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It's a sporting outfit not a freakin leisure suit. It's supposed to be distinctive and unique.

Having said that I also prefer the Haze for the home strip.

Jeezus. I agree entirely. There's sporting gear and normal clothes and they rarely match, unless your'e an English tourist on a spanish beach, when sweating profusely in your polyester NUFC/MUFC/LFC etc etc shirt is obligatory, usually while eating chips, drinking beer and complaining loudly about the theiving f**king d*goes.

The most distinctive sporting colours are usually red yet how often do you see someone dressed completely in red walking down the road?

2nder for the Haze as home strip.

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Jeezus. I agree entirely. There's sporting gear and normal clothes and they rarely match, unless your'e an English tourist on a spanish beach, when sweating profusely in your polyester NUFC/MUFC/LFC etc etc shirt is obligatory, usually while eating chips, drinking beer and complaining loudly about the theiving f**king d*goes.

The most distinctive sporting colours are usually red yet how often do you see someone dressed completely in red walking down the road?

2nder for the Haze as home strip.

Well then why contradict yourself and want the purple haze as the home jumper? My point is no matter how much people say about "tradition" and not wanting to change, it is in the best interests of the club to look more professional as a team. This attracts more new supporters to the club and that can only be a good thing.

Fremantle is a huge club in Perth with an excellent supporter base, but outside of Perth Fremantle attract far less interest. The next step is to expand our supporter base nationally, and the first step is to make our club more attractive. That's why I want the purple haze for the home jumper. It's great that there are so many die hard supporters who don't want to change, but its in the best interests of the future of the club to make the necessary adjustments for sustained success.
I think they bring them out around the time of the purple haze game. IIRC, jumpers are about $120 + $10 to get the numbers put on. Then they are available till stocks run out.

At some point as well, they do release some of the purple training guernseys which have numbers already printed. They are slightly different in that they have a FFC emblem where the "LG" usually goes on the front and then under the anchor they have the "LG" logo across the front. Like in this pic (taken by fat wombat's kids at training yesterday) but obviously in the reverse colours: But you might get stuck with a guernsey with #22 on the back... and only reveler would want that... ;)

I'd be honoured to wear GWF jumper... so should everyone ;)

Fremantle is a huge club in Perth with an excellent supporter base, but outside of Perth Fremantle attract far less interest. The next step is to expand our supporter base nationally, and the first step is to make our club more attractive. That's why I want the purple haze for the home jumper. It's great that there are so many die hard supporters who don't want to change, but its in the best interests of the future of the club to make the necessary adjustments for sustained success.

do we exist to be a corporate money spinner? or do we exist to win AFL games? I'd prefer us to stay our current size supportbase wise and concentrate on winning football.. If we won a premiership wearing hot pink, i'm sure we'd pull a heap more supporters than just simply changing our outfit. Hawthorn wear wee and poo colours yet that doesn't seem to make any difference. and you can't argue that if we had more money we'd be able to afford better equipment and a better setup, it hasn't helped Collingwood !
Well then why contradict yourself and want the purple haze as the home jumper? My point is no matter how much people say about "tradition" and not wanting to change, it is in the best interests of the club to look more professional as a team. This attracts more new supporters to the club and that can only be a good thing.

Fremantle is a huge club in Perth with an excellent supporter base, but outside of Perth Fremantle attract far less interest. The next step is to expand our supporter base nationally, and the first step is to make our club more attractive. That's why I want the purple haze for the home jumper. It's great that there are so many die hard supporters who don't want to change, but its in the best interests of the future of the club to make the necessary adjustments for sustained success.

There is only one way to do that. Win a flag or three.
do we exist to be a corporate money spinner? or do we exist to win AFL games? I'd prefer us to stay our current size supportbase wise and concentrate on winning football.. If we won a premiership wearing hot pink, i'm sure we'd pull a heap more supporters than just simply changing our outfit. Hawthorn wear wee and poo colours yet that doesn't seem to make any difference. and you can't argue that if we had more money we'd be able to afford better equipment and a better setup, it hasn't helped Collingwood !

Well that is a pretty naive view. Obviously winning premierships would pull more supporters, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to work that out. Thats why I said the first step is to improve the image of the club. And that directly means the jumper. Why is it that so many supporters rubbish the idea, yet are so keen to see the players in the purple haze jumper?

The AFL is a massive competition now, it is big business. Im not saying it should be a corporate money spinner, but it is a paramount responsibility of the club to ensure it is maximising its potential as a corporate entity, as well as its on field performance.

As for the supporter base, do you honestly think the club would be content with keeping current figures? Well I would be extremely dissapointed if that was how the club was being run. Why consign yourself to mediocrity?
Well that is a pretty naive view. Obviously winning premierships would pull more supporters, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to work that out. Thats why I said the first step is to improve the image of the club. And that directly means the jumper. Why is it that so many supporters rubbish the idea, yet are so keen to see the players in the purple haze jumper?

The AFL is a massive competition now, it is big business. Im not saying it should be a corporate money spinner, but it is a paramount responsibility of the club to ensure it is maximising its potential as a corporate entity, as well as its on field performance.

As for the supporter base, do you honestly think the club would be content with keeping current figures? Well I would be extremely dissapointed if that was how the club was being run. Why consign yourself to mediocrity?

I'm not sure about you, But I didn't choose my club by what colour jumper they wore. What person chooses their football team because of what colour jumper they wear? I for one am proud of our Jumper, and I can't see us gaining so many more memberships by simply changing jumpers. I think you sir are the nieve one....:)
I think they bring them out around the time of the purple haze game. IIRC, jumpers are about $120 + $10 to get the numbers put on. Then they are available till stocks run out.

At some point as well, they do release some of the purple training guernseys which have numbers already printed. They are slightly different in that they have a FFC emblem where the "LG" usually goes on the front and then under the anchor they have the "LG" logo across the front. Like in this pic (taken by fat wombat's kids at training yesterday) but obviously in the reverse colours:

But immediately after the purple haze game, they also auction the game worn jumpers on-line - with proceeds going to the Starlight Foundation.

Depends how much you want to shell out - Pav's (and other highly popular players) jumpers usually go for a couple of grand, while some of the more "unknown" or "less popular" players go more for around the $100-$250 mark. But you might get stuck with a guernsey with #22 on the back... and only reveler would want that... ;)

Thankyou for the information.
What would we do without you?
One of these admisn need to give you a prize
Well that is a pretty naive view. Obviously winning premierships would pull more supporters, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to work that out. Thats why I said the first step is to improve the image of the club. And that directly means the jumper. Why is it that so many supporters rubbish the idea, yet are so keen to see the players in the purple haze jumper?

The AFL is a massive competition now, it is big business. Im not saying it should be a corporate money spinner, but it is a paramount responsibility of the club to ensure it is maximising its potential as a corporate entity, as well as its on field performance.

As for the supporter base, do you honestly think the club would be content with keeping current figures? Well I would be extremely dissapointed if that was how the club was being run. Why consign yourself to mediocrity?

what do we gain from getting more profit and more supporters?
I currently like our home strip. I'd rather play as many games as possible in our home jumper each year rather than wearing the white clash guernsey. For me it is to plain. As for the membership numbers, both sides have valid points, but when you sum it up a premiership would bring your more supporters and money than a new jumper would. All the money that comes in from the premiership win and merchanise sold and memberships bought, also you would get more money and exposure from the TV rights as the commercial stations would be wanting to put the premiership team in the blockbuster games. The draw for the year after would also be a little bit fairer.
Dont agree with what hes saying

but we the supporters gain nothing but the club has the opportunity to command bigger $$ for sponsorship rights.

And our club must expand outside of the WA market because the max we can get is around 40000 members a few years ago this would be way up near the top for member base.
Now with vic club memberships climbing to record levels up over 50000 if this continues soon we will find orselves way down the membership levels which makes it harder for the club to gain sponsorship.

Yet another reason we need the new stadium asap so we dont fall low in the membership levels and cant use that as a bargaining tool fopr sponsorship $$$

But changing jumpers will not help 1 bit i have never heard a little kid say oh i really like this team but nah i cant go for them coz i hate there colours.

We need to become succesful on field an maintain that success over a period of time.
That is all.
Changing to the best team song ever created wont do it
changing colours an logos wont do it.
Performances on field WILL
i have never heard a little kid say oh i really like this team but nah i cant go for them coz i hate there colours.

Im sure it happens quite a lot. Kids can be easily convinced.

Dont agree with what hes saying

but we the supporters gain nothing but the club has the opportunity to command bigger $$ for sponsorship rights.

And our club must expand outside of the WA market because the max we can get is around 40000 members a few years ago this would be way up near the top for member base.
Now with vic club memberships climbing to record levels up over 50000 if this continues soon we will find orselves way down the membership levels which makes it harder for the club to gain sponsorship.

Yet another reason we need the new stadium asap so we dont fall low in the membership levels and cant use that as a bargaining tool fopr sponsorship $$$

But changing jumpers will not help 1 bit i have never heard a little kid say oh i really like this team but nah i cant go for them coz i hate there colours.

We need to become succesful on field an maintain that success over a period of time.
That is all.
Changing to the best team song ever created wont do it
changing colours an logos wont do it.
Performances on field WILL

It's obvious we need to become more successful on field, all I am saying is that every little bit counts. It may not be a huge increase, but I dare say a more professional brand image for Fremantle would increase membership a small percentage. Love it or lump it, there are people in this world who associate themselves with brands. The stronger the brand, the more likely those people will be attracted. Sure they may not be die hard supporters, but it doesn't matter, anything that benefits the club in the long run is a positive move.

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Well then why contradict yourself and want the purple haze as the home jumper? My point is no matter how much people say about "tradition" and not wanting to change, it is in the best interests of the club to look more professional as a team. This attracts more new supporters to the club and that can only be a good thing.

Fremantle is a huge club in Perth with an excellent supporter base, but outside of Perth Fremantle attract far less interest. The next step is to expand our supporter base nationally, and the first step is to make our club more attractive. That's why I want the purple haze for the home jumper. It's great that there are so many die hard supporters who don't want to change, but its in the best interests of the future of the club to make the necessary adjustments for sustained success.

I'm not contradicting myself. I'm just pointing out that criticisng a colour scheme because you'd look stupid walking down the street is hardly a reason to dump the jumper. Sporting uniforms don't have to follow the same rules as leisure wear. Unless I'm dressed as the Phantom I don't wear much purple either. Black and white stripes are pretty distinctive as a sporting uniform but you don't see it too much on the streets, unless you want to look like an NFL umpire.

I don't mind the home jumper at all, it's just that I prefer the haze one. No big deal.
Anyone after a purple haze guernsey that can get to Jim Kidd in Freo, there is 1 (yes, just the one) there - quite a large size XXL I think, about $80 IIRC... Just FYI. :)


Too big for me :( I've been trying to get one for about 6 months now. I guess it's gonna be one of those things about being in the right place at the right time. $80.00 is good value too ...
It's funny at Jim Kidd's Morley about three years ago it looked like they couldn't give the Haze ones away at $40, heaps of em.. I wanted a white away one but they only had XL.

Would like a long sleeved white jumper but have never found one. Might have to try the club site again if it doesn't crash my computer :rolleyes:
Our brand will get stronger and more people will like us if we alter our jumper and take a dump on our short history. Right. Got it.

Our club's colours are purple, green, red and white. I don't give a flying stuff if four colours looks disorganised or noisy. Like it or lump it, they're our colours and they have been since the club was born. Why would we change our uniform to a point where it didn't reflect our club's colours? If we were a bunch of cheap sellouts willing to whore ourselves out to the whims of the modern consumer, like those filthy bastards from the wrong side of the river. We're Fremantle. We do things differently. We always have. It's a part of the charm which makes me adore this club so much. The fact that many people think our jumpers don't look good makes me love them more.

Everybody grab a spoon and a sack of concrete and consume. Like we usually do when we cop shit for something.
Our brand will get stronger and more people will like us if we alter our jumper and take a dump on our short history. Right. Got it.

Our club's colours are purple, green, red and white. I don't give a flying stuff if four colours looks disorganised or noisy. Like it or lump it, they're our colours and they have been since the club was born. Why would we change our uniform to a point where it didn't reflect our club's colours? If we were a bunch of cheap sellouts willing to whore ourselves out to the whims of the modern consumer, like those filthy bastards from the wrong side of the river. We're Fremantle. We do things differently. We always have. It's a part of the charm which makes me adore this club so much. The fact that many people think our jumpers don't look good makes me love them more.

Everybody grab a spoon and a sack of concrete and consume. Like we usually do when we cop shit for something.

Then why do you only bleed purple big kev?



I know which one I would rather see them in. And I think the vast majority of supporters would agree with me.
Both of the above jumpers look great. I dont think we need to change our home jumper to the purple haze. If we do great, if not, even better.

I would rather the club focus on our onfield perfomances than our jumper.

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