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This article yesterday explains how necro-radiologists use radiation-based computer tomography (CT) scans to determine how people die, and in Victoria how an MRI machine is about to be installed at the Institute of Forensic Medicine for use on living persons who have had episodes of assault or injury, for things like evidence of DV strangulation which are not apparent from external observation.

'Scanning the dead: The machine replacing autopsies

By Margaret Gordon

July 13, 2024 — 4.30pm

all Australian states have installed CT scanners in their mortuaries, and they are considered central to the function of forensic investigations and coroners courts across Australia.
Even if a CT scan can’t determine the cause of death, it still plays an important role in the investigative process.
CT scans clearly show areas at the top of the spine and lower pelvis, areas harder to assess using autopsy. They are excellent for showing air pockets in the body.

Scans are often used in evidence for inquests held in the coroners court, O’Donnell said, and they’re particularly good for juries in criminal trials.

“Judges will often not want juries to see the autopsy pictures because they’re confronting with blood and so forth,” he said.

“Whereas the pictures that I can produce through CT, using workstation graphics, are much more acceptable and understandable. I think as well, because it’s not blood and gore, and people aren’t sort of turning away”
“MRI is amazingly good for children and babies,” O’Donnell said.

Once installed, the MRI machine will be used with the concept of “one room, two doors” to scan both the living and the deceased – using different tables, of course.

In the case of the living, MRI scans of victims who have survived family violence assaults can be used in court as evidence, particularly in cases of strangulation where there are no obvious signs of injury.

“Neck compression, that can be a very difficult thing for clinicians to understand and work out, whereas MRI is very, very good in that area,” O’Donnell said.

“So we will be wanting to use the MRI scanner in living persons who have had episodes of assault or injury. We want to try and document those.”
Sandy Point man. Interesting forensic case solved with DNA and matching with genealogy databases.

RIP Christopher Luke Moore
Amazing story

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An interesting article on the subject of Sovereign Citizen.
by replicating the judicial system for their own ends with fines, judgements etc it is a travesty in the truest sense of the word.

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An interesting article on the subject of Sovereign Citizen.
by replicating the judicial system for their own ends with fines, judgements etc it is a travesty in the truest sense of the word.

The Govt should give them a reasonable sized area of land in central/northern Australia, then build a fence around it, then tell them that anyone over 18 who identifies with this cult can move there and do absolutely whatever they want.

Call it Sov-Land.
SMH reports


Outage hits police, but triple zero still works

By Eryk Bagshaw and David Swan

Emergency number 000 is working, but NSW Police systems have gone down, restricting their ability to share information.

A NSW Police spokesperson urged the public to only contact 000 in an emergency. NSW Police will provide an update shortly on what systems have been impacted.

Victoria Police
says it can still receive and dispatch calls from triple zero Victoria.

A spokesperson said some internal application systems were affected by the outage, but these were not impacting the force’s ability to dispatch or respond to incidents.'
The spate of stabbings by teens continues, a death in Sydney of a 37 yo man stabbed by a 15 yo.

A 16 yo has been placed in an induced coma after he was allegedly stabbed during a brawl in Perth. If he didn't suffer head trauma, being in an induced coma suggest he has had a cardiac arrest from blood loss.

The spate of stabbings by teens continues, a death in Sydney of a 37 yo man stabbed by a 15 yo.

A 16 yo has been placed in an induced coma after he was allegedly stabbed during a brawl in Perth. If he didn't suffer head trauma, being in an induced coma suggest he has had a cardiac arrest from blood loss.

Police say young people should not carry knives in the streets.

How do you stop them?

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Knife crime is increasing but not the juvenile penalties.
How do you stop them? Seems the horse has bolted as little or no punishment from the courts.
Along with posting bad behaviour on social media, carrying a knife gives status 😟

I heard there’s also a high occurrence of ice usage among juvenile offenders. This article is from last year but only recently I heard that up to 80% of young criminals use meth.

I inherited the family German Shepherd when my wife and i separated, she died last year and i still miss her to pieces.

If someone was home she was normally in the house she'd hear things out the front that we didn't . One night she was going silly at the door , i opened it, she ran behind the garden barking, heard rapid footsteps , then a car out the front that i couldn't see drove off.

She was nervous around strangers though and very unpredictable around other dogs.

I think having a large dog in the yard was a good deterrent.
Judges are clearly becoming experts in everything. ENT surgeon William Mooney is set to resume practising medicine after an appeal court rejected the NSW Medical Council’s efforts to stop him. Read the article linked below, it makes interesting reading and see if you think it's reasonable for him to be reinstated.

'In banning him for a year, the tribunal found that Mooney’s substandard care resulted in the deaths of two patients, that he lied about a relationship with a third patient and that he provided a false medical certificate to cover up his failure to attend mandatory drug testing for cocaine, which had been a condition on his registration.'

In granting his reinstatement in March, the NCAT concluded it is “highly unlikely” that Mooney “will repeat any of the mistakes of the past”.

I am afraid I don't agree with this statement and goes completely against my experience of dealing with errant doctors

“In our view, Mr Mooney has proven that he can be trusted to practice in an honest and ethical manner and presents no risk to the safety of the public and their confidence in the profession,” the tribunal held.

That last para had me laughing out aloud. Justice Lemming is a brave man, though it's only others lives he is putting at risk.
Judges are clearly becoming experts in everything. ENT surgeon William Mooney is set to resume practising medicine after an appeal court rejected the NSW Medical Council’s efforts to stop him. Read the article linked below, it makes interesting reading and see if you think it's reasonable for him to be reinstated.

'In banning him for a year, the tribunal found that Mooney’s substandard care resulted in the deaths of two patients, that he lied about a relationship with a third patient and that he provided a false medical certificate to cover up his failure to attend mandatory drug testing for cocaine, which had been a condition on his registration.'

In granting his reinstatement in March, the NCAT concluded it is “highly unlikely” that Mooney “will repeat any of the mistakes of the past”.

I am afraid I don't agree with this statement and goes completely against my experience of dealing with errant doctors

“In our view, Mr Mooney has proven that he can be trusted to practice in an honest and ethical manner and presents no risk to the safety of the public and their confidence in the profession,” the tribunal held.

That last para had me laughing out aloud. Justice Lemming is a brave man, though it's only others lives he is putting at risk.
The desperation to keep medico's is a given, even as standards slip.

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