Alien/UFO Has anyone else on here seen a UFO?

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I've spent a massive amount out here in the country over the years walking around at night observing the sky and haven't seen any shit that I didn't immediately know what it was or at least worked it quickly..

edit - only once about 10 years ago an unusually bright light in the distance out of the passage car side driving back from Kalgoorlie. But when I remembered it a few years later realised it was in the direction of the airport for light aircraft a few kms from town out here. Pretty sure it was in the wrong position just to be Venus or Jupiter.
Off the top of my head, no I haven't.
Well when I was a kid (about 6 or 7) I remember seeing something in the sky over my house that looked like it had a trail of smoke behind it.
I don't think It was a jet so I must've been a small meteorite.

I do believe in aliens and the possibility of visitation nonetheless.

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About 20 years ago I saw what I guess was probably a satellite or something else man made.
It was a dark orange thing that zoomed very quickly and silently across the sky in a straight line.

I was impossible to tell how high it was. If it was low, it was definitely silent, and if it was high, then it was moving at an amazing speed, going by how quickly it went passed.
Not wanting to start an argument here.
In the mid 70's was in the NT working with my dad.
Saw the classic ufo flittering across the horizon,not once but several times this disc sauntered across and i alerted dad {he saw plenty of thing's in ww2 and had worked in New Guinea}he was startled but waited patiently as "it " was to appaer 5 minute's later{a long wait}.He didnt laugh or scorn me but said he had witnessed this many times "it's venus".
I cant even explain on this page how unbelievable venus paraded herself on the horizon that day and remarkbly looked so much like a UFO.
I understood the enormity of people making the venus mistake.
Not wanting to start an argument here.
In the mid 70's was in the NT working with my dad.
Saw the classic ufo flittering across the horizon,not once but several times this disc sauntered across and i alerted dad {he saw plenty of thing's in ww2 and had worked in New Guinea}he was startled but waited patiently as "it " was to appaer 5 minute's later{a long wait}.He didnt laugh or scorn me but said he had witnessed this many times "it's venus".
I cant even explain on this page how unbelievable venus paraded herself on the horizon that day and remarkbly looked so much like a UFO.
I understood the enormity of people making the venus mistake.

I know Venus is visible to the naked eye and appears as the brightest & the first ''star'' around sunset.
However I don't get how someone could confuse it for a moving object within Earth's atmosphere.
I know Venus is visible to the naked eye and appears as the brightest & the first ''star'' around sunset.
However I don't get how someone could confuse it for a moving object within Earth's atmosphere.
Well,it shimmered across the horizon for about 12 seconds and was observed by myself and dad as a metallic object for about 20 degrees of the said horizon.
Ive seen venus many times in my life and never seen it do this.
It's quite simple,there was no mistake or imagination of what it did.
That's what it "did" and has been mentioned many times by many so called experts,I think a lot of people have {like myself at the time}never experienced this and find it hard to believe it's Venus.
I know Venus is visible to the naked eye and appears as the brightest & the first ''star'' around sunset.
However I don't get how someone could confuse it for a moving object within Earth's atmosphere.
Pretty easily if they are in a moving car and it's near terrain.. It is probably close to THE most common misidentified object as a UFO, very bright (heck it occasionally can be seen during the day) and can look quite 'unusual' in certain atmospheric conditions rising and setting on the horizon also often quite close to the sun obviously being between that and Earth.
About 20 years ago I saw what I guess was probably a satellite or something else man made.
It was a dark orange thing that zoomed very quickly and silently across the sky in a straight line.

I was impossible to tell how high it was. If it was low, it was definitely silent, and if it was high, then it was moving at an amazing speed, going by how quickly it went passed.
The satellites I've seen can on occasion be pretty bright, brighter than say Jupiter but they don't tend to move overly quickly and never orange. Maybe a meteor or something?
Yes- I wrote about this in the "your own experience" thread.

2004. Geradlton WA.

My mother's friend lived about 10km out of town. She would come over most arvos for coffee and drive home at approx. 6-7pm as the sun was setting. She told us that for the past few days these strange lights had been following her car as she drove home- although we didn't really pay much attention to her story.

One evening just as it had gone dark, she was saying her goodbyes and about to leave when she looked up in the sky and saw the lights she was referring to earlier. We all looked up and there were 4 large orange lights, approximately 2-3 times as large as the biggest star and were solid without blinking. They were moving across the sky in a North Westerly direction, all in formation but moving around independently.

I got a very, very strange feeling. Like something wasn't right- like they didn't "belong". One of the orange lights seemed to fall (it could have been my perspective, it may have been moving off in another direction) and then it disappeared completely. The rest of these lights continued on their way, still moving around but in a loose formation, until we could no longer see them.

There was a news article in the local paper a few days later, as there were many sightings over the course of a week.

I did some research and apparently these orange lights are a very common type of UFO sighting. What they were? I have no idea... They did give off a strange feeling though.
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Yes- I wrote about this in the "your own experience" thread.

2004. Geradlton WA.

My mother's friend lived about 10km out of town. She would come over most arvos for coffee and drive home at approx. 6-7pm as the sun was setting. She told us that for the past few days these strange lights had been following her car as she drove home- although we didn't really pay much attention to her story.

One evening just as it had gone dark, she was saying her goodbyes and about to leave when she looked up in the sky and saw the lights she was referring to earlier. We all looked up and there were 4 large orange lights, approximately 2-3 times as large as the biggest star and were solid without blinking. They were moving across the sky in a North Westerly direction, all in formation but moving around independently.

I got a very, very strange feeling. Like something wasn't right- like they didn't "belong". One of the orange lights seemed to fall (it could have been my perspective, it may have been moving off in another direction) and then it disappeared completely. The rest of these lights continued on their way, still moving around but in a loose formation, until we could no longer see them.

There was a news article in the local paper a few days later, as there were many sightings over the course of a week.

I did some research and apparently these orange lights are a very common type of UFO sighting. What they were? I have no idea... They did give off a strange feeling though.

That could just be military of course.

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The skies are so boring around here, never anything unusual :(
I wish there was some way to just to just trip and knock out all the street lighting when I want to, even in a small town light pollution from them is quite annoying when you are trying to monitor the night sky. When I can be bothered just driving a couple of kms out into the bush especially if there is no moon up you get a far better view of the stars, even just the Milky Way looks magnificent on a clear night.
The skies are so boring around here, never anything unusual :(
The aliens might know that you are on to them, so they are probably keeping their distance ;)

For once I did actually notice something perhaps a little unusual in the sky tonight. Near the star Procyon, seen a light perhaps about as bright as Jupiter flash on and off 3 times with about around maybe roughly a 10 second break in between. There were high level clouds in the area so I assume it was just a bright satellite ducking in and out behind them. Jupiter not far to the east was coming in and out of view, but that was fading in and out, this on the other almost flashed instantaneously from view.
The aliens might know that you are on to them, so they are probably keeping their distance ;)

For once I did actually notice something perhaps a little unusual in the sky tonight. Near the star Procyon, seen a light perhaps about as bright as Jupiter flash on and off 3 times with about around maybe roughly a 10 second break in between. There were high level clouds in the area so I assume it was just a bright satellite ducking in and out behind them. Jupiter not far to the east was coming in and out of view, but that was fading in and out, this on the other almost flashed instantaneously from view.

If the Aliens are indeed here at the moment, perhaps based on the moon...
They would be more than capable of concealing themselves to us common folk. ;)

Interesting sighting, are satellites in space usually visible to the naked eye?
Because a few weeks ago when I got home from work, it was a clear night and I started looking at the stars.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw blinking lights near some stars
At first I thought maybe an airliner but it was way to late at night for that.
If the Aliens are indeed here at the moment, perhaps based on the moon...
They would be more than capable of concealing themselves to us common folk. ;)

Interesting sighting, are satellites in space usually visible to the naked eye?
Because a few weeks ago when I got home from work, it was a clear night and I started looking at the stars.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw blinking lights near some stars
At first I thought maybe an airliner but it was way to late at night for that.
That sounds like an aircraft a long way in the distance.

Satellites/space junk tends to be either about as bright as a faintish star and track fairly slowly across the sky, often almost have to look twice to notice it's something actually moving. Or up to about as bright as a planet like Jupiter and usually (at least appear to) move faster but then fade out pretty quickly. I knew someone that reckoned they had never ever noticed one :confused: They must seriously never tilt their head upwards.. On a really good night I've probably spotted up to 10 flying around in half an hour.

The International Space Station is supposed to be the brightest thing up there, iirc mainly due to the sun reflecting off the solar panels but I don't think I've ever seen it.
About 20 years ago I saw what I guess was probably a satellite or something else man made.
It was a dark orange thing that zoomed very quickly and silently across the sky in a straight line.

I was impossible to tell how high it was. If it was low, it was definitely silent, and if it was high, then it was moving at an amazing speed, going by how quickly it went passed.

i saw something similar, but i didn't actually see a craft, just a flash of green light travelling in a straight line. the streak of light flashed right across the sky, but all in a split second. i saw it in my peripheral vision but as soon as i looked up to see what it was it was gone.

it could have been some sort of natural phenomena, but i have no way to explain what it was. that happened about 10 years ago.

also, about 25 years ago. i was driving home with my family and we saw 3 saucer shaped discs in he sky rotating in some sort of formation. they were hovering in the sky for several minutes. i recall everyone being amazed by them and watching out the car window wondering what they were. at the time i wasnt sure if they were ufos, or if they were 3 powerful light beams pointed to the sky. only there were no beams, just the saucer shaped part at the end.

those are mine
from what ive seen, satellites track slowly across the sky and travel in an elliptical shape. they're not as bright as stars, ive only ever seen them when i travelled out of the city where the lights don't obscure the view of the sky
I have seen a small orange light the size and brightness of a star dance around zig zagging and performing loops before moving upwards seemingly pretty quickly. I also saw what appeared to be a satellite moving South to North turn at right angles and continue moving East to West something I cannot explain.

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Alien/UFO Has anyone else on here seen a UFO?

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