News Glen Bartlett launches legal action against MFC's Kate Roffey and other club officials; "Appeasement" over Goodwin's behaviour; Tissue required...

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So as an organisation only certain areas/departments should be tested for illegal drug use? Please
Players are tested for banned substances under the WADA/ASADA codes. In my opinion they should only be tested for those substances.

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The allegations surrounding his behavioural issues still seems fairly vague. Not even Bartlett is willing to delve too deeply into them. Regardless, those issues are why he was under close scrutiny at the time. Bartlett wanted him gone and the rest of the board wanted to take a different approach. You can disagree with the decisions that were made if you like. I don't see what drug testing would have actually gleaned that the administration wasn't already privy to.

what about the part where the AFL had been dealing with it for 18 mths before Bartlett raised his own concerns with the AFL?

the reason they are vague is pretty obvious and not because they don’t exist.
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Bartlett wanted to can Goodwin in pre-season 2021. Goodwin subsequently went on to win the flag, breaking a 57 year drought and has the respect and admiration of his players and staff while Bartlett was given the arse by the board.

Probably time to let it go Glenn, no one ever promised you that role in perpetuity and you were clearly wrong about Goodwin. Stop glory hunting and just accept the club has moved on.
The article seems to allude to the suggestion that for Goodwin it was.
early 2021 just before we went on a premiership run?

Must have really been effecting him
So as an organisation only certain areas/departments should be tested for illegal drug use? Please
Yep, and many do

Operating machinery, transport ext get drug tested as it can kill people
early 2021 just before we went on a premiership run?

Must have really been effecting him
I dunno - he doesn't inhabit the body of every player. Could have been some embarrassing gaffes or dumb things that could have turned out worse.

Pure speculation.
Without knowing a lot of the facts, on the surface, Glen Bartlett seems like a bitter and spiteful individual (apparently a life long Eagles fan too)

I take what he says with a grain of salt
Yep, and many do

Operating machinery, transport ext get drug tested as it can kill people

So footballers operate machinery, etc and could possibly kill an opponent?

When you have that sort of divide, you potentially harness cultural unrest

An organisation has a duty of care to all employees. Imagine a coach high on a substance, thrashing his players on the track, leading to injury

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Players are tested for banned substances under the WADA/ASADA codes. In my opinion they should only be tested for those substances.

3 strikes policy has nothing to do with WADA.

If the people who pay the billions have an expectation of their brands being protected?

If the Federal govt allows the AFL to promote itself and all it does to children?
3 strikes policy has nothing to do with WADA.

If the people who pay the billions have an expectation of their brands being protected?

If the Federal govt allows the AFL to promote itself and all it does to children?
I am aware. I think the AFL illicit drug policy is a farce that should be scrapped. Players getting busted with drugs is nothing but a sideshow for the media.
As a dees fan I'm probably biased but have also followed this a bit closer than the average BigFooty poster.

Glen Bartlett played an important role as president when the club was at it's lowest point. He was one of the people in a key leadership role (alongside Peter Jackson as CEO and Paul Roos as Coach) while the club turned around on and off field. I will be forever grateful to the three of them (particularly Jackson) and anyone else that was part of this monumental shift that put us on a path to having a chance to win the premiership in 2021.

Clearly Barlett has been hurt by the way he was dealt with by the club and the board. Obviously I don't know all the ins and outs of what went on, but from an outsiders perspective, Bartlett has chanelled his hurt into destablising the club at every opportunity since the start of 2021 through Mick Warner's articles in the HS. It's disappointing to see this play out as he was one of the people that helped turn the club around.

But at the same time, if his gripe was with the club and the coach pre-2021, then what was he doing in the changerooms celebrating when the club won the premiership in 2021? It just looks like someone who wants to make it all about them (not the first president to be accused of that) - surely the bigger person walks away knowing they've made a big contribution to the success of the club - even if they're no longer in the role when the success occurs.

Different roles, but Josh Mahoney seemed to play a critical role in the list build and negotiations but also had to leave after missing out on the CEO role after Jackson left (which was prior to 2021) - he hasn't got the credit he deserved from his role in the premiership. But he has obviously taken a very different approach.

After all the "exclusive" coverage the story got last year (re the "abuse" of the doctor, the drinking and alcohol etc) I hope Barlett gets some honest advice that maybe, just maybe it's time to let this one go - for his own sakes as much as anything else.
Isn't he saying that Goodwin was on the gear? And he didn't like that, and wanted it to stop. So drug testing was his way of sorting it out.

Or am I reading it all wrong?
So, just more evidence that Goodwin is a s**t campaigner…should never have been named coach of Melbourne to begin with. was self-admittedly on the good stuff from Dank at Essendon.
Yep - Goodwin has a long history of being of poor character. Drugs, both recreational and PEDs, gambling on games, alcohol issues, assaults. How he got the Melbourne job when he was up to his eyeballs in the Essendon drug cheating is beyond me. I suspect it was an AFL appointment for him to keep quiet about the AFL working with Essendon to get rid of evidence.

That being said, it's not uncommon for senior AFL figures to be ringleaders in the drug culture. Dean Laidley had the infamous Drug Den in Bali where it was all-you-could-consume drugs for players in the off-season, and Adam Simpson pressured first-year players into taking drugs on an off-season trip when he was North captain - "if you want to be part of the team you'll take this".

The AFL has a massive drug culture. Players don't want to drink because they put on weight, so they get on other stuff - dope to relax, coke KET and MDMA to have a good time. Older players and administrators want to be part of the cool club and get on it. The liniment sniffers in the media all try and get involved to make themselves feel like they've still got it.

So when an AFL-appointed puppet president decides that he doesn't like the culture and wants to change things up, there is a multi-billion dollars cartel that's going to shut him down. Doesn't matter what the truth is, Glen Bartlett is about to get ruined.
He's got legal actions afoot.

He means business. This is not over.

Bartlett sounds like a bitter, petty man. He missed out on being part of Melbourne's first flag in 60s years and now he is out for revenge.

I have heard a certain other coach of a recent Victorian premiership club has also had gambling and alcohol issues, but that club stood by their man, which I find refreshing.

I have no doubt the majority of footy fans will back Goodwin in (as they should)
He missed out on being part of Melbourne's first flag in 60s years and now he is out for revenge.
Really don't think that is it.

Read the article?
I reckon team bonding is important in a workplace, and there’s no better way to bond with your colleqgues than spending free money from the TAB on big fat BAGGIES!!

Big part of Dees success IMO.
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News Glen Bartlett launches legal action against MFC's Kate Roffey and other club officials; "Appeasement" over Goodwin's behaviour; Tissue required...

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