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That logo looks pretty cool, but I personally would be in favour of keeping the red and green in the logo, but going with these two as our home and away strips:


Second that. Its such a simple change, but its so much more professional.
Our brand will get stronger and more people will like us if we alter our jumper and take a dump on our short history. Right. Got it.

Our club's colours are purple, green, red and white. I don't give a flying stuff if four colours looks disorganised or noisy. Like it or lump it, they're our colours and they have been since the club was born. Why would we change our uniform to a point where it didn't reflect our club's colours? If we were a bunch of cheap sellouts willing to whore ourselves out to the whims of the modern consumer, like those filthy bastards from the wrong side of the river. We're Fremantle. We do things differently. We always have. It's a part of the charm which makes me adore this club so much. The fact that many people think our jumpers don't look good makes me love them more.

Everybody grab a spoon and a sack of concrete and consume. Like we usually do when we cop shit for something.

Most other clubs have gone through a natural evolution with their jumpers and colours. You only have to see some of the weird and wonderful jumpers they pull out during heritage week for evidence of that.

They didn't lock themselves into thinking that their first jumper was automatically perfect and that any change was taking a dump on their history. They allowed their jumper to evolve naturally until it reflected the true character of the club. Why should we deny our club the chance to go through the same natural process?

It's pretty clear that purple has developed into a major part of our club's character. We call ourselves the purple horde, other fans refer to us as the purples - it's only natural that our jumper should evolve to reflect that. Especially when we already have a ready made jumper that represents the club just waiting for us to use.

I couldn't give a stuff what opposition fans think of our jumper, just as I don't care what they think of our song or our symbol. It's what our fans think that I care about. It's our club and I'd rather us wear the jumper that the majority of our fans want (if that's the case) instead of blindly sticking to one just because a marketing team in 94 thought it would look unique.
I'm not saying that i dislike the anchor or bagging it for that matter I was just wondering what everyones opinion was relating to it. Do you like the big anchor or would you prefer a smaller version somewhere else on the guernsey?

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The anchor is awesome. Strong, bold and distinctive. It's a brilliant symbol to give the jumper a simple, stiking design without using boring old stripes, hoops or sashes.

The actual design of our jumpers is perfect imo - it's just the extra colours I'm not particularly thrilled with.
Re: Guernsey

Most other clubs have gone through a natural evolution with their jumpers and colours. You only have to see some of the weird and wonderful jumpers they pull out during heritage week for evidence of that.

They didn't lock themselves into thinking that their first jumper was automatically perfect and that any change was taking a dump on their history. They allowed their jumper to evolve naturally until it reflected the true character of the club. Why should we deny our club the chance to go through the same natural process?

That's the thing though, gringo. You're talking about other clubs again. I really don't care what anyone else has done or what anyone else thinks of us. We're not just another club. We're Fremantle, we've had the same jumper for our entire lifetime and people think it looks weird. But we do things differently and we like that sort of thing.

It's pretty clear that purple has developed into a major part of our club's character. We call ourselves the purple horde, other fans refer to us as the purples - it's only natural that our jumper should evolve to reflect that. Especially when we already have a ready made jumper that represents the club just waiting for us to use.

I couldn't give a stuff what opposition fans think of our jumper, just as I don't care what they think of our song or our symbol. It's what our fans think that I care about. It's our club and I'd rather us wear the jumper that the majority of our fans want (if that's the case) instead of blindly sticking to one just because a marketing team in 94 thought it would look unique.

You know what else has developed into a major part of our club's character? Our jumper. You know, that thing we've been wearing for 14 odd years. The jumper that we were born with. The jumper that Dale Kickett wore when he got that very first kick. The jumper that Andrew Wills kicked "that" goal in. The jumper that Brad Dodd wore when he punched Phil Read's lights out with a single blow. The jumper that we suffered through 2001 in. The jumper that strode out onto Subiaco Oval on that one joyous September night in 2003. The jumper that JLo took one of the greatest pack marks Subi has seen and nailed that final goal against the Saints in. The jumper that Chris Connolly fell on his sword for. The jumper that Shane Parker, Dale Kickett, Peter Bell, Troy Cook, Shaun McManus and so many others dedicated their souls and careers to.

People will say that our jumper doesn't have a great deal of history. Well, obviously they don't realise the amount of blood, sweat and tears that have been sacrificed for the jumper. And that's just from the supporter's perspective. Imagine what the players have given to it. It's been hard work these last 14 years with lots of pain and disappointment, plus some periods of ecstasy and euphoria. Our jumper has been there for it all. It's been on my back while I've resisted the barbs, absorbed the ridicule and survived the jealousy of others. And god dammit I will be so f***ing pissed off if the boys aren't wearing it when we stand upon the dais on the last Saturday in September one day. I want to be able to wear this jumper which has been the subject of such ridicule and not taken seriously for so long and scream to the rest of the football world "F*** YOU, I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG!!!" before cackling madly and probably being admitted to a mental institution.

Dontcha reckon?
Re: Guernsey

... but it's the same argument as changing the flag. If we become a republic and no longer sport the Union Jack on our flag it doesn't suddenly invalidate everything our diggers fought and died for. They fought for our country, the flag is just a piece of cloth that symbolises that country.

Similarly, Kickett, Belly, Macca, etc spilt their blood, sweat and tears for the Fremantle Football Club - not for a purple, red, green and white piece of cloth.

We've all copped a lot a lot of grief as Freo supporters, especially those of us who've been here since the beginning, but this is bigger than just our own satisfaction of screaming 'I TOLD YOU SO' when we see that jumper on the premiership dais...

*at this point I have to interrupt my stream of consciousness to marvel at the gorgeous Catherine Zeta Jones lookalike who is hosting the Liverpool game this morning*

... This is about our children kev. And our children's children. And their children should they survive the inevitable nuclear war with the evil New Zealanders. Won't you think of the children you heartless bastard?

This is about our club having a sexy jumper for the next 500 years that generations of Freo fans can be proud of. And the fact that as the founding fathers we can be proud that we made it happen.
Re: Guernsey

That's the thing though, gringo. You're talking about other clubs again. I really don't care what anyone else has done or what anyone else thinks of us. We're not just another club. We're Fremantle, we've had the same jumper for our entire lifetime and people think it looks weird. But we do things differently and we like that sort of thing.

You know what else has developed into a major part of our club's character? Our jumper. You know, that thing we've been wearing for 14 odd years. The jumper that we were born with. The jumper that Dale Kickett wore when he got that very first kick. The jumper that Andrew Wills kicked "that" goal in. The jumper that Brad Dodd wore when he punched Phil Read's lights out with a single blow. The jumper that we suffered through 2001 in. The jumper that strode out onto Subiaco Oval on that one joyous September night in 2003. The jumper that JLo took one of the greatest pack marks Subi has seen and nailed that final goal against the Saints in. The jumper that Chris Connolly fell on his sword for. The jumper that Shane Parker, Dale Kickett, Peter Bell, Troy Cook, Shaun McManus and so many others dedicated their souls and careers to.

People will say that our jumper doesn't have a great deal of history. Well, obviously they don't realise the amount of blood, sweat and tears that have been sacrificed for the jumper. And that's just from the supporter's perspective. Imagine what the players have given to it. It's been hard work these last 14 years with lots of pain and disappointment, plus some periods of ecstasy and euphoria. Our jumper has been there for it all. It's been on my back while I've resisted the barbs, absorbed the ridicule and survived the jealousy of others. And god dammit I will be so f***ing pissed off if the boys aren't wearing it when we stand upon the dais on the last Saturday in September one day. I want to be able to wear this jumper which has been the subject of such ridicule and not taken seriously for so long and scream to the rest of the football world "F*** YOU, I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG!!!" before cackling madly and probably being admitted to a mental institution.

Dontcha reckon?

Nice work Big Kev. I reckon you probably snort, eat, drink, and ingest purple too.

Having said that, the purple haze jumper looks soooo f**king awesome.

On a side note, I reckon that the colours in general have gotten several degrees darker over the last few years, especially the purple. It's now more an aubergine colour, rather than the wishy washy dark mauve it was in the early years. Just look at the colour in big kevs avatar from 2000.
Re: Guernsey

That's the thing though, gringo. You're talking about other clubs again. I really don't care what anyone else has done or what anyone else thinks of us. We're not just another club. We're Fremantle, we've had the same jumper for our entire lifetime and people think it looks weird. But we do things differently and we like that sort of thing.

You know what else has developed into a major part of our club's character? Our jumper. You know, that thing we've been wearing for 14 odd years. The jumper that we were born with. The jumper that Dale Kickett wore when he got that very first kick. The jumper that Andrew Wills kicked "that" goal in. The jumper that Brad Dodd wore when he punched Phil Read's lights out with a single blow. The jumper that we suffered through 2001 in. The jumper that strode out onto Subiaco Oval on that one joyous September night in 2003. The jumper that JLo took one of the greatest pack marks Subi has seen and nailed that final goal against the Saints in. The jumper that Chris Connolly fell on his sword for. The jumper that Shane Parker, Dale Kickett, Peter Bell, Troy Cook, Shaun McManus and so many others dedicated their souls and careers to.

People will say that our jumper doesn't have a great deal of history. Well, obviously they don't realise the amount of blood, sweat and tears that have been sacrificed for the jumper. And that's just from the supporter's perspective. Imagine what the players have given to it. It's been hard work these last 14 years with lots of pain and disappointment, plus some periods of ecstasy and euphoria. Our jumper has been there for it all. It's been on my back while I've resisted the barbs, absorbed the ridicule and survived the jealousy of others. And god dammit I will be so f***ing pissed off if the boys aren't wearing it when we stand upon the dais on the last Saturday in September one day. I want to be able to wear this jumper which has been the subject of such ridicule and not taken seriously for so long and scream to the rest of the football world "F*** YOU, I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG!!!" before cackling madly and probably being admitted to a mental institution.

Dontcha reckon?

Nice work BKBP!! Couldn't agree more!! Its only Jan but that would have to be Post of the Year already! :D
Re: Guernsey

On a side note, I reckon that the colours in general have gotten several degrees darker over the last few years, especially the purple. It's now more an aubergine colour, rather than the wishy washy dark mauve it was in the early years. Just look at the colour in big kevs avatar from 2000.

Yea they definitely have. Its almost like every season its got a slight shade darker so it wouldn't be obvious. Looks a lot better this way. The only thing left is to use the purple haze.
Re: Guernsey

...And god dammit I will be so f***ing pissed off if the boys aren't wearing it when we stand upon the dais on the last Saturday in September one day. I want to be able to wear this jumper which has been the subject of such ridicule and not taken seriously for so long and scream to the rest of the football world "F*** YOU, I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG!!!" before cackling madly and probably being admitted to a mental institution.

One thing though bigkev, given the AFL's moronic uniform policy there is every chance we will have to wear that white abomination in a GF.

I used to be a big advocate for changing to the purple haze but now I'm not all that fussed. As long as the jumper is predominately purple with a big f*** off anchor on the front I'm pretty happy.
Re: Guernsey

... but it's the same argument as changing the flag. If we become a republic and no longer sport the Union Jack on our flag it doesn't suddenly invalidate everything our diggers fought and died for. They fought for our country, the flag is just a piece of cloth that symbolises that country.

Similarly, Kickett, Belly, Macca, etc spilt their blood, sweat and tears for the Fremantle Football Club - not for a purple, red, green and white piece of cloth.

We've all copped a lot a lot of grief as Freo supporters, especially those of us who've been here since the beginning, but this is bigger than just our own satisfaction of screaming 'I TOLD YOU SO' when we see that jumper on the premiership dais...

*at this point I have to interrupt my stream of consciousness to marvel at the gorgeous Catherine Zeta Jones lookalike who is hosting the Liverpool game this morning*

... This is about our children kev. And our children's children. And their children should they survive the inevitable nuclear war with the evil New Zealanders. Won't you think of the children you heartless bastard?

This is about our club having a sexy jumper for the next 500 years that generations of Freo fans can be proud of. And the fact that as the founding fathers we can be proud that we made it happen.

I see your point good sir, the only thing is... I don't agree with it. To me, the Purple Haze jumper is just... bland. Two colours. Most people say that's what a club should have. That it is easy on the eye, marketable and professional. The way things were meant to be. But you have to admit, every single one of you that didn't arrive here on a bandwagon is here because you like to do things a bit differently. You are more likely to laugh hysterically at the sight of your barbecue turning into an inferno than mourn the fact that the snags are going to be a more than a little crunchy. You enjoy a sense of the absurd. If you're asking me, and I'm sure all of you are not just doing that, but keenly anticipating every keystroke, that's just not good enough for us. I don't want to fit in. I don't want to look professional. I want to look like the Fremantle that I know and love. The Fremantle that people not blessed with such great taste in football teams as those of us in here will never understand. Hell, the Fremantle that hardly anyone will ever understand.

I genuinely fear that we are losing that Fremantle. That we are becoming almost mainstream. The idea of changing away from our slightly kooky (but remarkably sexy) jumper just feels like another brick in that wall. Hence why I will never ever agree with the idea of changing it. That and all the other stuff I wrote about last night. I sorta wanted to include this in my last post but I didn't think we had to go this deep. (Just in case you're wondering, yes indeed, I have given this way too much thought).

As for the children esti, when I eventually go down that road I'm going to prove I'm from the old school of parenting. If those kids don't wanna eat bugs and mud, I'm gunna force feed them the stuff. Y'see, a bit of hardship never hurt anyone. In fact, it made them stronger. If I didn't eat bugs and god knows what else when I was but a lad, I would probably get crook way more than I do. It's kinda like what you Spanish lot do with your infant matadors. Throw the bugger into the ring with a bull that's all pissed off at the world for some reason with no more protection than a red blanket. Child goes in, ballsy man comes out the other end. Same goes for footy. If the kids cop some shit for looking a little too colourful for everyone's liking, it's just gunna toughen them up in preparation for what lies ahead. It's good for them. Like an immunisation. An immunisation against people too stupid to support Freo. Not only that, it gives us a chance to sort the wheat from the chaff. It will be made quite clear to littlekev bleeds purple that if he can't cop a few sledges about the aesthetic appeal of his beautiful purple, green, red and white jumper then I'll tattoo the word CHAFF to his forehead and send him to the orphanage because he's clearly not cut out to enjoy the rollercoaster ride that is supporting Fremantle.

If we were to change the jumper, I wouldn't be proud at all that we changed Fremantle for the better and that we made supporting Fremantle an easier experience. I would be forever mourning the loss of the oddball character of this wonderful club.
Re: Guernsey

I see your point good sir, the only thing is... I don't agree with it. To me, the Purple Haze jumper is just... bland. Two colours. Most people say that's what a club should have. That it is easy on the eye, marketable and professional. The way things were meant to be. But you have to admit, every single one of you that didn't arrive here on a bandwagon is here because you like to do things a bit differently. You are more likely to laugh hysterically at the sight of your barbecue turning into an inferno than mourn the fact that the snags are going to be a more than a little crunchy. You enjoy a sense of the absurd. If you're asking me, and I'm sure all of you are not just doing that, but keenly anticipating every keystroke, that's just not good enough for us. I don't want to fit in. I don't want to look professional. I want to look like the Fremantle that I know and love. The Fremantle that people not blessed with such great taste in football teams as those of us in here will never understand. Hell, the Fremantle that hardly anyone will ever understand.

I genuinely fear that we are losing that Fremantle. That we are becoming almost mainstream. The idea of changing away from our slightly kooky (but remarkably sexy) jumper just feels like another brick in that wall. Hence why I will never ever agree with the idea of changing it. That and all the other stuff I wrote about last night. I sorta wanted to include this in my last post but I didn't think we had to go this deep. (Just in case you're wondering, yes indeed, I have given this way too much thought).

As for the children esti, when I eventually go down that road I'm going to prove I'm from the old school of parenting. If those kids don't wanna eat bugs and mud, I'm gunna force feed them the stuff. Y'see, a bit of hardship never hurt anyone. In fact, it made them stronger. If I didn't eat bugs and god knows what else when I was but a lad, I would probably get crook way more than I do. It's kinda like what you Spanish lot do with your infant matadors. Throw the bugger into the ring with a bull that's all pissed off at the world for some reason with no more protection than a red blanket. Child goes in, ballsy man comes out the other end. Same goes for footy. If the kids cop some shit for looking a little too colourful for everyone's liking, it's just gunna toughen them up in preparation for what lies ahead. It's good for them. Like an immunisation. An immunisation against people too stupid to support Freo. Not only that, it gives us a chance to sort the wheat from the chaff. It will be made quite clear to littlekev bleeds purple that if he can't cop a few sledges about the aesthetic appeal of his beautiful purple, green, red and white jumper then I'll tattoo the word CHAFF to his forehead and send him to the orphanage because he's clearly not cut out to enjoy the rollercoaster ride that is supporting Fremantle.

If we were to change the jumper, I wouldn't be proud at all that we changed Fremantle for the better and that we made supporting Fremantle an easier experience. I would be forever mourning the loss of the oddball character of this wonderful club.

Wow that is a hell of a lot of thought. You must really dislike your life.

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Re: Guernsey

Another top post kev. I respect your reasoning but we're going to have to agree to disagree on this one.
Re: Guernsey

Another top post kev. I respect your reasoning but we're going to have to agree to disagree on this one.

Likewise. I had a feeling that despite our best efforts to convince one another that this would be the outcome. Until next week when yet another person makes a thread discussing exactly the same thing, it's been fun.

Shitemuppet, I live the dream every single day but still have time to come here and post a few musings once the lifts stop spinning. If only you knew...
Re: Guernsey

Likewise. I had a feeling that despite our best efforts to convince one another that this would be the outcome. Until next week when yet another person makes a thread discussing exactly the same thing, it's been fun.

Shitemuppet, I live the dream every single day but still have time to come here and post a few musings once the lifts stop spinning. If only you knew...

Don't worry Kev, the heats getting to them in Melb. It makes Shitemuppet's already reduced brain function somewhat non existant. ;)
I thought we did this discussion to death towards the end of last year, obviously I was wrong.

I am happy with either the original strip or the purple haze one, though it does seem as though we will be having the purple haze strip before to long (sure that has already been pointed out).
Will anything come of the clubs Logo/Jumper review in the 2009 season, or was it left alone, or is it coming in in 2010?

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