Gippsland v Calder

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talkin footy said:
Yes his mum was close to going on the ground only in concern for her son not moving but they refrained themselves which would be hard and as far as the abuse goes well thats what anger does when bad enough to see what happened to there son but to have to runner from the oposition laugh in there face well thats enough to make anyone angrier ,but they do appreciate the fact that the oposition doctor came and told them he had just regained conciosness and also they did not abuse Dore afte the game at all because they went stright back in the romms and went to hospital wth him
saintlynewby said:
So Footyman, did you hear the mother of the fallen kid? Don't tell me you didn't hear her, she could have been heard all the way in the car park, swearing and yelling abuse at Brett. It was a fair contest, Brett did nothing wrong and it was an unfortunate incident, it did not warrant the mother coming to the Power Race after the game and giving the "slit your throat" gesture to Brett, that is bad sportmanship, and why wasn't she at the hospital with her son?
I wouldn't say Dore is fat, yes he's well built but certainly not fat, and I liken him to a plugger type player, has very good hands, is hard at the ball and can hold his own even when he has 3 people hanging off his back!!! Surely there is a place for him in the AFL? Yes he is slow and can be outrun on most occasions, but he is still a pleasure to watch, and as someone else commented above, he is not usually the instigator of an incident, but he will defend himself if needed and we can't blame him for that. Brett is a very nice, quite type of person and I know he feels really bad about what happened today but it really was not his fault and not intentional at all.
As far as the "arrogance" if that really happened, don't you think it would have been "sweet revenge" for what Calder did to Power last year???? What goes around comes around. And quite simply, Calder should not have even made it to the finals judging on the game they played today and unless they lift their game immensley, Eastern will eat them next week.
Nice attempt at Year 7 level spelling Talkin'.

If an opposition parent carried on like Fazza'a mum did then we would be whinging to the league to have her banned. I don't know if she threatened any players, but if she did then something needs to be done to protect the other players.

A parent's job ends at the fence and in the TAC cup we have lots of support staff such as doctors and qualified trainers who do a fantastic job looking after all the kids, so there is never any excuse for a parent entering the arena. We know the umpires are hopeless but the support staff do their great job irrespective of what the umpires are doing.

It's great to support our team, not just our own son, and barrack hard, but that's where it ends. Have you learnt the names of more than two other kids at the Cannons yet?

Let us all hope that no Cannon gets only four kicks today, like some did last week and let their mates down.

Unlike soccer and basketball, footy is a team game, and rewards only come from supporting your mates and putting your body on the line for the full 120 minutes, just like Fazza did last week. It doesn't come from leaving your opponent to try to get easy kicks, shooting at goal from everywhere, just to look good in the stats.

The footy game is vastly different to the real estate game. You don't sell out your mates on the footy field.

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talkin footy said:
Who are you to judge people on things you do not know all about i can tell you now they are lovely people and that was all in the heat of shock and yes they werent happy with him hitting from behind like he did and mostly angry at play still goin on.You obviously dont have children otherwise you would understand and when the runner on the other side is laughing in there face wouldnt you be angry ,i think people should keep there opinions to themselves if they dont know how it feels or the facts to what happens. So i think the verbal berrage was coming both ways

I'm just like you offering an opinion because I was at the game and clearly saw what happened. You should re-name yourself Talking Rubbish because you've knocked everyone that had a go about the incident. I have 4 children of which 2 are still playing footy and I can understand the parents being upset at their child being hurt but do not condone the vitreol and actions that followed after the game, which I witnessed directly, when they should have directed their energies towards their son.

If their son had been knocked out behind play or by a raised elbow then I could understand the way they reacted, however, it was an accident and a part of playing football. If you don't want to see your sons get hurt playing footy then don't go.

I don't condone the actions of the runner if what you say is true, however, the umpires stopped the game very quickly thanks to the quick actions of the trainers who got the stretcher out immediately. The game did not go on as you have said.

In another post you said that the throat slitting action did not occur and for Saintlynewby to get his facts straight. In my opinion as I was there as the players went off the ground his commenst are 110% accurate.

One last comment Talkin Footy, "are you as sterile as your comments?"
talkin footy said:
Talkin, you can yell as much as you want, but I was there and I know and saw what happened. Fazz was not hit from behind, it was side on, Brett was going straight for the ball, eyes and arms in the air and Faz was running from the side and they clashed, total accident, he is not a dirty player and even insinuating it in an instance like that is bad sportsmanship. I also was not reffering to that incident as being justice for last year, I was reffering to the win, if you could understand english you would have realised this before you shot your mouth off. I have nothing against Calder at all, neither does any of the team or staff that I have heard, so don't take this so personally. No one, not the supporters, team players or staff of either team laughed in the parents faces, no one likes to see a kid get hurt especially when they are knocked out cold!! And if you noticed it put a bit of a dampener on the rest of the game, so don't go accusing people of things when they are just not true.
Well said Saintly.

Jugding by the time of Talkin's post he must have had a few too many after the footy last night.

He didn't look too flash this morning at Optus.

It was good to see Mike Farrelly at the ground today. He enjoyed the Cannons win. It's a pity that his season is over.
saintlynewby said:
Thanks for that chewy, I think everyone there felt really bad for the kid, it's not good to see someone go limp and stay down for ages in any sport!! Glad he'll be ok.......But if his mum is going to react like she did, maybe she should get her son into Ballet??? Not Footy.
I cant believe you can comment on things you know nothing about and first no his mum is not like that all the time at all so get the facts right and where does being concerned about her sons health come into the equation of talking about ballet . That was astupid comment he is a very good ball getter and doesnt warrant hat comment
footyman said:
Cannons let themselves down really badly today losing by 77 points.

Gippsland Power 6.5 9.7 14.11 19.14 (128)
Calder Cannons 1.3 4.9 5.15 5.21 (51)

Gippsland Power: West Hansen Ellis Delphine Dore Dunne
Calder Cannons: Douglas McErlain Scott O'Dwyer Allen McGough

Gippsland Power: Neagle 5 Delphine 4 Thomas 2 Dunne 2 Dore Ross Eddy Goldsack Fraser O'Bryan
Calder Cannons: Bowes O'Dwyer Caruso Gazzo Douglas

By the end the constant missing of shots at goal became a joke. Blokes were missing from 30m out directly in front. 1.12 after half time for them. Gippsland were fairly arrogant in the way they played, a few blokes more so than others.

West played a great game in the ruck, certainly made people stand up and take notice of his ability. Hansen is going to be something special in 2006 that's for sure, holds his own down back.

Cannons forward line didn't work, seems that Neaves and co just being plonked down there relying on marking all sorts of skyballs just doesn't work. Neaves played like 'Jane' today that's for sure.

Richard Douglas was by far their best player, but too many passengers along with bad kicking let them down.

Michael Farrelly was cleaned up midway through the last quarter, I think it was by Brett Dore (who I'll be glad to see the back of from this competition to be honest) and went to the ground and didn't move for some time before being stretchered off. Adding to the drama, I presume it was his mother who stood at the fence screaming and yelling. Hopefully he's alright anyway, I admire how he plays footy and I've made it known before I do think he's a handy player for the Cannons the way he attacks the footy.
Hi here footyman good to hear yopur opinion on micheal yes i know u think he is a good player and in answer to a comment i read somewhere about how micheal was hit.He was hit with the elbow of dore and was actually out to it before he hitthe ground which is what i thought so i see the umpires not even called it as a high contest or anything and let play go on made it worse .so i thought i would just let you know that. So he has actually hit his head twice.his parents didnt go to the race at all they were sat there till the game finished so the boyss could go in,nothing bad by it meant at all.people just wanting to gossip i think they are lovely people and just very concerned
talkin footy said:
Hi here footyman good to hear yopur opinion on micheal yes i know u think he is a good player and in answer to a comment i read somewhere about how micheal was hit.He was hit with the elbow of dore and was actually out to it before he hitthe ground which is what i thought so i see the umpires not even called it as a high contest or anything and let play go on made it worse .so i thought i would just let you know that. So he has actually hit his head twice.his parents didnt go to the race at all they were sat there till the game finished so the boyss could go in,nothing bad by it meant at all.people just wanting to gossip i think they are lovely people and just very concerned
Thanks. I actually thought the way he went to ground indicated he was out before he hit the deck, which meant he was hit in the head in the first case, rather than being knocked out when hitting the deck (although the second knock wouldnt have helped).
chewy-on-your-boot said:
Nice attempt at Year 7 level spelling Talkin'.

If an opposition parent carried on like Fazza'a mum did then we would be whinging to the league to have her banned. I don't know if she threatened any players, but if she did then something needs to be done to protect the other players.

A parent's job ends at the fence and in the TAC cup we have lots of support staff such as doctors and qualified trainers who do a fantastic job looking after all the kids, so there is never any excuse for a parent entering the arena. We know the umpires are hopeless but the support staff do their great job irrespective of what the umpires are doing.

It's great to support our team, not just our own son, and barrack hard, but that's where it ends. Have you learnt the names of more than two other kids at the Cannons yet?

Let us all hope that no Cannon gets only four kicks today, like some did last week and let their mates down.

Unlike soccer and basketball, footy is a team game, and rewards only come from supporting your mates and putting your body on the line for the full 120 minutes, just like Fazza did last week. It doesn't come from leaving your opponent to try to get easy kicks, shooting at goal from everywhere, just to look good in the stats.

The footy game is vastly different to the real estate game. You don't sell out your mates on the footy field.
Hey chewy after just reading your notes could you please explain what you mean are u hanging stuff on micks parents or what cause i dont think you would be as you know them just as well as me and know they support all them boys at the club and his mum doesnt carry on like that all the time only this once which is understandable ..please explain and no i wasnt drinking last night and if i looked bad why didnt you tell me so when you seen me if u know who i am
talkin footy said:
Hey chewy after just reading your notes could you please explain what you mean are u hanging stuff on micks parents or what cause i dont think you would be as you know them just as well as me and know they support all them boys at the club and his mum doesnt carry on like that all the time only this once which is understandable ..please explain and no i wasnt drinking last night and if i looked bad why didnt you tell me so when you seen me if u know who i am

Sorry talkin' I was out of line with my too many comment.

I was not hanging it on Mick's mum, just commenting on how we would feel if a parent from another club carried on like she allegedly did last week.

We need to be able to view such sad incidents dispassionately, not with one eye because the alleged culprit is from our club.

You seem to have one eye for the facts as well.
talkin footy said:
I cant believe you can comment on things you know nothing about and first no his mum is not like that all the time at all so get the facts right and where does being concerned about her sons health come into the equation of talking about ballet . That was astupid comment he is a very good ball getter and doesnt warrant hat comment
Talkin, when you mature, you will realize that the "ballet" comment was made tongue in cheek, That comment was not directed at your friend, it was directed at his mothers carry on! If I had kids in the comp, I'd probably be very upset too to see them hurt but you can't go swearing and doing things like that (and she did do that) and not expect some flack back. She might be nice, I don't know her and I will admit, I was only "told" she behaved like that a lot, I will admit it was hearsay so it probably was wrong of me to say that, but mate she did go crazy and probably regrets what she did, but that is no excuse. Let sleeping dogs lie, it's in the past now.
chewy-on-your-boot said:
Sorry talkin' I was out of line with my too many comment.

I was not hanging it on Mick's mum, just commenting on how we would feel if a parent from another club carried on like she allegedly did last week.

We need to be able to view such sad incidents dispassionately, not with one eye because the alleged culprit is from our club.

You seem to have one eye for the facts as well.
hey chewy instead of putting those comments and then saying you were out of line,you didnt see what happened with micks mum and you should believe what your team mates say cause she didnt do half of what shes accused of and to write about banning and things like that thats rediculous because if a parent on the oposion team got upset like she did i would understand where she is coming from because as you know she doesnt do that any other time anyway i have spoken to the parents and they are discusted to read all this web site and to think everyone is gossiping and they are feeling bad for micheal he has been through enough without having to read what is being said about his parents so just leave them alone and let micheal enjoy his footy like he should ,she yelled and screamed and yes prob went a bit crazy but she did not do the throat thing to Dore she was as she said putting her hand ascross her throat as in too high and didnt mean to be sitting where they were bu that was the closest seats to calders run where the security guy escorted them ,so as it may of seemed it wasnt intended that way and i just hope they dont have to keep reading this sort of crap and let micheal play footy in peace.No threats were made to Dore it was at the bad umpiring not picking it up as two high ,which the video has shown but also we were laughed at by the oposition and if all i have to say on there behalf just leave the boys alone

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saintlynewby said:
Talkin, when you mature, you will realize that the "ballet" comment was made tongue in cheek, That comment was not directed at your friend, it was directed at his mothers carry on! If I had kids in the comp, I'd probably be very upset too to see them hurt but you can't go swearing and doing things like that (and she did do that) and not expect some flack back. She might be nice, I don't know her and I will admit, I was only "told" she behaved like that a lot, I will admit it was hearsay so it probably was wrong of me to say that, but mate she did go crazy and probably regrets what she did, but that is no excuse. Let sleeping dogs lie, it's in the past now.
Yes i agree its anough talk about what happened micks parents cant believe what they are reading and are upaset that there son should have to read these comments she knows what she did and she knows what she meant when
she touched her throat it was for too high she's not like that even though she was so angry and please she says just let the boys play footy and not have to listen to gossip that isnt half true ok she went crazy and with good reason but is not like that at all normally so let just play footy and leave them alone,know one will know how they feel unless they are put in that position ok
talkin footy said:
hey chewy instead of putting those comments and then saying you were out of line,you didnt see what happened with micks mum and you should believe what your team mates say cause she didnt do half of what shes accused of and to write about banning and things like that thats rediculous because if a parent on the oposion team got upset like she did i would understand where she is coming from because as you know she doesnt do that any other time anyway i have spoken to the parents and they are discusted to read all this web site and to think everyone is gossiping and they are feling bad for micheal he hs been through enough without having to read what is being said about his parents so just leave them alone and let micheal enjoy his footy like he should ,she yelled and screamed and yes prob went a bit crazy but she did not do th ethroat thing to Dore she was as she said putting her hand ascross her throat as in too high and didnt mean to be sitting where they were bu that where the closest seats to calders run so as it may of seemed it wsnt intended that way and i just hope they dont have to keep reading this sort of crap and let micheal play footy in peace.No threats were made to Dore it was at the bad umpiring not picking it up as two high ,which the video has shown but also we were laughed at by ht eoposition and if you were to ask shaun and the others thay can back it up any way that sall i hve to say on there behalf just leave the boys alone
Settle down, whoever you are. The incident was a week ago, it should be dead and buried by now. I can understand the reaction of his parents, it was fair enough. I've said that all along. I dont know the bloke and I was sickened by it, as I'm sure all footy fans are when a player is lying in the middle of the ground unconscious. When a player is crunched like that, nobody knows what the repercussions will be - spinal damage etc. Nobody can blame the parents for their reaction.

Dore was not suspended, or picked up on video. I haven't seen the video so I dont know what happened other than seeing the split second on the day. To the naked eye on the day it was crude.

Calder had a great win today and the Prelim Finals are going to be so exciting. The Cannons are on the verge of a fifth straight Grand Final appearance. It is a shame Michael won't be playing, he strung some really good games together this year, hopefully luck goes his way in the future, he's got some talent and hopefully has a go at VFL next year.
talkin footy said:
hey chewy instead of putting those comments and then saying you were out of line,you didnt see what happened with micks mum and you should believe what your team mates say cause she didnt do half of what shes accused of and to write about banning and things like that thats rediculous because if a parent on the oposion team got upset like she did i would understand where she is coming from because as you know she doesnt do that any other time anyway i have spoken to the parents and they are discusted to read all this web site and to think everyone is gossiping and they are feling bad for micheal he hs been through enough without having to read what is being said about his parents so just leave them alone and let micheal enjoy his footy like he should ,she yelled and screamed and yes prob went a bit crazy but she did not do th ethroat thing to Dore she was as she said putting her hand ascross her throat as in too high and didnt mean to be sitting where they were bu that where the closest seats to calders run so as it may of seemed it wsnt intended that way and i just hope they dont have to keep reading this sort of crap and let micheal play footy in peace.No threats were made to Dore it was at the bad umpiring not picking it up as two high ,which the video has shown but also we were laughed at by ht eoposition and if you were to ask shaun and the others thay can back it up any way that sall i hve to say on there behalf just leave the boys alone

Geez, that must be the longest sentence in written history. Not even the Romans put such long iterations on paper, or in our case, on screen. I did see what Mick's mum did and I am not trying to hide it.

Michael won't be playing footy for at least 6 weeks and by then the season will be over. His neurologist really knows what happens to our brains after a big hit, and how long we are in danger after such a big hit. Angiograms are not matter-of-fact and are only done when the situation is serious. And Mick's situation was so serious on Saturday night that they had to do one. His inner thigh is still sore from it.

He is not out of the woods yet and a sudden movement of his neck may have serious consequences. He should still be wearing a neck brace.

He is not even allowed to drive a car yet.

His spirit is fantastic and he will play great footy next year, but not for the Cannons. He will inspire the Cannons who play for each other to go all the way. But my comments won't make sense to the couple of goal hogs (and their parents) who don't pass it off to the right option. Stats are only counted after the game and they mostly lie. The biggest stats getters in the AFL are not the best players.

Sean is in the same boat but unfortunately has missed most of this season after his knee reconstruction. I didn't see his parents carrying on or making threats when he got crunched at Werribee and did his knee with less than a minute to go. They didn't abuse the umpires either.

I didn't see Neaves' parents carrying on or making threats when he broke his collar bone at Werribee. And they know the names of every Cannon.

I didn't see Wall's parents carrying on when James broke his arm in the last pre-season practice match.

And they all know the name of every Cannon.

Have you learnt more than four names yet?

I've seen what happens with Mick's mum all year. In her mind there is only one kid on the park. In my opinion she has what is called 'ugly parent syndrome' and it doesn't help Mick play his best footy. To Mick's credit he has been fantastic after finally recovering from some foot injuries that his parents hid from the Cannons. The 'glory' is not in being named in the team when you know you shouldn't be playing, but by doing great things with full fitness, under adversity in the big games.

Has Mick's mum yelled out supporting your son this season? Or any one else's son this season, or last season for that matter? NO is the answer.

Footy is a great game that relies on mates supporting each other. A champion team will always beat a team of champions. That is why the Cannons have been so successful and respected by all other clubs. Footy is also a game of integrity and knowing when not to go onto the field because you know you are injured. If you can't do your best then you shouldn't be out there. Or, if you go out there with an injury that prevents you from doing your best, you deserve what you get dished up.

Encourage your son to do what the coach asks, not what you think he should do, and he will go a long way in a great game. His coach played senior footy before your son was born and probably before you saw your first game of an unselfish game called Aussie rules.

Front and centre was his task for today, and he didn't do it once.

By the way, what injury does your son have that you and he are hiding from the Cannons? Players with injuries always hang out of packs.
chewy-on-your-boot said:
Geez, that must be the longest sentence in written history. Not even the Romans put such long iterations on paper, or in our case, on screen. I did see what Mick's mum did and I am not trying to hide it.

Michael won't be playing footy for at least 6 weeks and by then the season will be over. His neurologist really knows what happens to our brains after a big hit, and how long we are in danger after such a big hit. Angiograms are not matter-of-fact and are only done when the situation is serious. And Mick's situation was so serious on Saturday night that they had to do one. His inner thigh is still sore from it.

He is not out of the woods yet and a sudden movement of his neck may have serious consequences. He should still be wearing a neck brace.

He is not even allowed to drive a car yet.

His spirit is fantastic and he will play great footy next year, but not for the Cannons. He will inspire the Cannons who play for each other to go all the way. But my comments won't make sense to the couple of goal hogs (and their parents) who don't pass it off to the right option. Stats are only counted after the game and they mostly lie. The biggest stats getters in the AFL are not the best players.

Sean is in the same boat but unfortunately has missed most of this season after his knee reconstruction. I didn't see his parents carrying on or making threats when he got crunched at Werribee and did his knee with less than a minute to go. They didn't abuse the umpires either.

I didn't see Neaves' parents carrying on or making threats when he broke his collar bone at Werribee. And they know the names of every Cannon.

I didn't see Wall's parents carrying on when James broke his arm in the last pre-season practice match.

And they all know the name of every Cannon.

Have you learnt more than four names yet?

I've seen what happens with Mick's mum all year. In her mind there is only one kid on the park. In my opinion she has what is called 'ugly parent syndrome' and it doesn't help Mick play his best footy. To Mick's credit he has been fantastic after finally recovering from some foot injuries that his parents hid from the Cannons. The 'glory' is not in being named in the team when you know you shouldn't be playing, but by doing great things with full fitness, under adversity in the big games.

Has Mick's mum yelled out supporting your son this season? Or any one else's son this season, or last season for that matter? NO is the answer.

Has she told you why she wasn't at Optus today?

Footy is a great game that relies on mates supporting each other. A champion team will always beat a team of champions. That is why the Cannons have been so successful and respected by all other clubs. Footy is also a game of integrity and knowing when not to go onto the field because you know you are injured. If you can't do your best then you shouldn't be out there. Or, if you go out there with an injury that prevents you from doing your best, you deserve what you get dished up.

Encourage your son to do what the coach asks, not what you think he should do, and he will go a long way in a great game. His coach played senior footy before your son was born and probably before you saw your first game of an unselfish game called Aussie rules.

Front and centre was his task for today, and he didn't do it once.

By the way, what injury does your son have that you and he are hiding from the Cannons? Players with injuries always hang out of packs.
now this is gettin perthetic chewy see you dont know everything like you think she was there today actually all the family to give there support to the cannons and you just made yourself look like a fool because they were siting right where the bench was and if you were to ask them they were cheering on all our boys and yes she mainly cheers on mick well you mainly cheer your son thats why your there but they do cheer the others get it right and that includes cheerin my son as well.I can tell you now the farrellys won't be happy with you advertising micheals condition and his footy affears on here and i dont blame them,its not your place to be giving his medical conditions to anyone,as far as injuries the coaching staff know whats goin on and no one else needs to know,and his mum
gives him a lot of support and always encourages him to listen to his coching staff,once again thats not any of yur concerns ,like i said just let the kids play footy and by the way se knows al the kids names.
footyman said:
Settle down, whoever you are. The incident was a week ago, it should be dead and buried by now. I can understand the reaction of his parents, it was fair enough. I've said that all along. I dont know the bloke and I was sickened by it, as I'm sure all footy fans are when a player is lying in the middle of the ground unconscious. When a player is crunched like that, nobody knows what the repercussions will be - spinal damage etc. Nobody can blame the parents for their reaction.

Dore was not suspended, or picked up on video. I haven't seen the video so I dont know what happened other than seeing the split second on the day. To the naked eye on the day it was crude.

Calder had a great win today and the Prelim Finals are going to be so exciting. The Cannons are on the verge of a fifth straight Grand Final appearance. It is a shame Michael won't be playing, he strung some really good games together this year, hopefully luck goes his way in the future, he's got some talent and hopefully has a go at VFL next year.
Thanks a lot footy man i agree and yeh i hope all the best or him too and am glad someone understands thanks
talkin footy said:
she mainly cheers on mick well you mainly cheer your son thats why your there

You have stood next to me at the footy on several occassions during the year and you have never heard me yell out for my son. Whether he is near the ball, doing well or making a mistake.

During those same games I haven't heard you mention anyone other than your son. Just a few weeks ago at Coburg you couldn't name more than two other players.

You, and the whole crowd, have heard me barrack for and support all the other Cannons.

You also have selective hearing because yesterday you couldn't have missed my yelling out praise to your son, several times.

I'm there to watch and enjoy the amazing talent on display throughout the TAC Cup and I enjoy watching and supporting my son on the odd occassion that he gets a game. I am also there watching and barracking for the rest of the team when he is not playing too.

The guy that yells out CHEWY ON YOUR BOOT has the right idea. Go and learn how to barrack from him. His lessons are free.

See you at Geelong next Sunday.

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Gippsland v Calder

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