Werewolf Gralin's Something before Christmas WW - Night Five - Deadline 9:30m AEDT

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Hvað ef lúrkarnir kjósa að vinna saman og rísa upp gegn hinu illa?
Heldurðu að Björk hafi gaman af því að spila WereWolf? Hvort myndi hún vera leyndardómsfull? Kannski væri hún svo róleg...og sló svo í gegn?

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I love this game, last time I had no idea what the hell was going on but I did well. I need to do some homework on the game and work out what I did well

Sad Puppy GIF by Bucks Gaming
I love this game, last time I had no idea what the hell was going on but I did well. I need to do some homework on the game and work out what I did well
it's in your contract as an eka to play.
that's what gralin said anyway.

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Heldurðu að Björk hafi gaman af því að spila WereWolf? Hvort myndi hún vera leyndardómsfull? Kannski væri hún svo róleg...og sló svo í gegn?

Ég held að hún væri örugglega með ef það væri hlutverk fyrir svan.
Ég er meira aðdáandi Sigur Rósar - þegar þeir eru í Melbourne á næsta ári spilum við kannski Scandi útgáfu
Which game was it that someone got voted out just bc they spoke in a foreign language when it wasn’t required 🤔

Who was that?

I've got an Icelandic translation book as I've always wanted to learn the language

The day I received it in the mail I hadn't long opened it to look through when I received a telemarketing scam call - so I decided to start practicing my non-existent Icelandic on the scammer

After a few minutes of me using no English he called me a terrorist and hung up 😂
I've got an Icelandic translation book as I've always wanted to learn the language

The day I received it in the mail I hadn't long opened it to look through when I received a telemarketing scam call - so I decided to start practicing my non-existent Icelandic on the scammer

After a few minutes of me using no English he called me a terrorist and hung up 😂
Omg! That’s gold 😂
Ég held að hún væri örugglega með ef það væri hlutverk fyrir svan.
Ég er meira aðdáandi Sigur Rósar - þegar þeir eru í Melbourne á næsta ári spilum við kannski Scandi útgáfu
Mér líkar líka við sigur ros. Þeir myndu gera góða úlfaflokk

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Werewolf Gralin's Something before Christmas WW - Night Five - Deadline 9:30m AEDT

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