the early 00's will amount to nothing:eek:
Ling in the paper today was as sooky-la-la as you can get. Where do some of the cats playerts get off seriously?

Here we go, what's his beef

Where do some of the cats playerts get off seriously? They have been given the biggest free ride for years by the umps, they get a couple of questionable decisions and start having a cry about it, give me a break. what about selwood ducking his head when his tackled and continuely getting away with it week after week?, the diving from several players notably stevie j that they get away with? i could go on....

Bingo. Get on board the waaaaaaambulance mate!

there depth isnt as great as everyone thinks which is probably another reason for the excuses, their is an element of denial.

...evidently hey Hawker?



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First of all, allegedly was not quoted by Thompson in that article.

Secondly, it doesn't say that his hand was broken, it just says he received treatment for a broken metacarpal bone yesterday. Which implies it could very well have happened as a result of Baker.

it could have happened on Bakers head.

Just sayin
Collingwood supporters in this thread

Supporters from both clubs are currently making Collingwood fans look like Mother Theresa in comparison. Keep you're eyes on the ball fella's, We're just behind you and ready to pounce!!

Send this to Bay 13, troll

Why does Geelong have to be considered either "arrogant" or "fearful". Why can't they just be sitting in the middle ground of indifference, "taking it one week at a time", and giving "credit to the boys" where it's due?

This is the main board. As if the St Kilda moderators would do such a thing

Do you enjoy being asexual?

He should be designated a serial troll and place on the bench for 3 more months.

The usual quality input from them. :D
Collingwood supporters in this thread

The usual quality input from them. :D
whats your point? at least 2 of those are critical of both sides. you wanna limited debate post your shyte on the saints board

not sure which is more pathetic - your ungraciousness in victory or your psychotic melt downs in defeat
Not sure what to make of the OP. So many emotions and mixed feelings:

1) Known troll

2) Actually kind of right about the Johnson incident, and Geelong emplying similar tactics in the past

3) Similar over confidence to last year in the corresponding match

4) Doesn't realise this match means nothing in the big picture and should have learned that lesson from last year

Yeah, not sure which way to go on this one.

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Geelong arrogant or fearful? Nah, I think it's more like the OP is merely hopeful and is clutching at straws hoping beyond hope that the mighty Geelong side might be showing signs of wavering.

It's something Geelong has had to put up with since we won the grand final in 2007. Collingwood thumped us in 2008, and everyone was wondering whether our aura of invincibility was starting to waver. We copped a heap of injuries late last year, and people were writing us off, saying there was no way we'd be able to recover enough to win the flag. Opposition coaches had pot shots at us too, questioning whether the pressure to get another flag as icing on the cake was starting to show on the team and the coach. We've had teams for the last three and a half years lift whenever they play us, to see how they stack up to the league's measuring stick. We've had all that, yet won 55 of 63 matches since the start of the 2008 season, including 5 of 6 finals. Yet our coach makes a throwaway line in a press conference and all of a sudden we're fearful. :eek:
So clearly u enjoy the observations yourself? Make up your mind champ, you are all over the shop...

From your post it's clear you understand the use of the question mark but the contents would indicate you're blind to it when reading.

Settle down next time you're reading posts and you won't make the error.

The poster I was directing the QUESTION to was someone that was drawing conclusions on off field behaviour based posture and it resembling stereotypical features.

Still with me? (note, another question mark)

Since SJ has the most unique posture of all the Geelong players, IMO, and it resembles the sterotypical posture of a pot smoker, it was a natural question to me to pose to test the consistency of that poster's view.

Unlike you, he seemed to take the question for what it was worth.

If SJ was a pot smoker, I'm sure he'd shave himself down.
Yet our coach makes a throwaway line in a press conference and all of a sudden we're fearful.
It wasn't a throw-away line. Do you even know the meaning of word (other than an excuse to trivilise comments)?

Did you even watch/listen to the press conference?

Bomber made it the central theme when he wasn't even asked.

(like he did when he was bagging Ablett earlier in the year)

Something would seem to be bubbling under the surface (at least in Bomber's mind)

And FWIW, my comments had nothing to do with what happened during the game, solely on comments made post the game. Geelong haven't shut up and have whinged about virtually every aspect of the game. Compare their to reaction any other loss since the '08 GF and it is uncharisteristic behaviour.
From your post it's clear you understand the use of the question mark but the contents would indicate you're blind to it when reading.

Settle down next time you're reading posts and you won't make the error.

The poster I was directing the QUESTION to was someone that was drawing conclusions on off field behaviour based posture and it resembling stereotypical features.

Still with me? (note, another question mark)

Since SJ has the most unique posture of all the Geelong players, IMO, and it resembles the sterotypical posture of a pot smoker, it was a natural question to me to pose to test the consistency of that poster's view.

Unlike you, he seemed to take the question for what it was worth.

If SJ was a pot smoker, I'm sure he'd shave himself down.

Clearly you have enough time on your hands to enjoy getting technical about these sort of comments so I will humour you on this occasion as I am bored and also quite amused by it all.

Your suggestion at the end - "bush weed", question mark or not, can be deemed as you making a suggestion or yes, an "observation" based on SJ's posture, can it not? You seem to be the judge and jury on all these nitty gritty type issues so I will leave it for yourself and others to decide...
Why was Baker hitting his hand?

It's really not that hard to work out.

Same reason why defenders whacked Roo's hand when he playing hurt. Same reason defenders worked over his shoulder when he was playing injured.

You carry an injury into a game and teams will test it.

Nothing new, Geelong just could deal with it. Guess they are used to teams like Melbourne laying down before the ball is even bounced.
Your suggestion at the end - "bush weed", question mark or not, can be deemed as you making a suggestion or yes, an "observation" based on SJ's posture, can it not?
Did you even read my post that you quoted?

Like I said, settle down while reading or your comprehension skills go to the shithouse.
It's really not that hard to work out.

Same reason why defenders whacked Roo's hand when he playing hurt. Same reason defenders worked over his shoulder when he was playing injured.

You carry an injury into a game and teams will test it.

Nothing new, Geelong just could deal with it. Guess they are used to teams like Melbourne laying down before the ball is even bounced.

Just like you couldn't handle it when Brisbane worked over Roo's shoulder a few years ago.

From what I can recall, you and your fellow saints bitched and whinged about it for weeks.

Perhaps you should practise what you preach!
Just like you couldn't handle it when Brisbane worked over Roo's shoulder a few years ago.
You remember that do you? Really?

Regardless, the benchmark has been set. We've learnt the hard way.

Don't tell me we are again asking for the goal-posts to be changed on the fly simply becasue St Kilda are the team involved?

What next, give Geelong the 4pts. :rolleyes:

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Geelong "arrogant" or fearful?

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