Is there some ****ing competition about who can come up with the worst hyperbole?Let’s just ignore that AFLW is a failure of football in general. Season 4 and the skill level is worse than you’d see on the field for under 12’s
Why dont you go Auskickers, that seems to be the gold standard.
They're worse than auskickers, they're worse than Chinese 4 year olds that have never seen a football. I have a pet rock thats better at football than AFLW players. Go on, go with your gut and put some ****ing effort into it if you want to go this route.
Worse than 12 year olds, lets ignore lots of them actually played in boys under 12s as 11 year olds, and frequently dominated. They tried to kick Roxy Roux from the boys in Geraldton, not because they were worried she would get hurt, but because she was tearing all the other teams apart. An Adelaide football commentator who saw her play has said Erin Phillips was the best 14 year old footballer he had ever seen of either gender. Daisy Pearce was league leading goal kicker in a boys league, there have been girls win team and league best and fairest in boys right through 10s, 11s and 12s
Bet she cannot wait to grow up and be an AFLW player so she can be told how shit she is,and how she isnt as good as a 12 year old.