GFL Geelong Football League - 2010

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There's no one.. No matter what anyone thinks of the bloke, Pete's done a brilliant job this year and this will prove to be a massive stuff up from the new president who ive been told is a huge mistake to have running the club. There will be a big fall out after this and the supersaints will find themselves right back down the bottom.
Unless you are connected with the club Tim, which you are not, you should refrain from making outrageous statements like the one above.
very poor people skills and not much of an idea re coaching.
the brains were on the bench, not on the playing field.
fancy coaching them after they have sacked you.
The whole thing is a joke all around.
Unless you are connected with the club Tim, which you are not, you should refrain from making outrageous statements like the one above.
very poor people skills and not much of an idea re coaching.
the brains were on the bench, not on the playing field.
fancy coaching them after they have sacked you.
The whole thing is a joke all around.

Well can't understand why Peter Davenport would be sack after all the hard work he has done this year. Is there more to this story:thumbsu:. He has taken a side from only 3 wins last year & 2 win the year before to 6 win already this year. Good call bad call.

Is it just me or have you completely just contradicted yourself here?!
Well can't understand why Peter Davenport would be sack after all the hard work he has done this year. Is there more to this story:thumbsu:. He has taken a side from only 3 wins last year & 2 win the year before to 6 win already this year. Good call bad call.

Is it just me or have you completely just contradicted yourself here?! its not just you - maybe he is just providing a well-balanced argument...

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Heard that Mick Atkins will be the new Joeys coach (again). Some players knew Hovey was to be sacked a fortnight ago and when word leaked to Hovey he got in first and quit. The orchestrated dribble in the Addy today was proivided to the joeys supporters who work at the Addy to print (yeah their tentacles reach everywhere!) Maybe the saving of Joeys for next year will be the removal of their president who has the personality of a garden slug (and the looks actually) Vince Littore will be president and maybe then can they claw back a bit of cred they've lost buckets of under Jackmans dodgy reign. Oh and Benny Cousins to coach Supersaints!!!!! GO LARA and LEOPOLD

I will continue with the theme of only reponding to posts that are put on this forum that either unneccessarily critisise people or are just pure fantasy in relation to St Joeys F.C

The coach was never sacked. He stood down for his own reasons..... not because of players? or potential new committees? or possible new coaches? or because of a certain indivduals in the background of our club creating troble? In coaching the GFL for 3 years he has made a huge commitment and he has given nothing less than 100 %.........he had scarificed work and family .....and he decided it was time to move on and give somebody else a crack..... its really that simple.

Its a bit of a shame that some of the players and peripheral people could not have his level of commitment?

The you resort to personal slagging of Mark Jackman?..... No class.....never underestimate the time people put into footy clubs.... and Mark Jackman put more time in that most people...... He has been a massive contributior to the footy club.....and the people in the club that are relevant know that!!! and for the record he is a great bloke and would probably be embarrassed that somebody like me is responding to the crap a tool like you writes on this site..... but i feel it needed to be done!!!

All clubs have people behind the scenes creating trouble by starting and perpetrating rumours and causing rifts....and Joeys is no different.....but I can guarantee you that the people at Joeys that are creating trouble.... and you know you you are!!!......are doing the club more harm than good. They need to put their hand up and contribute up front and be transperant...... not be a coward hide in dark corners load the bullets for other people to fire!!

Unfortunately for a club to get the ultimate success you need everybody on board and pushing in one direction....Joeys have some people ( and i mean a very small group and they are known to most in the club ) with other agendas who may not feel the same way? They undermine the work of great people and as a result hamper the efforts of those with a common goal... a premiership!!!

Joeys may not be the greatest , most successful club going around.... but people who are involved on a daily/weekly basis love the place.......and do it because they love the place.....and they want whats best for the club..... and don't deserve tools like you onevoive getting on here and being critical and personal about their roles and efforts.

Having said all of that..... if the cards fall our way Saturday....there will be a few teams looking over their shoulders?...... Who knows?... the ultimate success may still come?..... Footy is a great leveller!!!
Well can't understand why Peter Davenport would be sack after all the hard work he has done this year. Is there more to this story:thumbsu:. He has taken a side from only 3 wins last year & 2 win the year before to 6 win already this year. Good call bad call.

Is it just me or have you completely just contradicted yourself here?!

I know that I did contradict myself but what I meant to say was, after a reasonable season this year compared to previous years. I believe it is not down to Peter's coaching ability hence the reason why he will not be there next year. Maybe some of the players & staff could comment on this matter.
I've got it on good mail that St Albans will be signing a quality player in the coming weeks to take over as coach next year.

I've been told to expect someone from a higher level as a playing coach.

Interesting times ahead at the Supersaints by the looks.
I've got it on good mail that St Albans will be signing a quality player in the coming weeks to take over as coach next year.

I've been told to expect someone from a higher level as a playing coach.

Interesting times ahead at the Supersaints by the looks.

I wish them well because the league is a better place when the sides that have traditionally been in the lower order of the table can work hard and get their house together and put some good results on the field. I had almost written the GFL off at the start of the year for its predictability but one of the better seasons in recent memory has unfolded with the evenness of the comp.
Unless you are connected with the club Tim, which you are not, you should refrain from making outrageous statements like the one above.
very poor people skills and not much of an idea re coaching.
the brains were on the bench, not on the playing field.
fancy coaching them after they have sacked you.
The whole thing is a joke all around.

Are you from the club? Im not but I do know people out there and there's not alot of people happy with whats happened. If you are from the club could you tell us a little about the incoming president, I believe his nickname his cat??
I know that I did contradict myself but what I meant to say was, after a reasonable season this year compared to previous years. I believe it is not down to Peter's coaching ability hence the reason why he will not be there next year. Maybe some of the players & staff could comment on this matter.

A big part of there season has to come down to Pete recruiting alot of new faces who've helped the SuperSaints be far more competitive.. You can guarantee them guys wont be there next year if Pete's not.. Ill be happy to have them at Grovey next season.
Are you from the club? Im not but I do know people out there and there's not alot of people happy with whats happened. If you are from the club could you tell us a little about the incoming president, I believe his nickname his cat??

I'm told it's Darren 'Cat' Spence.
Try to keep up Dougy. There are two conversations going on here. One re Supersaints and one re Joeys. If you think Hoves went "for his own reasons" then you obviously have no mates or acquaintences whatsoever at the club and don't talk to a soul. Re Jackman, don't worry, he wont be embarrased. I don't think he can read. Maybe you can read him a bedtime story on how he's perceived inside the club and outside. Never questioned the hours and time and effort he puts in. Volunteers are the most important people at footy clubs. Just because he puts in hours doesn't make him pres material nor does it mean he's necessarily a good bloke. Hitler put time and effort into his exploits. Is he another of your heroes? I don't really understand the StAlbans situation. I agree with others who think Davenports done a brilliant job. If the committe are going then who's appointing a new coach? A new committee? and why does an exiting commitee get to oust a successful coach? They wont be around to live with the decision will they?
And another thing DougyGottBrainwashed. You say "Footy is a great leveller!!! " That I agree with. Footy's footy regardless of how big your chequebook is.

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Do you or anyone know what he's like? From what ive heard he aint a good choice.

I don't know him personally but apparently he's a pretty popular bloke around the club, a Premiership player there from the 80's from memory.

I was also told tonight that Davenport wasn't sacked, he was told to reapply for the job as the current committee didn't want to be responsible for appointing anyone as they weren't going to be there next year, thus giving the incoming committee the power to make any decisions they want. Makes sense in a way I guess.

I'm still told that they have someone else to take over and if Davenport did apply he would of been unsuccessful anyhow.

Personally I think they should of given him a 2nd year but none of us are in and around the group so we don't really know what his coaching and people skills are like.

Who knows they might announce a bigger name as coach than any of us expect and then we might see why they've moved away from him.
I will continue with the theme of only reponding to posts that are put on this forum that either unneccessarily critisise people or are just pure fantasy in relation to St Joeys F.C

The coach was never sacked. He stood down for his own reasons..... not because of players? or potential new committees? or possible new coaches? or because of a certain indivduals in the background of our club creating troble? In coaching the GFL for 3 years he has made a huge commitment and he has given nothing less than 100 %.........he had scarificed work and family .....and he decided it was time to move on and give somebody else a crack..... its really that simple.

Its a bit of a shame that some of the players and peripheral people could not have his level of commitment?

The you resort to personal slagging of Mark Jackman?..... No class.....never underestimate the time people put into footy clubs.... and Mark Jackman put more time in that most people...... He has been a massive contributior to the footy club.....and the people in the club that are relevant know that!!! and for the record he is a great bloke and would probably be embarrassed that somebody like me is responding to the crap a tool like you writes on this site..... but i feel it needed to be done!!!

All clubs have people behind the scenes creating trouble by starting and perpetrating rumours and causing rifts....and Joeys is no different.....but I can guarantee you that the people at Joeys that are creating trouble.... and you know you you are!!!......are doing the club more harm than good. They need to put their hand up and contribute up front and be transperant...... not be a coward hide in dark corners load the bullets for other people to fire!!

Unfortunately for a club to get the ultimate success you need everybody on board and pushing in one direction....Joeys have some people ( and i mean a very small group and they are known to most in the club ) with other agendas who may not feel the same way? They undermine the work of great people and as a result hamper the efforts of those with a common goal... a premiership!!!

Joeys may not be the greatest , most successful club going around.... but people who are involved on a daily/weekly basis love the place.......and do it because they love the place.....and they want whats best for the club..... and don't deserve tools like you onevoive getting on here and being critical and personal about their roles and efforts.

Having said all of that..... if the cards fall our way Saturday....there will be a few teams looking over their shoulders?...... Who knows?... the ultimate success may still come?..... Footy is a great leveller!!!
I like your passion Doug, You are spot on when you say that all people need to be pushing in the same direction, but some people just want to have all the say but do nothing. It is the same in a lot of clubs and will bring them unstuck most times. I have seen the Joeys a couple of times this year and they have not filled me with a lot of confidence, but if the cards fall your way and the ultimate success should come, nobody will be looking over their shoulders as at the moment you are not up to it. footy is a great leveller, as you said.
Try to keep up Dougy. There are two conversations going on here. One re Supersaints and one re Joeys. If you think Hoves went "for his own reasons" then you obviously have no mates or acquaintences whatsoever at the club and don't talk to a soul. Re Jackman, don't worry, he wont be embarrased. I don't think he can read. Maybe you can read him a bedtime story on how he's perceived inside the club and outside. Never questioned the hours and time and effort he puts in. Volunteers are the most important people at footy clubs. Just because he puts in hours doesn't make him pres material nor does it mean he's necessarily a good bloke. Hitler put time and effort into his exploits. Is he another of your heroes? I don't really understand the StAlbans situation. I agree with others who think Davenports done a brilliant job. If the committe are going then who's appointing a new coach? A new committee? and why does an exiting commitee get to oust a successful coach? They wont be around to live with the decision will they?

Onevoive..... firstly your reply makes it official that you are a complete tool.......Hitler? seriously? ......and secondly says to me that you may be talking to or associated in some way with the faceless cowards behind the scenes making this crap up.......

I know EXACTLY what transpired over the last few weeks at the footy club in relation to the coaching position......I have a lot of mates at the club and I definitely talk to the right people.....and by that I mean anybody prepared to put their hand up to help the club and be visable and contribute proactively..... not the behind the scenes snipers!

For what its worth i think he has made the right decision.......until a couple of people associated with that club pack their bags and leave......Joeys will be a tough coaching job.

Again......Hitler? ...... can't believe you used that analogy..... read the history books you knob jockey!!! Comparing somebody to a dictator who oversaw genocide is offensive to the extreme.
Yes Tim you seem to know alot about the club so who do you think would be leaving with Peter, name's of player's & number of player's. Which player's would you like at Grovey Tim. Yes Darren ( Cat ) Spence is Pres
It was announced last night at Geelong West that Shane Jack will play his last game for the club this week. He has been a great player best and fairest leading goalkicker and interleauge honours has alot of good mates there. He is going to try and continue his playing days at another club with looking to get into coaching. Good Luck to him.
I don't know him personally but apparently he's a pretty popular bloke around the club, a Premiership player there from the 80's from memory.

I was also told tonight that Davenport wasn't sacked, he was told to reapply for the job as the current committee didn't want to be responsible for appointing anyone as they weren't going to be there next year, thus giving the incoming committee the power to make any decisions they want. Makes sense in a way I guess.

I'm still told that they have someone else to take over and if Davenport did apply he would of been unsuccessful anyhow.

Personally I think they should of given him a 2nd year but none of us are in and around the group so we don't really know what his coaching and people skills are like.

Who knows they might announce a bigger name as coach than any of us expect and then we might see why they've moved away from him.

Randy for the info you know & where told last night you must be a player or on the committee, a person in the no. Can you tell more about this matter. Did you agree with what was done at your club this week.
Yes Tim you seem to know alot about the club so who do you think would be leaving with Peter, name's of player's & number of player's. Which player's would you like at Grovey Tim. Yes Darren ( Cat ) Spence is Pres

I never said I knew alot about St Albans mate just that I know a few people out there. Do you think the boys he recruited from Melbourne and Gippsland will stay if he's not there?
Sounds like a stupid move to me. As you said he has done a great job why you wouldn't continue with him is certainly a strange one. Surely though if you are going to give him the flick you have a back up plan, if not then it is a really dumb move.
Can someone do a list of who is in and who is out as far as coaches are concerned?How much money is at stake and does it depend on which club one coaches?Will the job be advertised in the addy sat?
Calm down DougGottBrainwashed. It really must be even worse than I first thought down there in joeys land. What with all the " Faceless cowards" and "behind the scenes snipers" and people needing to "pack their bags and leave".You don't sound happy at all with your club nowadays. Oh but you "only speak to the right people" you say. Do you sign an arrogance clause when you become a joeys member or do your kind just naturally gravitate to that culture? Didn't mind Hoves myself but like everyone that goes to joeys from elsewhere, they don't seem to last long.Hopefully he'll continue to coach somewhere else but maybe his record at joeys this last year will restrict his saleability. Good question someone asked about what coaches get paid. Anyone know ball park ?
How bloody great is the season this year with Leopold and Lara fighting their way into finals maybe. And no, Doug no one will be looking over their shoulder should Joeys make finals. They'll be wrapped to get an easy game first round of the finals.
........I don't really understand the StAlbans situation. I agree with others who think Davenports done a brilliant job. If the committe are going then who's appointing a new coach? A new committee? and why does an exiting commitee get to oust a successful coach? They wont be around to live with the decision will they? & all the wannabe footy experts really need to go to a club & be a member then put your hands up to help & contribute in a positive way. But from the lack of knowledge & all the cheap shots, unfounded innuendo, that the majority of you go on with.
I doubt any of you would have the guts or strength of character to become part of true grassroots footy.

It's too easy to have an "opinion" when in footy terms your a Sheepdog & sit on the outside of play looking for a cheap kick instead of putting your head over the ball & inspiring your teammates.
Incorrect ICANTKICK. Did you ever think that its those who have been there, done that who CAN actually comment and DO actually know what goes on? My family have coached, managed, been on committees, worked in canteens,made banners,washed jumpers and DO know what goes on by those who "put their hand up, become memebrs and help in positive ways" The day I walked was when an opposition team parent was paid off to shut up about the disgusting behaviour of a "club legend"... Grass roots footy at its ugliest so don't ever assume the shiny side of your club is the only side. AND I still do help out becuase 95% of footy is bloody fantastic and footy clubs are the heart and souls of many families and communities.
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